26.4.21 / 30.4.21

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Dewch i ddysgu am ferfau gorffennol gyda Miss Williams. Gwyliwch y cyflwyniad cyn dechrau.

Come and learn about past tense verbs with Miss Williams. Watch the presentation to learn more.

Roeddwn i..._ doeddwn i ddim... - Google Slides.mp4
Roeddwn i..._ doeddwn i ddim...

Apiau a gemau'r wythnos / Apps and games of the week:

Dewch i chwarae y gemau isod i ymarfer patrwm iaith yr wythnos.

Use the language games below to test your understanding of the language pattern.


Dyma linc i her berfau gorffennol ar Kahoot.

Here's a link to the past tense verb challenge on Kahoot!.
