10.5.21 - 14.5.21

Band yr wythnos - Band of the week:

Cyfres o ganeuon i ddathlu Eisteddfod yr Urdd sydd gyda ni yr wythnos hon. Un o'r caneuon ydy fersiwn ‘Gwenwyn’ gan Urdd Gobaith Cymry x TG Lurgan. Mae'n brosiect sy’n dod â phobl ifanc o Gymru ac Iwerddon ynghyd i greu fideos cerddoriaeth Cymraeg a Gwyddeleg.

This week we are going to be listening to a range of songs to celebrate the Urdd Eisteddfod. One of these songs is a version of 'Gwenwyn' by Urdd Gobaith Cymry x TG Lurgan. This is a project that brings young people from Wales and Ireland together to make Welsh and Gaelic music videos.

Patrwm iaith yr wythnos - Language pattern of the week:

Yr wythnos hon rydyn ni am ddysgu treiglo ar ôl y rhagenw 'dy'. Mae enwau'n treiglo'n feddal ar ôl 'dy'. Mae 9 llythyren yn treiglo'n feddal.

This week we are going to practise using the mutation after the pronoun 'dy' (your). We use the soft mutation after the pronoun 'dy'. Nine letters have the soft mutation.

ceg ( mouth) - dy geg (your mouth)

pensil ( pencil) - dy bensil ( your pencil)

tegan ( toy) - dy degan ( your toy)

gwefus ( lip) - dy wefus ( your lip)

braich ( arm) - dy fraich ( your arm)

dannedd ( teeth ) - dy ddannedd ( your teeth)

llyfr ( book) - dy lyfr ( your book)

rhestr ( list) - dy restr ( your list)

modrwy ( ring) - dy fodrwy ( your ring)


Gwyliwch gyflwyniad Miss Williams i ddysgu mwy.

Watch Miss Williams' presentation to learn more.

Treiglo ar ol y rhagenw dy.mp4

Gemau ac apiau'r wythnos - Language games and apps of the week:

Defnyddiwch y gemau isod i atgyfnerthu'r patrwm iaith.

Play the following games to help reinforce the language pattern.

Ap yr wythnos / App of the week: