Y Siarter Iaith

4ydd o Ragfyr - 4th December:

Band yr wythnos - Band of the week:

Ein band yr wythnos hon yw Brigyn. Gwrandewch ar y gân 'Geiriau' isod. Recordiodd y band fersiwn o'r gân yn ddiweddar.

Our Welsh band this week is Brigyn. Listen to their song 'Geiriau' below. The band recorded a version of the song recently.

Cliciwch ar y linc isod i glywed mwy o ganeuon gan Brigyn.

Click on the link below to listen to some other songs by Brigyn.


Patrwm iaith yr wythnos - Language pattern of the week:

patrwm iaith

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni'n mynd i ymarfer ateb cwestiynau gan ddefnyddio 'do' a 'naddo'. Rydyn ni'n defnyddio 'do' a 'naddo' wrth gyfeirio am bethau sydd wedi digwydd yn y gorffennol i ni.


Gest ti frecwast bore 'ma ? Gwyliaist ti'r teledu heddiw? Est ti allan i chwarae amser cinio?

Do / Naddo

This week we are going to be answering questions using 'do' (yes) and 'naddo' (no). We use the phrases 'do' and 'naddo' when referring to things that have happened to us in the past.


Gest ti frecwast bore 'ma ? ( Did you eat breakfast this morning?) Gwyliaist ti'r teledu heddiw? ( Did you watch television today?)

Est ti allan i chwarae amser cinio? ( Did you go out to play at lunch time?)

Do ( Yes) / Naddo ( No)

Gemau iaith - Language Games:

Chwaraewch y gemau isod i ymarfer ein patrwm iaith.

Play the following language games to reinforce this weeks language pattern.



Apiau'r wythnos - Apps of the week:

Y Cyfnod Sylfaen - The Foundation Phase:

Faint o'r Gloch ? - What's the time ?

Adnodd sy'n dysgu disgyblion i ddweud yr amser ac i ddweud Faint o'r gloch ydy hi.

A resource that will help teach pupils to tell the time.


Cyfnod Allweddol 2 - Key Stage 2:

Gwella'r Gair

Cyfrol o ymarferion iaith ar gyfer dysgwyr 7-11 ydy Gwella’r Gair. Gosodir pwyslais ar gywirdeb iaith trwy gyflwyno cystrawen, atalnodi, treigladau a mwy.

Gwella’r Gair is a volume of Welsh language exercises for learners aged 7-11. Emphasis is placed on correct language by introducing syntax, punctuation, mutations and more.


Her Darllen - Reading Challenge:

Hoffwn dynnu’ch sylw at Her Darllen y Gaeaf sy’n dechrau ar 1 Rhagfyr. Mae Her Fach y Gaeaf yn annog plant i barhau â’r arfer o ddarllen dros wyliau’r gaeaf trwy ddarllen 3 neu ragor o lyfrau. Gall eich plentyn ymweld â gwefan Her Fach y Gaeaf yn www.wintermini.org.uk i ddechrau mwynhau’r gweithgareddau ar-lein.

We would like to inform you of a The Winter Reading Challenge that begins on the 1st December. This reading challenge is a way of encouraging children to continue reading over the winter months by reading 3 books or more. Have a look at www.wintermini.org.uk for more details and some online reading activities.
