CAS During the COVID-19 Pandemic

CAS Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Both on and off-campus opportunities had to be put on hold since the COVID-19 pandemic worsened in March 2020 that necessitated the Movement Control Order (MCO), also known as 'lockdowns'.

Since then, students have been given opportunities to explore what they can do at home. There have been some changes in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), so depending on the daily infection rate, students can also do individual CAS experiences in their immediate neighbourhoods. Please always check the SOPs announced by the Malaysian Government.

Any CAS experiences undertaken during these COVID-19 pandemic times can be unsupervised. Students still need to set some achievable goals within a reasonable period of commitment. Please consult the CAS Team for more information.

*Direct Service Adjustments for 2020 Until Further Notice: Under the normal circumstances, all students must commit to at least one HS Community Partnership season's worth of work with people who live beyond the ISKL community under different circumstances (e.g. physically and politically disadvantaged people, etc.). However, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, it has not been possible for our students to interact with people both on and off-campus. Therefore, 'Direct Service' will include what students can do at home and online video call interactions.

How to Do CAS at Home during the COVID-19 Movement Control Order