8.6.21 - 11.6.21

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Yr artist yr wythnos hon yw Mei Gwynedd gyda'i gân newydd 'Dyddiau gwell i ddod'. Dewch i wrando ar y gân isod.

Our artist of the week is Mei Gwynedd with his new song 'Dyddiau gwell i ddod'. Listen to the song below.

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni mynd i ganolbwyntio ar ddysgu geirfa fydd yn eich helpu chi wrth chwarae gyda'ch ffrindiau. Dewch i wylio cyflwyniad Miss Williams i ddysgu mwy.

This week we are going to be looking at vocabulary and phrases that we might use whilst playing with our friends on the school yard or at home. Watch Miss Williams' presentation to learn more.

Geirfa chwarae
Geirfa chwarae.mp4

Gemau'r wythnos / Games of the week:

Defnyddiwch y gemau isod i atgyfnerthu ein patrwm iaith.

Use the following games to reinforce this week's language pattern.

Apiau'r wythnos / Apps of the week:

Heriau Seren a Sbarc / Seren and Sbarc's language challenges

Ewch ati i gwblhau rhai o heriau Seren a Sbarc yn ystod y dyddiau nesaf.

Try and complete some of Seren and Sbarc's lanugage challenges over the next few days.
