11.1.21 - 15.1.21

Cofiwch y gallwch gwblhau eich gwaith yn eich llyfrau neu arlein. Cofiwch ddanfon unrhyw waith neu unrhyw gwestiynau sydd gyda chi ata' i ar e-bost: williamsh19@hwbcymru.net

Remember that you can complete your work in your books or online. Remember to e-mail any work to me, or if you have any questions about the work, send an e-mail: williamsh19@hwbcymru.net

Diolch yn fawr.

Band yr wythnos / Band of the week:

Ein hartistiaid yr wythnos hon yw Eädyth ac Izzy Rabey. Maen nhw wedi cydweithio i ryddhau sengl newydd o'r enw 'Dyma yw'. Gwrandewch ar y sengl isod.

Our artists of the week are Eädyth and Izzy Rabey. They have joined forces once again to release a new single called 'Dyma yw.' Listen to the single below.

Gwrandewch ar fwy o ganeuon gan Eädyth ac Izzy Rabey. / Listen to more songs by Eädyth and Izzy Rabey below.

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos / Language pattern of the week:

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni mynd i barhau i weithio ar yr un patrwm iaith a'r wythnos diwethaf. Cliciwch ar gyflwyniad Miss Williams cyn dechrau ar y tasgau isod.

This week we are going to continue working on the same language pattern as last week. Check out Miss Williams' presentation before starting on the activities.


Eich tasgau / Your tasks:

Defnyddiwch y gweithgareddau isod i ymarfer y patrwm iaith.

Use the games below to reinforce the language pattern.

Y Cyfnod Sylfaen / The Foundation Phase:

Cyfnod Allweddol 2 / Key Stage 2:


Defnyddiwch yr emosiynau sydd ar bob carden a'u rhoi mewn brawddegau. Ychwanegwch reswm i gyfiawnhau eich teimlad.

Use the emotion on each card in sentences and include a reason to justify your ideas.

Gwnewch e fel hyn; / Do it like this;

Rydw i'n teimlo'n hapus oherwydd rydw i'n cael chwarae y tu allan.

I feel happy because I can play outside.

Gêm iaith yr wythnos / Language game of the week:

Enw gêm yr wythnos hon yw 'MaMa Moo!' Mae’r gêm yma yn gyfle i drafod gwahanol emosiynau.

Dechreuwch drwy restri neu dynnu lluniau o wahanol emosiynau ar ddarnau o bapur.

Rhowch y darnau papur mewn het neu fag.

Cymerwch dro i dynnu emosiwn allan o’r het.

Actiwch allan yr emosiwn i weddill y grŵp gan ddefnyddio'ch wynebau a'r geiriau ‘MaMa Moo!’ yn unig.

Yr unigolyn sy’n dyfalu’r emosiwn sy’n mynd nesaf.

This weeks language game is called 'MaMa Moo!' The aim of the game is to act out different emotions.

Begin by writing or drawing pictures of different emotions on pieces of paper.

Place them in a hat or a bag.

Take turns to act out one of the emotions using facial expressions and the words 'MaMa Moo!' only.

The person who guesses the emotion correctly goes next.

Dewch i chwarae'r gêm iaith gyda Miss Williams.

Come and play the language game with Miss Williams.


Apiau'r wythnos / Apps of the week:

Sesiynau celf Huw Aaron / Huw Aaron's art session:

Ydych chi eisiau datblygu eich sgiliau celf? Mae Huw Aaron wedi cychwyn sesiynau celf yn y Gymraeg ar lein. Ewch ati i wylio.

Do you want to develop your art skills? Huw Aaron has recorded some art sessions in Welsh online.

Digwyddiadau Menter iaith BGTM /

BGTM's Welsh language events:

Mae Menter iaith BTGM yn cynnal sesiynau 'Ymarfer Corff' ac 'Amser Chwarae' yn wythnosol ar Zoom. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i blant o'r dosbarth derbyn i flwyddyn 6 i chwarae a defnyddio'u Cymraeg. Gweler yr hysbysebion isod am fwy o fanylion.

BTGM's Welsh language enterprise holds Welsh fitness sessions and Playtime sessions every week on Zoom. These sessions are a great opportunity for children from Reception to Year 6 to use their Welsh in a fun and social setting. See the adverts below for more information.