

2022/05/09 (新增連結 & 調整內容)



  • What are personas and why should I care? (1:52) NN group

  • Creating Personas Is Like Sorting Rocks (3:59) NN group

  • How To Create User Personas (5:57)

  • Bringing Personas to Agile (2:50) NN group

  • The core of personas

    • Two WHYs:

      • Why are personas important for product design?

      • Why are personas so powerful as empathy tools to guide design solutions?

    • The concept of modeling

    • Personas as a method of modeling

      • A modeling of user profiles.

      • Personas can be considered models because they represent relevant aspects of human behavior patterns that matters to the product interaction.

    • Answering the “second why” about personas

      • By using well-built personas it’s possible to quickly validate design propositions.

    • The danger of misconceived personas

      • Provisional personas are not built upon real data gathered by observing users behaviors in the context of using the product, so we simply cannot allege that they can provide trustworthy analysis to measure the chances of success of design ideas.

  • Introduction to user personas

    • What is a user persona?

    • Benefits of user personas

    • How to build a user persona?

      • Personas are used to introduce a user perspective and are built upon a wide selection of user-centered methods, such as interviews, empathy maps, ethnographic observation, participatory design sessions, shadowing, stakeholder maps, storytelling sessions and quantitative facts.

    • Step-by-step guides for creating user personas

    • Typical elements of a user persona

    • How to use personas?

    • Be careful! – Criticism of user personas

  • 大學生的 UI 設計選修課(6)人物誌

  • Persona人物誌攻略!套入9個問題抓出目標消費者

    • 基本背景(Background)

    • 人口統計分類(Demographics)

    • 身份標識(Identifiers)

    • 目標(Goals)

    • 碰到什麼挑戰(Challenges)

    • 你能提供什麼幫助(How we help)

    • 最常見的疑慮(Common Objections)

    • 真實的引言(Real Quotes)

    • 具代表性的大頭照(Portrait Image)

  • 瞭解客戶的Persona,內容行銷策略的關鍵第一步

    • Who

    • What

    • Why

    • How

  • Persona怎麼用?專案中Persona的5個應用時機

    • 用於啟動專案

    • 用於總結用研結果

    • 用於梳理專案的迭代脈絡

    • 用於規劃用戶歷程

    • 用於協作,避免理解出入

  • Guide to creating user personas

  • A step-by-step guide to agnostic UX personas — free downloadable

    • Step 1: User Research

    • Step 2: Define your personas

    • Step 3: Craft your personas

    • Step 4: Empathize with your personas

  • The ultimate guide to creating personas and how to use them to enhance your business

    • What is persona in UX?

    • Parts of personas

      • Photo

      • Name

      • Skills

      • Description

      • Goals

      • Problems

    • How do we create personas?

      • Collect data about the users’ motivations, expectations, difficulties, tasks, and goals from the users themselves.

      • Harmonize the collected data by exploring patterns of behaviors, universal and specific needs as well as user goals.

      • Build a description of each of our user archetypes by creating an actual person with a face, thoughts, fears and background stories. This is important because we can gain more empathy by thinking of them as real humans with real problems.

    • How do personas look like at the end?

    • How do personas fit into a design process?

    • What is the use of personas?

      • Personas and empathy maps

        • An empathy map is similar to a persona in the sense that it is also used as a guiding light throughout the design process.

      • Personas and mental models

        • With the help of mental models methodology, we are attempting to discover users’ mental representations about a given segment of reality.

      • Personas and user journeys

        • With experience maps, we can pinpoint the situations where the system’s relationship with the user gets critical. Identifying problematic situations helps us to find solutions for these potential obstacles.

  • Personas Make Users Memorable for Product Team Members

    • Common pieces of information to include are:

      • Name, age, gender, and a photo

      • Tag line describing what they do in “real life”; avoid getting too witty, as doing so may taint the persona as being too fun and not a useful tool

      • Experience level in the area of your product or service

      • Context for how they would interact with your product: Through choice or required by their job? How often would they use it? Do they typically use a desktop computer to access it, or their phone or other device?

      • Goals and concerns when they perform relevant tasks: speed, accuracy, thoroughness, or any other needs that may factor into their usage

      • Quotes to sum up the persona’s attitude

  • 5 Types of E-commerce Shoppers (3:37) NN group

  • Stop user discrimination! Start using personas!: theoretical thoughts about personalization UX with examples, personas use attempt, data analysis and half tablespoon of humor.

  • You Need to Understand Your Customer’s Mental Model

    • The goal of the customer: what does she want to achieve;

    • Knowledge, cultural and intellectual background: what does she know, what technology she is used to working with;

    • The context of the customer when making use of our product or service.

  • Interaction personas: why, what, and how: Understanding the physical, environmental, emotional and mental state of the user at the moment of the interaction.

    • Interactions personas help to understand and empathise with the user’s mental state and understand the context in which the user interacts with a product or a service.

    • What makes it different from personas and empathy maps?

      • Interaction personas focus instead on the touchpoints and the user’s mental state and context in these specific moments, pinpointing crucial elements that could help improving the product.

    • A brief look at behavioural theories

    • How to use interaction personas.

  • Understand your users with the help of personas

  • How to create a user persona—Free template to help you get started

    • Step 0: Create a hypothetical user persona

    • Step 1: Determine who your users are

    • Step 2: Conduct user interviews with 5–8 people

    • Step 3: Analyze research notes

    • Step 4: Create a persona


  • UI/UX Design: The Problem with Personas

    • Persona with Jobs to be done

  • Why Personas Fail (3:44) NN group

  • Why are NPS and personas so enduring despite their flaws?

    • Net Promoter Score (NPS)

      • NPS, while popular and easy to implement, falls short on its own. It fails to provide reasoning for the “why” behind its rating, making it hard to act on and drive change.

    • Persona

      • Personas decontextualize people, assume they’re static, and fail to consider the impact of people’s environments and contexts. Weaving together personas, user journeys, and jobs to be done (JTBD) can create a more nuanced and realistic picture of behavior.

  • Stop obsessing over user personas

    • Instead of wasting your time on the above, focus on the information that actually matters and plays a role in the design decision;

      • Insight into user goals and priorities

      • Details about their tasks that frustrate them

      • Details about their tasks that delight them

    • There are also other alternative models out there, which allows you to communicate your research and define your audience in a better way.

      • Empathy Map

      • Archetype

      • Spectrum

      • Customer Journey

      • Mental Model

    • It’s important to remember that your personas should always:

      • Be based on actual research, not made up info

      • Represent user goals and pain points, not demographic profiles

      • Contain insights that are context-specific and task-oriented


  • Building strategic meaning: personas or archetypes?: What is the better way to motivate the team to deliver an outstanding experience to customers? One or the other? Or maybe a combination?

    • Introspection versus outrospection

    • Simplification versus richness

    • Strategy versus tactics

    • Metrics

  • Persona vs. Archetype: Which Is Better For Design Brainstorming?

    • Archetypes are found in the characters of old literature and the heroes of popular myths. Aligning product brands or designs with an archetype can help attract users for the product or the brand. Unlike the persona, the archetype focuses directly on user behavior and how the consumer interacts with the product or website based on the archetype used in the product.

  • Your archetype is NOT your persona.

  • Archetypes not Personas

    • Archetypes are modeled around a behavioral perspective. Examples of an archetypes could be a leisure browser, photography centric, task centric, or identity centric models. Using archetypes gives us a better view of behavior in interaction design.

  • Personas, Archetypes, and Segments