The Asymmetric Week at PDCS

The Asymmetric Week at PDCS

Since September 2018 (following extensive consultation with stakeholders), Pembroke Dock Community School have been operating an asymmetric week.  It was introduced to further raise standards in both teaching and learning, as well as improve well-being for both pupils and staff. 


We lengthened the school day slightly Monday – Thursday, so that the school day on Friday finished at 12.15pm.  By Friday lunchtime the pupils have completed all their lesson time and have the option of going home for the afternoon.  The school continues to provide free childcare activities on the Friday.


The asymmetric week has been a very positive development at Pembroke Dock Community School for a number of reasons, including:


Professional Learning Opportunities

Improving well-being  

How does the Asymmetric Week work on Fridays ? 


Doors open at 8.50am

Finish time - 12.15pm

 Important information  to know