Welcome to CAS!

CAS is a series of real-life experiences that are shaped through collaboration towards common goals and vision.

If you are an IB Diploma Student:

  • This is your CAS Handbook. It has all the current and updated information pertaining to CAS in the IB Diploma Programme.

  • CAS is much like a self-taught course. Please study the contents of this website carefully to obtain the correct information on how to do CAS and complete it appropriately.

  • If you have any questions, please contact the CAS Coordinator (see the 'CAS Team' at the bottom of this page).

If you are a CAS Experience/ Project Supervisor or a CAS Parent/ Stakeholder:

  • This website is also for you -- CAS supervisors, parents/ guardians, and other CAS stakeholders in the ISKL community.

  • Your support and guidance are invaluable to our students to advocate for their cause, passion, and exercise their agency.

  • CAS can provide meaningful experiential learning experiences when all CAS stakeholders understand the vision and benefits of the programme for personal development and growth.

*The contents of this website are taken from the CAS guide for students graduating in May 2017 and after, Geneva: IBO, March 2015 and CAS Teacher Support Material by the IBO, and adapted to suit the particular learning contexts of ISKL.

What is CAS?

CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, Service.

It is at the heart of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a personal journey of self-discovery and identity development through experiential learning guided by the CAS stages. CAS is unique; it is the only Diploma Core element that does not have grades and bonus points. It complements the academic learning by experiential learning, offering students opportunities to explore their interests, skills and talents and discovering new ones.

CAS begins at the start of your IB Diploma Programme. It facilitates the journey of self-discovery and personal development through reciprocal collaboration and engagement with people and the environment through issues of global importance and their ethical implications. CAS offers life-changing experiences and insights to young adults through healthy and enjoyable challenges that also lead to the acquisition of the 21st century skills.

The CAS Team

CAS Coordinator and CAS Advisor: Our primary goal is to guide you through your CAS journey. This is best done by getting to know you in person. Our job with students consists mainly of... (read more)

  • Instructing the CAS essentials to all IB Diploma students through the required group meetings and individual student interviews to ensure that they understand their responsibilities in meeting the CAS requirements, so that they can complete CAS appropriately, in a timely manner.

  • Consulting students individually or in groups regarding their questions and ideas about their CAS experiences and CAS projects, both in person and via electronic communication. This includes approving the CAS projects and non-ISKL CAS experiences/ initiatives within the IB guidelines.

  • Providing regular and timely feedback, both formally (semester reports) and informally on students' CAS engagement and progress.

  • Supporting students by providing additional learning material and time management structures in the IB Diploma calendar at ISKL, as well as some intervention, also with the relevant High School colleagues as needed, for them to be able to do and complete CAS to the best of their abilities, under the normal and in particular circumstances.

  • Checking that all CAS requirements are met by the IB Diploma students and officially endorsing their CAS completion for their IB Diploma eligibility.

As CAS is based on your individual interests and passion, it helps us greatly to discuss your ideas and questions in person, so that we can support your pursuits in the best way possible. CAS does not have any scheduled class time, so please do not hesitate to contact us via email to ask any questions or set up a time to meet. You can also stop by our office. This is important, especially when your plans do not go as you had envisioned or you are uncertain about trying something beyond your usual comfort zone, etc.

All the best and looking forward to embarking on the CAS journey together!

CAS Coordinator Email: cwilms@iskl.edu.my CAS Advisor Email: jzulkifly@iskl.edu.my

Where is the CAS Office?

The HS Service and Sustainability/ CAS Office is located on the ground floor by the HS entrance, next to the Pretz and Beanz coffee shop.


The design of this CAS website was developed by four students in the Class of 2021:

  • Mohammed Aiyat

  • Dayyan Jamal Sharifuddin

  • JungHyun Kwon

  • Yida Li

Their ideas were guided and supported by Ms. Frances Frazer, Director of Communications in the Advancement Department.

The students considered ways to make this site more user-friendly for students and used their technology and other expertise to incorporate features to this end. The CAS Team greatly appreciates this form of learning partnership, in its own journey to promote the 'paw-sitivities' in the programme to invite and guide each student to embark on a meaningful and insightful CAS journey.