CAS Experiences at ISKL


High School Co-Curricular Activities

ISKL offers a great variety of co-curricular activities that are appropriate for CAS. 

Read through this document titled 'ISKL Co-Curricular Activities by CAS Strands 2023-24'. 

You can also click here to see the list of all HS activities and their faculty/ staff supervisor information.

ISKL CAS Experiences by CAS Strands 2023-24

Global Action Programme (GAP)

Participating in GAP trips for students in grades 9 - 11 became a graduation requirement at ISKL.

See the GAP website for more information. 

Under the normal circumstances, students travel to different destinations within Malaysia or to nearby countries to learn about different ways of living in a variety of geographical areas and socio-cultural contexts. These trips challenge students to discover unfamiliar territories and provide experiences that can be real eye-openers. Outdoor activities and service are the main elements of these trips, having students naturally engage with the CAS learning outcomes of collaboration, undertaking new challenges, engaging with issues of global significance, and ethics of choices and actions.

In the school year 2020-21, GAP trips had to be cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some online GAP Academy sessions were offered to interested students by some of our trip providers. 

CAS Experience 'Commitment Periods'

'Learning by doing' is at the heart of CAS. The CAS experience can lead to many benefits for students' social life and personal growth, making new friends, developing new skills, becoming more aware of the world around them, and so forth. 

The benefits can only be seen and felt over a period of time. Regular attendance and active participation are essential for gaining perspectives and understanding of how things work, and how people interact in real life. This is also important to demonstrate your accountability, especially if you are a student leader or working with younger students.

Therefore, students should engage with their chosen co-curricular activities for CAS during a period of commitment. This depends on the nature of the co-curricular activity and how it is structured. It usually falls into one of the following durations: one season, one semester, or one school year.

Seasons for HS Athletics and Community Partnership Clubs:

Semesters for Non-IB Elective Courses:

One School Year for Other HS Clubs:

Cross-Divisional Commitment Periods:

Continuous Learning (Online)

During the school year 2020-21, ISKL had to switch back and forth from face-to-face school days on campus to the online 'Continuous Learning' (CL) mode at different times due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

With the current pandemic situation, this is likely to continue in the school year 2021-22.

Therefore, students need to be prepared for the online mode of co-curricular activities and CAS experiences.