User Journey Map

User (customer) journey map

2022/03/18 (增加投影片)
2022/03/21 (新增連結)
2022/07/30 (新增連結)



  • Empathy Map

  • Customer Journey Map

  • Service Blueprint

  • Customer Journey Mapping 101 (2:17) NN group

  • The 5 Steps to Customer Journey Mapping (2:41) NN group

  • 5 Steps for Effective Diary Studies in Customer Journey Research (2:56) NN group

  • Designing for Friction and Flow in Customer Journeys (3:08) NN group

  • Journey Mapping: 2 Decisions to Make Before You Begin (3:07) NN group

  • How to Conduct Research for Customer Journey Mapping (3:37) NN group

  • CX vs UX (3:42) NN group

  • 第一次畫使用者旅程圖 User Journey Map 就上手

    • 使用者旅程圖,通常包含下面幾個部分:

      • 服務接觸點(Touch Point) :旅程中的重要關鍵時刻 MOT(Moments of Truth)是什麼?

      • 時間點 / 旅程階段(Stage):整個旅程進行的順序?可分為哪些階段?

      • 痛點 / 甜蜜點(Think Purpose):旅程中的互動,對什麼感到不足或是感到滿足?

      • 情緒(Emotional Journey):在旅程中的每一個階段,所產生的情緒變化?

    • 製作「使用者旅程圖」的步驟如下:

      • 定義使用者:明確定義出這張使用者旅程圖是什麼樣的使用者。

      • 定義情境任務:在旅程過程中,會有哪些不同的事件發生?

      • 使用者與接觸點的互動行為:不同情境下的事件,有那些是接觸點,其順序為何?

      • 使用者的想法:使用者在每個行為背後所產生的想法是什麼,有哪些痛點與甜蜜點?

      • 使用者的心情:使用者在每個行為過程中,情緒會怎麼起伏?

    • 4D 轉譯工具:

      • 先透過「同理心地圖」(Empathy Map),同理使用者,從他們的角度出發進行研究。

      • 再產出「人物誌」(Persona),創造一個擬真的人物樣貌。

      • 接著才會進行「使用者旅程圖」(User Journey Map),找出互動過程中的真實情緒,感知,與不滿的痛點。

      • 最後進到「利害關係人圖」(Stakeholders Map),徹底掌握組織的組成架構。

  • 大學生的 UI 設計選修課(7)使用者旅程圖

    • 過程

      • 了解使用者。

      • 使用者的背景故事。

      • 使用者的想法感受

      • 痛點在哪?

      • 繪製情緒線

  • The beginner’s guide to creating a customer journey map

    • The six must-have parts of a customer journey map

      • A customer persona

      • Phases of the Purchase Journey

      • Touchpoints

      • Customer Thoughts and Actions (Verbatim)

      • Pain Points (what’s stopping our customers)

      • The customer’s emotional journey

      • Opportunities for Improvement

      • Moments of Truth

    • 5 guiding principals for creating your journey map

      • They’re written from the customer’s point of view, not the company’s.

      • They combine the mechanics of experience with the customer’s emotional response.

      • They document the customer’s omnichannel journey.

      • They are visualization tools.

      • They define and capture the phases of the customer purchase journey.

  • Customer Journey Map Component For Product Management

  • How To Create User Journeys

  • How to Create an Effective Customer Journey Map

    • Why Is a Customer Journey Map Important?

      • You can refocus your company with an inbound perspective.

      • You can create a new target customer base.

      • You can create a customer-focused mentality throughout the company.

    • How to Create a Customer Journey Map

      • Set clear objectives for the map.

      • Profile your personas and define their goals.

      • List out all the touchpoints.

      • Identify the elements you want your map to show.

        • Four types of customer journey maps

          • Current State

          • Day in the Life

          • Future State

          • Service Blueprint

      • Take the customer journey yourself.

      • Make necessary changes.

  • Journey Mapping 101

    • Most journey maps follow a similar format:

      • at the top, a specific user, a specific scenario, and corresponding expectations or goals

      • in the middle, high-level phases that are comprised of user actions, thoughts, and emotions;

      • at the bottom, the takeaways: opportunities, insights, and internal ownership.

    • Key Components of a Journey Map

      • Actor

      • Senario + Expectations

      • Journey Phases

      • Actions, Mindsets, and Emotions

      • Opportunities

  • What is customer journey mapping and why is it important?

    • What is customer journey mapping?

    • Why is customer experience so important?

    • Why is customer journey mapping so important?

    • The benefits of customer journey mapping

    • How to begin the customer journey mapping process

  • The 5 Steps of Successful Customer Journey Mapping

    • Effective customer journey mapping follows five key high-level steps:

      • Aspiration and allies: Building a core cross disciplinary team and defining the scope of the mapping initiative

      • Internal investigation: Gathering existing customer data and research that exists throughout the organization

      • Assumption formulation: Formulating a hypothesis of the current state of the journey and planning additional customer research

      • External research: Collecting new user data to validate (or invalidate) the hypothesis journey map

      • Narrative visualization: Combining existing insights and new research to create a visual narrative that depicts the customer journey in a sound way

  • Journey Mapping in Real Life: A Survey of UX Practitioners

    • Q1: Which Elements Do You Typically Include in Journey Maps?

      • Personas and scenarios (elements of Zone A: The Lens ) and customer actions, thoughts, and feelings (elements of Zone B: The Experience ) are commonplace within customer-journey maps.

      • Recommendations, metrics, and ownership are most infrequently included within customer journey maps.

    • Q2: What Is Frustrating About Journey Mapping?

      • Understanding process and scope (52%)

      • Obtaining data to represent reality (15%)

      • Obtaining buy-in from others (15%)

    • Q3: What Is Beneficial About Journey Mapping?

      • Creates common goals and vision (32%)

      • Uncovers hidden truths (24%)

      • Facilitates collaboration (18%)

      • Enables customer-centric focus (18%)

      • Creates personal connection (12%)

    • Q4: When Does Journey Mapping Fail?

      • When there’s no focus (36%)

      • When it’s not based in reality (25%)

      • When it’s not shared or used (21%)

      • When there’s no trust or buy-in (11%)

    • Q5: When Does Journey Mapping Succeed?

      • When it’s collaborative and shared (37%)

      • When it leads to action (27%)

      • When it’s focused (13%)

      • When it produces results (13%)

  • Touchpoints: Industrial design-Interaction design and UX

  • Journey-mapping pain points & success moments

  • Creating a customer journey map

  • 3 aspects of the customer journey you better consider well

    • The voice of Customer

    • The voice of Employee

    • Future-state customer journey mapping

  • Mapping content to the user journey: a practical example

  • A guide to emotional journey mapping : A UX Research technique that will help you analyse how the user perception changes throughout a service experience.

    • An emotional journey map associates an indication of the emotional status of the user at each stage of the experience. The emotion can be represented by a graph from moments of frustration to delight, or by adding emojis and pictograms to the specific steps of the journey.

  • It’s Time to Stop Ignoring the User Journey!

  • UX tools can help you write better Features and User Stories

    • Transactions

    • Customer Journey Map

    • During the backlog refinement, the Scrum team is responsible for splitting up the Feature into more granular items: User Stories. In this want vs can approach a User Story is never a macro-transaction nor a micro-transaction. It will always be situated somewhere between the extremes on the scale.

    • There’s one significant rule of thumb I try to apply when I receive a question from the business:

      • Is this something the user wants to do, or is it something the user can do to assist him in his goal?

      • If it’s something the user wants to do, it’s a Feature, and it should be on your Customer Journey Map.

      • If it’s something the user can do to achieve a goal (defined in a macro-transaction or Feature), it’s a User Story. Every “can” you add to a Feature enhances the Feature.

  • Our hero: Storymapping the user’s journey

  • Creating more effective journey maps

  • Try peak-end rule on user journey map

  • What is a Product Journey Map and How to Build One?

User Flow