

2022/05/23 (增加連結)


從設計的觀點來看,有幾個重要的概念,首先是設計思維(Design Thinking),設計思維是個強調同理心(Empathy)、構想(Ideation)及透過設計雛型進行測試(Testing)的設計流程。在設計的概念上從抽象的設計原則(Design Principles),將設計原則歸納出一些常見並可落實的設計樣式(Design Patterns)到最後形成完整的設計系統 (Design Systems)。

  • 21st Century Design (6:00) by Don Norman (繁體中文字幕)

    • Service Design

    • Complex Social Technical System

  • Design [_____]?

    • Design Thinking

      • Design Thinking is a process that any team can use to come up with innovations for their business, product, or process.

    • Design Goals, Design Principles, and Design Heuristics

      • Design Goals

        • Design Goals are statements a team makes about the quality of experience they would like a product to attain.

      • Design Principles

        • Design Principles are words or statements that set direction. Like design goals, they point to an expected result, but there isn’t an expectation of being reached. They are directionally correct but may never be reached.

      • Design Heuristics

        • Design heuristics are strategies or “rules of thumb.”

        • Often design heuristics are statements used to specify how to accomplish design principles or design goals

    • Design Language, Design Patterns, and Design System

      • Design Language

        • A Design Language is a set of precepts or general rules — usually formed out of Design Principles and characterized by Design Heuristics — that describe how you make decisions when designing a system.

      • Design Patterns

        • Design patterns transitioned the idea of architectural patterns into the user experience design space.

      • Design System

        • A Design System is the constructs or code that embodies a design language and its design patterns.

    • Design Execution

      • Design Execution is the activities the design team takes to make sure a quality product reaches its audience.

  • Design Centric Business

    • But what does design or design thinking mean to a business?

    • ‘Design centric’, not ‘design led’

    • The challenge and the challengers

  • The business impact of design in 2021 — stats included

  • 20 levers for communicating the business impact of Design

  • Design for systems, not users: The unintended consequences of user-centered design

  • The Guide to Design (Our industry needs more designers. Most importantly: a different type of designer. )

    • Why design? Why now?

    • Industry overview

    • Design with capital D

    • Purpose & community

    • The architecture of information

    • Talking to users

    • Balancing form and function

    • The job of a designer

    • The road ahead

  • Academic articles every designer should read

  • The Business of Design : How to articulate the value of our work

  • What is Your Design Philosophy?

    • There is art in design, but design is not art

    • Design must be rooted in reality

    • Design is never perfect

    • Design is a set of tools, not a standardized process

    • Design communicates obvious function

    • Design should delight

Design Process

Design Principles


Delight / Emotion

Design Patterns

Design Hub

Design Sprint

Graphic Design

  • The Role of Wit in Graphic Design

    • How do we improve in the ability to inject wit in our work?

      • Think of the audience as your friends

      • Don’t be too serious about your work

      • Be playful and experiment

      • Enjoy what you are doing

      • Read a lot — quality magazines and books are filled with witty statements

      • Immerse yourself in graphic design culture — books, magazines, museums

      • Work at a design agency that creates great work

Open Design

  • Open Doodles: Embracing Open Design as a way to learn and grow together.

    • Why Open?

    • Starting as a Thief

    • Hire Illustrators

    • Other Open Source Illustrations

Case Study


  • The Flip-to-Action method

    • Flip-to-Action method consists of a problem reframing exercise (flip method) and a solution sketching exercise (Action Canvas).

    • How to use the Flip Canvas

      • Step 1: Pick a problem, pain or friction

      • Step 2: Define the reasons for the problem

      • Step 3: Flip it!

      • Step 4: Turn the flip into a How Might We question

    • How to use the Action Canvas

      • Step 5: Pick a HMW from the Flip Canvas & write it on a new Action Canvas™

      • Step 6: Write the Solution pitch

      • Step 7: Describe who this provides value for and how

      • Step 8: Draw & describe what the solution does and how

      • Step 9: How might this come to life?

      • Step 10: Cost & time

      • Step 11: Next step

  • Design Strategy for APIs

  • Moving Design Decisions From Ego-Centered to User-Centered

  • Start designing with goals in mind

  • The Business of Design

    • The basis of design practice

    • The business value of design

    • How design affects the economy

    • Showcasing design value

    • The humane value of design

  • Content

    • Content Design is about more than content

    • Content: the design system element you forgot: Design and content are interdependent. For a design system that genuinely scales, integrate content.

    • Lorem Ipsum will destroy your design : And why designers can do with flexing their content muscles a bit.

      • Lorem Ipsum is not ideal for high-fidelity prototypes

      • It makes thoughtful feedback harder to reach

      • The layout space suitable for Lorem Ipsum may not accommodate real content

      • The earlier you define a general framework for content, the more relevant the design will become

      • It is challenging to backtrack on content late into the design journey

      • It’s always better to put in content early for the main titles

  • Attention and intention: divided attention theory in interface design

  • “What the hell is design documentation?”

  • Designing for tech you don’t get.: Learning, communicating and creating an impact in a technically challenging space.

    • Why should designers be involved?

    • Build domain knowledge.

    • Communicate effectively

    • Design your development process

    • Have daily or weekly syncs

    • Learn to confront conflict

    • Build consensus with workshops

    • Advocate for design in a skeptical or uninformed environment

    • Lastly, be observant.

  • How Good Interface Design Can Make Your Teams More Productive

    • Factors that increase friction

    • The impact of efficient design

    • Creating seamless workflow processes

  • How a device-agnostic approach could improve your design

    • How would it work on the most basic device?

    • How could it be built efficiently?

    • How would the experience translate across devices?

  • Designing for Invisible Experiences

    • When designing for this problem, it’s important to keep in mind the following:

      • Build trust with the user.

      • Ensure the user is in control during the shopping experience

      • Make the messaging consistent. For example, in case of a refund, the merchant should communicate the precise processing time effectively and ensure the timeline is met.

      • Make the experience simple and flexible. The user should be able to select any payment method easily.

  • The 3 levels of invisible design

    • Aesthetic invisibility

      • An intuitive, self-documented interface

    • Interactive invisibility

      • Voice is the new keyboard

    • Product invisibility

      • Anticipatory design

  • The principles of sensory design

    • Learn About the Senses

    • Include the Senses in Research

    • Investigate the Relationships Between Senses

    • Target Specific Senses

    • Trigger Synesthetic Experiences

    • Discover the Sensory Implications of Design Elements

    • Impose Hypothetical Sensory Constraints

    • Avoid Sensory Overload

    • Include Senses in Product Strategy
