UX Design

User Experience (UX) Design

2022/03/29 (增加連結)
2022/05/11 (增加連結)
2022/05/16 (增加連結)
2022/05/17 (增加連結)
2022/06/21 (增加連結)


廣義的說,UX Design其實就是UX的實踐,所以,會包括UX StrategyUX Research。狹義的說,UX Design是整個流程的第三階段。UX Design除了跟UX相關之外,還涉及了一些一般的設計概念(如: Design Thinking、Design Principles),也就是把設計應用在UX上。一般而言,狹義的UX Design包括內容及資訊呈現的設計以及使用者介面的設計(互動與視覺)。


廣義的UX Design包括了解使用者及UX Research,當然,一個好的UX Design是不能缺少這幾個部分,只是,這兩個部分的細節可參考UX StrategyUX Research,不在這裡重複。所以,狹義的UX Design是強調並專注在如何產生符合顧客需求的設計,畢竟,不是了解顧客就可以容易的就產生出符合顧客需求的設計。另外,有些會把測試另外獨立,因為測試包括評估型研究(Evaluative Research),以及完成UX設計後的測試及系統開發後上線前的測試,各種測試的作法有相同也有不同之處,所以,我們先將測試的細節都列在UX Research中。

  • The UX Design Process (Explained By Experts) (6:14)

  • The Elements of Successful UX Design : UX design is all about understanding your users and giving them what they need.

  • The essentials of user experience design

    • The Stages of UX Design

      • Understand the product

      • Understand the user

        • User Personas

        • User Flow Diagram

      • Research

      • Structure Structure Structure!

        • Information architecture

        • Wireframes

      • Design

        • Typography

        • Brand colours and elements

        • Design system

        • Additional design elements (Photos, icons, illustrations)

      • Prototyping

      • Test your product

        • A/B Testing

        • User testing

        • Internal testing

      • Design Handoff

  • The UX design process in 6 stages

    • Understand

    • Research

      • 1:1 interviews

      • User/Focus groups

      • Surveys

      • Usability testing

    • Analyze

      • User personas

      • User journey maps

    • Design

      • One of the most important things you can create at this stage is the wireframe.

    • Launch

    • Analyze (again)

  • 5 key phases to the user experience design process

    • Define

      • Kick-off meeting

      • Concept sketching

    • Research

    • Analysis

      • User Personas

      • Experience maps

    • Design

      • Hand-drawn sketches

      • Wireframes

      • Prototypes

      • Design specification

    • Test

      • A/B Tests

      • User testing

      • Data analysis

      • Internal testing

  • UX Design Process: Choosing and Scaling Methods

    • Current Process Trends

      • Ask questions, do research, and develop a theory (you may know this as Discover or Inspiration). Oh and maybe do a little planning.

      • Try some things out (Define or Ideation).

        • Show some people.

      • Pick one or two and flesh them out (Develop).

        • Show some people.

      • Hand it off to development (Deliver or Implement).

        • Show lots of people and start all over again.

    • Diverging and Converging

      • Double Diamond

        • Discovery (Diverging)

        • Define (Converging)

        • Develop (Diverging)

        • Delivery (Converging)

      • IDEO

        • Inspiration (Diverging)

        • Ideation (Converging+Diverging)

        • Implementation (Converging)

    • Scale for Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

    • Discovery

    • Define / Ideation

    • Develop / Implementation

    • Deliver

  • Why the Double Diamond is the Most Precious Diagram in UX Design … - 1

    • Step 1: What Are the Principles of the Double Diamond?

    • Step 2: How Are Phase 1 and Phase 2 Initiated?

    • Step 3: Research that Leads from Discovery to Synthesis

    • Step 4: From Revised Problem Statement to Entering the Design Phase

  • Team-less user friendly designing : a micro framework for effective UX design

    • Understanding the users

    • Constructing the pages components

    • Research the components

    • Wireframing

    • Validation

      • Stage 1 — Answer own questions

      • Stage 2 — User testing

      • Stage 3 — Client validation

  • Process: industrial design vs. UX design

    • Research

      • Competitive Research

      • Market Research

      • User Research

    • Sketching

    • Prototyping

    • Development

  • 5 Practices to Enhance your UX Design Process

    • Don’t Overlook Fresh Eyes

    • Give Ideas a Chance to Thrive

    • Launch Something

    • Include a Variety of Data into Decision-Making

    • Make Time for UX Debt

      • Step 1: Create an inventory of the areas where your team may have taken design shortcuts due to business/time constraints or other factors.

      • Step 2: Prioritize by impact

  • UX vs Service Design: What’s The Difference?

    • While UX designers mostly focus on end users ‘outside’ the business, Service Designers focus on improving the experience for both internal staff and end customers.

  • Eight tips for service design with expert users (who don’t exist)

  • The 12-step UX designer’s journey

  • How to design with intention

    • Define — Describe the Goal and its challenges

    • Simplify — Take the challenge and break into pieces

    • Minimise — Throw away all the unnecessary stuff

    • Focus — Pay attention to who you are designing for

    • Learn — Search the hell out of the industry and competition

    • Get inspired — Keep an open eye, mouth and mind

    • Evaluate — Do a regular reality check.

好的UX Design / UX Design Principles


  • A guide of UI design trends for 2021

    • 3D Illustrations (yeah, still!)

    • Glassmorphism

    • Real-life pictures

    • Vivid colors

    • Blurred, colorful backgrounds

    • Aesthetic minimalism

    • Geometric structure

    • Big, sophisticated typography

    • Brutalism

    • Simplification of the UX/UI processes

  • 2021 UI/UX Design Trends and How To Make Them Work For You

    • All things remote and virtual

    • AI and other tools to the rescue

    • Advanced personalization

    • Touchless interactions

    • (Even more of) 3D and immersive experiences

    • Motion that users love

    • Physicality and realistic textures

    • From perfection to uniqueness

    • Super tech landing pages

    • Unusual illustrations and SVGs

    • Further UX simplification

    • The era of super apps

    • Advanced onboardings

    • Always trending: Critical thinking and design relevance

  • 8 UI design trends for 2020

  • 2020: The State of UX/UI Design

    • Voice User Interface a.k.a. VUI

    • AR/VR Design

    • Emotion Perception in Design

    • A Good Design Tells a Story

    • The new age of navigational elements

  • UI/UX design guide with terms, explanations, tips and trends

  • 2019 UI/UX Design Trends You Should Know

    • Trends in UI design

      • Colorful and custom made illustrations

      • Liquid graphics

      • Brazen, large typography. Creative and bold

      • Dark themes

      • Creative loaders

      • Custom 3d graphic: animated and static

      • Bright, bold colors and gradients

      • Minimalism

    • Trends in UX design

      • Voice in interfaces

      • Micro-interactions

      • Skeleton screens

      • Gesture-control

      • Thumb-friendly experience

    • Trends that are gone

      • Videos everywhere

      • Geometric shapes, patterns, lines and circles

    • Design System is a new black

  • 2019 UI and UX Design Trends

    • Mighty browsers

    • Purposeful animation

    • 3D in interfaces and deep flat

    • Surreal design

    • Gradient 2.0, blazing colors, and darkness

    • Variable fonts

    • Figma

    • Voice UIs

    • UX Writing & UX Editing

      • The difference between UX writing and UX editing is the bandwidth. UX writers produce user-facing text. UX editors analyze, morph, bend, and twist any copy to turn it into a simple humane text. There is no crash course for UX editing. It is experience, observation, and kindness.

    • Product designer as a job title

UX desinger

UX Writing


User Scenarios / User Stories

User flows

Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Top 3 App CRO Onboarding Practices (Conversion Rate Optimization, CRO)

    • Practice 1: Give a warm welcome

    • Practice 2: Get to know them

    • Practice 3: Show them around

  • 5 foolproof conversion rate optimizations for your e-commerce business

    • Optimize the hell out of your checkout

    • Get rid of shipping costs (if you’re a retail business, that is)

    • Focus on usability

    • Get rid of dark patterns

    • The key to it all: Deeply understand your customers

  • 如何用CTA的14大關鍵-悄悄影響消費者,提升電商平台轉換率

    • CTA按鈕 要出現在任何載具的第一個網頁畫面中

    • CTA按鈕周圍要有選擇產品規格選項

    • 標準簡潔的CTA按鈕

    • 盡量以單一顏色背景呈現CTA按鈕

    • 避免邊框太花俏的CTA按鈕

    • CTA按鈕顏色要和網站設計調性相同

    • 不要將CTA按鈕置於網頁內文、產品介紹之前

    • 行動裝置的CTA按鈕必須與PC相同

    • 主次要CTA按鈕

    • 產品/服務/文章等,相互連結相當重要

    • 帳戶/結帳頁面的CTA按鈕可使用自稱方式增加親密感

    • 關鍵字搜尋欄分類CTA按鈕

    • 顏色/形狀CTA按鈕分類

    • 互動式板塊CTA

  • It’s time to kill off outdated CTA’s (Call-To-Action/CTA)

    • Click Here

    • Next

    • Buy Now

    • Read More/Learn More

    • Cancel

    • “Yes”

  • 7 CTA button design guidelines

    • Be Concise

    • Be Clear

    • Be Focused

    • Use Contrasting Colors

    • Utilize Smart Placements

    • Implement Visual Hierarchy

    • Test, Test, and Test

  • 6 Ways to Improve Checkout Optimisation

    • Reduce the number of form fields

    • Helping online shoppers move through the forms more efficiently

    • Ease the shoppers concerns over the security of their payment information

    • Ease the shoppers concerns over the privacy of their data

    • Allow the shopper to checkout as a guest

    • Provide the shopper with at least one 3rd-party payment option


  • 5 Places To Find Web Design Inspiration

    • Awwwards

    • Dribbble

    • Lapa Ninja

    • Httpster

    • SiteInspire

  • Top 5 free design tools for non-designers in 2019

    • Pinterest

    • Coolors

    • Google Fonts

    • Pixlr

    • Vectr

  • UX Design Tools for 2019 (Mac & Windows)

    • Concept & Inception

      • Pen & Paper

      • Whimsical

      • Checklist Design, Daily UI, and Dribbble

    • Wireframes & Early Design

      • Whimsical

      • Miro

      • Figma

    • Collaboration & Version Control

      • Zeplin

      • Miro

      • Notion

    • Prototyping

      • Figma

      • Invision

      • Protopie

    • High Fidelity Design

      • Sketch

      • Adobe Xd

      • Figma

    • Presentation & Documentation

      • Beautiful.ai

      • Artboard Studio

      • Notion

    • Developer Handoff

      • Zeplin

      • Invision

    • The full list

      • Figma (Screen Design — Windows, Mac, Web)

      • Whimsical (Flowcharts & Wireframes — Web)

      • Notion (Documentation — Windows, Mac, Web)

      • Protopie (Prototyping — Windows, Mac, Web)

      • Artboard Studio (Mockups — Web)

      • Beautiful.ai (Slide Presentations — Web)

      • Miro (Whiteboarding — Web)

      • Zeplin (Collaboration — Windows, Mac)

      • Sketch (Screen Design — Mac)

      • Adobe XD (Screen Design— Windows, Mac)

      • InVision (Prototyping — Web)

      • Dribbble (Inspiration — Web)

      • DailyUI (Inspiration — Web)

      • Checklist Design (Inspiration — Web)

  • UX Design Tools for 2018 (For Mac AND PC)

    • Concept & Inception

      • Pen & Paper

      • Whimsical

      • Dribble

      • Muzli

    • Collaboration & Version Control

      • Trunk

      • Zeplin

    • Wireframes & Early Design

      • Whimsical

      • Sketch

      • Figma

    • Prototyping

      • Atomic

      • Flinto

      • Figma

      • Invision

    • High Fidelity

      • Sketch

      • Figma

    • Presentation & Documentation

      • Keynote

      • Confluence

    • Developer Handoff

      • Zeplin

      • Invision

  • 10 time-savers that I use daily as a UI designer

    • Use the scale tool in Sketch to avoid distortion

    • Autofill dummy content using Craft

    • Instantly generate the perfect color palette in Illustrator

    • Tidy up & Smart alignment

    • Avoid ruining the layout of designs with ellipses

    • Instantly identify any font with WhatFont

    • The dimension and position inputs act like calculators

    • Change the opacity of an object by pressing a number

    • Smart layout in Sketch

    • Iconjar for icon organization

  • Product review of Wondershare Mockitt — the new design tool in town : and how it compares to Adobe XD and Figma while designing Lyrics by Spotify

Object-oriented UX (OOUX)



Case studies