Siete curiosi di sapere com’è il sistema d’istruzione australiano? Quanti sono i giorni di vacanza che hanno gli studenti? Come funzionano i voti?
Queste sono solo alcune delle domande a cui troverete risposta nell’intervista esclusiva che la 2H ha fatto a Niky, un’alunna australiana.

Sarete catapultati in un altro mondo… Il perché lo scoprirete soltanto leggendo l’intervista!

Chiara di Luise 2H

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An interview with Mark and Sophie

Today we talk to two young students who study in the Irish school system: Mark and Sophie. 

Ireland school system is different from the Italian school system.

For example, students use uniforms, combine middle and high school, and have a special year for personal development (it is the Transition Year).

The Irish school system offers a lot of optional courses to help students develop their talents. 

We are here to learn more about these students' experiences.


Mark is 11 years old, he is a student at Mercy primary school in Galway. 

1) Mark, what activities do you do in Irish primary school?

We, in the Irish school, do sports activities: football, basketball.. or science club and the orchestra are just some of the possible projects.

2) How long does the break last?

The break lasts 30 minutes.

3) What are the subjects in your school timetable?

The subject are: englisch, irish, mats, science, art, p-e, religion, alternative, geography, history and technology.

4) How is lunch at your place?

Not all schools have canteen service, so you bring your lunchbox to school.

5) Do you wear a uniform at school?

Yes, we do! In Irish schools, we wear mandatory uniforms. It's very  common in Ireland and each school has its uniform style.


Sophie is 14 and she studies at George Handew post-primary school in Dublin.

1) What’s the name of the school?

The name of the school is George Handew post-primary school.

2) How many days in a week do you go to school?

I go to school from Monday to Saturday.

3) How many hours do you usually spend at school each day?

I spend about six hours at school each day.

4) Do students have a lot of subjects or do they focus on a small number of subjects?

Both: in junior cycle they focus on a wide range of subjects but in senior cycle they focus on a small range of subjects.

5) What’s the Transition Year?

The transition year is a one-year programme between junior and senior cycle.

6) Are there any special events or celebrations at your school during the year?

Yes, we have a lot of events: cultural festivals, sports days, and academic prize ceremonies.

Classe 2E