Cell Biology

About the course

Cell Biology is one of the Core course of B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry Programme and is being offered in first semester along with Molecule of Life (BBCCT-101). It is worth of 6 credit course (4 credit: Theory and 2 credit: laboratory course (BBCCL-104).

The course comprises of Self Learning Material presented in block wise manner, addtional video lectures, learning resources, open educational resources for easy learning and SAQs for you to assess yourself. The study material has been written in lucid and explanatory language.

Each unit in the course contains expected learning outcomes, text summary and self assessment questions. You are advised to attempt all the self assessment and terminal questions given in this block as they help in understanding important concepts in the unit. You are also advised for attending counseling sessions, watching the audio-video programme and participating in IRC/teleconferencing session related to this course.


After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • define the cell and cell theory

  • classify the cell;

  • describe structural organization of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and differences between them;

  • explain the principle and application of light and electron microscopy and centrifigation;

  • describe the structural and functions of sub-cellular organelles;

  • explain the structural organisation of cell wall, extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions;

  • explain the structural component cytoskeleton proteins and their role;

  • describe pathways of protein transport and signal hypothesis;

  • define the meiosis and mitosis;

  • explain the different phases of mitosis and meiosis of the cell division and its regulation;

  • illustrate the cell death and cell renewal; and

  • describe the principle and application of fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) technique

Self learning Material


Block 1: Introduction to Cell Biology discusses the cell theory, structure and basic features of the prokaryotic (Archaea and Bacteria) and the eukaryotic cells (Animal and Plants) along with the cell as an experimental model. You would be introduced to basic techniques and application of the Optical Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Centrifugation that are used to study Cells.


Block 2: Describes the structure and functions of subcellular organelles: Nucleus, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi Body, Peroxisomes, Lysosomes, Mitochondria and Chloroplast. It also explains in detail the structure and functions of Cell wall and Extracellular matrix, Cytoskeleton proteins and Cell movement.


Block 3: Protein Transport focuses on targeting of proteins to the subcellular organelles. This block gives you brief introduction to the protein transport and explains how signal sequences of different proteins target and transport them from their site of synthesis to their action site in a cell.


Block 4: Cell cycle and its regulation discusses different types of cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis and their phases. This block also explains the cell death and cell renewal.

web resources : Cell Biology

Online lEARNING Resources

These video gives you brief introduction of cell structure and function. Unit 1 The cell and Unit 5 Structure and functions of subcellular organelles.

This video gives you overview of cell structure. Unit 1 The Cell

This video talks about the Microscope Imaging and Koehler Illumination. This topic includes in Unit 2 Optical Microscopy

If you have any query about this course, please feel free to Contact:

Dr. Arvind Kumar Shakya

Course Coordinator, Cell Biology (BBCCT-103 & BBCCL-104)

Assistant Professor in Biochemistry

Block-D, School of Sciences, Biochemistry Discipline
