
Tools and Techniques in Biochemistry

About the course

Dear Learners, Welcome to the Skill Enhancement Course (SEC) - Tools and Techniques in Biochemistry (BBCS-183). This is a 4 credit theory course offered in the third semester of the B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry programme. This course is meant to introduce students to common equipment, biochemical techniques and to understand the concept of preparation of buffers and reagents, Molarity, Normality and pH. However, following laboratory safety measure, proper handling and maintenance of laboratory equipment, cleaning glassware, accuracy in solution preparation and pH measurement etc. are all essential parts of Good Laboratory practice (GLP). However, some of the laboratory exercise mentioned in this course such as laboratory safety measures, preparation of molar and normal solutions, buffers, measuring pH have been already explained in the Laboratory Manual of Molecules of Life (BBCCL-102) and estimation of Proteins by Lowry's method in the laboratory course of Proteins (BBCCL-106). You will have performed and experienced these laboratory exercises during the laboratory session of the first and second semester courses of B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry Programme.

Self Learning Material


This course emphasizes the importance of laboratory safety regulations, buffers, pH and commonly used equipment in biochemistry. While studying this course, you can study the laboratory exercise which is based on the course units. At the end of each exercise, there are some suggested model laboratory exercises that you can carry out in the laboratory. Therefore, this course (BBCS-183) comprises of both units and laboratory exercises in one block. These include:

Unit 1 Good laboratory practice (GLP) explains the basic principles of GLP, laboratory safety rules and safety symbols.

Unit 2 is on the biochemical reagents and solution. It explains basic concept of Molarity,

Molality, Normality, Percent solutions. It also discusses the methods of distilled water preparation and cleaning glassware and pipettes. Based on this unit, you may learn to prepare Molar and Normal Solutions (Exercise 1); and solution of Hygroscopic Substance (Exercise-2).

Unit 3 deals with the buffers. It describes the pH and pH meter. You will also learn the preparation of buffer of specific pH and Molarity in an exercise 3.

Unit 4 is on the spectrophotometric techniques in which Beer-Lambert Laws, UV-Vis spectrophotometer and fluorescence spectrophotometry were discussed. This unit contains lab Exercise 4 Determination of Absorption Maxima and Molar Extinction Coefficient (of a Relevant Organic Molecule)); Exercise 5 Measurement of Fluorescence Spectrum and Exercise 6 Determination of Concentration of a Protein Solution by Lowry's Method.

Unit 5 is about the virtual labs. It describes the importance and online education resources of virtual lab in biochemistry. Exercise 7 biochemistry virtual lab included in this unit.

Appendix: Physical constant and units of measurement, Common properties of acids and bases and filters for colorimetry.

Expected Learning Outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • define Good laboratory practices and laboratory safety rules;

  • discuss the methods of distilled water preparation and cleaning glassware;

  • define and calculate Molarity, Molality, Normality and percent solutions;

  • prepare Molar and Normal solution of specific pH

  • describe buffers, pH and pH meter;

  • explain spectrophotometric techniques;

  • discuss the virtual lab in biochemistry.