22.3.21 - 26.3.21

Cofiwch y gallwch gwblhau eich gwaith yn eich llyfrau neu arlein. Cofiwch ddanfon unrhyw waith neu unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gyda chi ata' i ar e-bost: williamsh19@hwbcymru.net

Remember that you can complete your work in your books or online. Remember to e-mail any work to me, or if you have any questions about the work, send an e-mail: williamsh19@hwbcymru.net

Diolch yn fawr.

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Ein band yr wythnos hon yw 'Y Tebot Piws'. Dewch i wrando ar rai o ganeuon y band. / Our band of the week is 'Y Tebot Piws'. Come and listen to some of their songs.

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni'n mynd i ddysgu am y trefnolion.

This week we are going to learn about the ordinals.

rhifolion - PowerPoint Slide Show - _Patrwm iaith - rhifolion.mp4

Apiau a gemau'r wythnos / Apps and games of the week:

Chwaraewch y gemau isod i ymarfer y patrwm iaith. / Play the games below to help you practise the language pattern.