21.6.21 - 25.6.21

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Yr artist yr wythnos hon yw Geraint Lovgreen gyda'i gân 'Diolch byth am y tîm pêl-droed'. Dewch i wrando ar y gân isod.

Our artist of the week is Geraint Lovgreen with his song 'Diolch byth am y tîm pêl-droed'. Listen to the song below.

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni ddysgu ar ffurf ddyfodol y ferf drwy sôn am bethau fyddech chi'n hoffi gwneud, yn hoffi bwyta neu'r llefydd yr hoffech chi fynd i ymweld â nhw yn y dyfodol. Gwyliwch gyflwyniad Miss Williams i ddysgu mwy.

This week we are going to look at the future tense by describing things that we might like to do, things we might like to eat or places that we might like to visit in the future. Watch Miss Williams' presentation to learn more.

Hoffet ti ? Hoffwn i ...
beth hoffet ti ... ?.mp4

Gemau iaith yr wythnos / Language games of the week:

Defnyddiwch y gemau isod i atgyfnerthu ein patrwm iaith.

Use the following games to reinforce this week's language pattern.