Y Siarter Iaith

Band yr wythnos - Band of the week:

Yr artist yr wythnos hon yw Teleri. Gwrandewch ar ei chân 'Tymhorau'.

Our artist of the week is Teleri. Here is her new song 'Tymhorau'.


Cliciwch ar y linc isod i wrando ar fwy o ganeuon gan Teleri.

Click on the link below to listen to more songs by Teleri.


Patrwm iaith yr wythnos - Language pattern of the week:

3 November, 2020 - Loom Recording (1).mp4

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni'n parhau gyda'r un patrwm iaith sef ateb cwestiynau gan ddefnyddio 'ydy' a 'nac ydy' neu 'ydyn' a 'nac ydyn'.

This week we are going to continue with the same language pattern as last week, using 'ydy' and 'nac ydy' or ' ydyn' and 'nac ydyn' to answer questions.

Edrychwch ar y llun isod. Ceisiwch ateb y cwestiynau gan ddefnyddio'r patrwm iaith.

Look at the picture below. Answer the questions using the language pattern.

Ydy / Nacydy

Gêm iaith - Language game:

Defnyddiwch y m isod er mwyn ymarfer defnyddio'r patrwm 'ydy' a 'nac ydy'.

Use the game below to practise using the language pattern 'ydy' and ' nac ydy.'

Apiau'r wythnos - Apps of the week:

Y Cyfnod Sylfaen - The Foundation Phase:

Ap Odliadur - Odliadur app:

Adnodd rhyngweithiol a gwreiddiol ar gyfer plant rhwng 3 a 7 oed, sy'n cynnwys gemau a gweithgareddau yn seiliedig ar odli er mwyn cefnogi ac annog eu dealltwriaeth a defnydd o odlau.

An interactive, original resource for 3 to 7 year olds, including games and activities based on rhymes to support and encourage their understanding and use of rhymes.


Cyfnod Allweddol 2 - Key Stage 2:

Ap Gloywi Iaith - Gloywi Iaith app:

Mae Gloywi Iaith yn ap sy'n rhoi sylw i ddatblygu sgiliau llafar ac ysgrifenedig disgyblion mewn ffordd hwylus. Defnyddiwch yr adran 'Bwrlwm Berfau' yr wythnos hon i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth am ferfau.

Gloywi Iaith is an app which helps children develop their Welsh oracy and writing skills in a practical way. Use 'Bwrlwm Berfau' this week to develop your understanding of verbs.
