Design Thinking

Design Thinking

2022/06/17 (新增連結)


Design Thinking流程

不同的學者、機構對Design Thinking的流程、步驟有不同的看法,但是,都大同小異


  • Comprehensive Anatomy of All ‘Design Thinking’ Workshops **

    • Foundational activities

      • Post-up

      • Affinity sorting

      • Landscape mapping

      • Storyboarding

      • Dot voting

      • Forced ranking

      • Role-play

      • Playback

    • Activity variables

    • Work with information

      • Diverge

      • Converge

      • Double diamond

    • Canvas anatomy

      • Content blocks

      • Content rules

      • Structure and relationships

      • Order of filling out


  • Lessons In Applying Design Thinking

    • Step Into Your Users’ Shoes

    • There’s No Such Thing As Bad Ideas

    • Create Something Ugly

    • Tell User Stories That Sell

  • From Design Thinking to Design Behaving

    • It’s remarkable that the Double Diamond(DD) has recently been re-formulated by Design Council itself, to enrich and broaden it into what they call Framework for Innovation.

      • The first major change is about the “linearity” of the process — the path from a challenge to an outcome must be iterative, i.e. it should naturally “flow” back and forth between different “phases” — we must be able to continuously revisit and reframe the challenge, based on the outcomes we obtain.

      • The second major change is the strong focus on a broader stakeholder concept, to ensure the highest people engagement in the process.

      • The third major change is about putting an accent on Leadership, often expressed in terms of endorsement and support of the challenge by somebody having authority — this is true but quite trivial, as time, costs, experiments and risk-taking must be allowed, encouraged and welcome, going beyond any kind of “blame culture”.

  • Design Thinking at enterprise scale

    • Make it about business outcomes, not design

    • Ensure cross-functional endorsement and participation at all levels

    • Clearly articulate what an effective design practice looks like

    • Make targets specific and actionable

    • Give the outcomes visibility across the whole organization

    • Practice design thinking :-)

    • Be persistent

  • How is Design Thinking used in 2020?

    • As a design process in Design Industries

    • As an innovation driver in Business

    • As a teaching process in Education

  • Why Design Thinking Is Taking The World By Storm

  • Why Design Thinking workshops don’t work: What is sold as Design Thinking often has little to do with the actual methodologies. Here’s what to look out for, to do it right.

    • So, what’s the problem?

      • My key issues with the pretense of “Design Thinking” in such a workshop are:

        • the customer, as the focal point, is not respected (as neither present nor asked for input)

        • the same people bring in their distorted views and dominate the session

        • the core principles and tenets of Design Thinking are never discussed or embraced.

    • What can we do better?

      • One critical element is finding a way to create empathic concern for the customer. This could be done by having a customer present — Customer Value Co-Creation workshops can be extremely valuable.

      • Further, there needs to be openness to new problems. Re-defining a problem is the most powerful move you can make.

      • And finally — after the workshop, there needs to be a clear prototyping and testing plan, including assigned ownership.

  • Exploring Design Drinking : Making Design Thinking fun again.

  • Ironhack #5: Whole Bank

    • A Design Thinking exercise


  • Design thinking is not doomed — it’s misused

  • KPI-centered design : Design by Chance vs. KPI-centered Design vs. Product-KPI-centered Design vs. Evidence-centered Design vs. Human-centered Design

  • Before design thinking, we need design therapy

    • The empathy and skills User Experience Designers possess can and should be extended to all people. A good Stakeholder Experience is required for a good User Experience. It can take some healthy Design Therapy sessions to accomplish this. Designers can rise to this challenge.

  • What are the flaws of Design Thinking?

    • It requires heavy involvement from user participation

    • Project duration is longer

    • We may neglect other users who would be part of the solution

    • We may neglect the unhappy flow

    • There are system limitation to be considered
