Non-ISKL CAS Experiences


  • If the opportunities to further your interests and passion are not available at ISKL, you can pursue them outside of the school community.

  • The CAS Team has limitations on how much they can learn about off-campus opportunities. In order to ensure safety and quality of CAS experiences for our students, we ask that two forms be completed by the non-ISKL instructors.

  • Students need to ensure that their parents/ guardians are well-informed about their off-campus engagement with CAS.

Non-ISKL CAS Experiences

CAS Experiences Off-Campus

Students can explore a range of opportunities off-campus for CAS. As most students in the Diploma Programme are under 18 years of age, they need to consult their families regarding their choices for personal safety and appropriateness of the nature of the activity.

Non-ISKL CAS experiences will usually be undertaken with adult instructors/ mentors/ coaches, and others. Ideally, they should be adults who are qualified in their practice and trustworthy.

The CAS Team asks that all non-ISKL CAS experience supervisors complete the CAS Experience Advance Permission Form at the start of the students' commitment period, to be electronically or otherwise submitted. At the end of the commitment period that is mutually agreed by the student and the non-ISKL CAS supervisor, the latter will need to complete a brief supervisor review on the CAS Experience Verification Form, to be submitted to the CAS Team. The main purpose here is to verify attendance for regular attendance and meaningful participation.

Students will need to create their non-ISKL CAS experience entries in their CAS worksheet on ManageBac in the same manner as their school-based CAS experience entries. In order for the non-ISKL CAS experience entries to be approved for CAS by the CAS Team, the CAS Experience Advance Permission Form signed by the non-ISKL instructor must be submitted to the CAS Team.

In order for the non-ISKL CAS experience entries to be marked as completed, students will need to upload the following to the Reflections and Evidence tab of their entries on ManageBac:

  • At least one photo or a short video clip of themselves in action with their non-ISKL instructors or at the venue of their non-ISKL CAS experience

  • Reflections to discuss how they have been worked on achieving their goals and the relevant CAS learning outcomes

  • Supervisor's review via email or on the CAS Experience Verification Form.

Other supporting documents can also be uploaded, such as the certificate of completion/ achievement/ appreciation, websites with a programme description/ mission statement, etc. These will surely make the experiences something that the students can be proud of and cherish in the years to come!