
PDCS Eisteddfod 2024 

Eisteddfod Competition Details

For our annual whole school Eisteddfod, we have a variety of competitions for individual children and families to enter. The theme for each competition is ‘What Wales means to me’.


Foundation Phase individual competitions:

·         Handwriting: ‘Pa liw?’ by Tudur Dylan. Please see the school website for a copy of the text.

·         Art: Create a painting based on the theme.

·         Rugby ball: Design a Welsh themed rugby ball.

Key Stage 2 individual competitions:

·         Handwriting: ‘Pam?’ by Sonia Edwards. Please see the school website for a copy of the text.

·         Art: Create a piece of artwork based on the theme using a medium of your choice.

·         Comic strip: Create a Welsh themed comic strip.


Please can all individual entries be returned and placed in the school hall on Monday 26th February. Please ensure that your child’s full name and class are clearly printed on all entries. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winner for each competition.


Family competitions:

There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd cash prize winner for each family competition. All entries are to be based on the theme of ‘What Wales means to me’.

·         Collage/Montage competition: Create a collage/montage.

·         Photography competition: Submit a single photograph.

·         Mask competition: Create a mask based on the theme.

·         Cookery competition: Create decorated cakes.

·         Boiled egg competition: Create a decorated hard-boiled egg.  

·         Gardening competition: We are looking for the best pot of daffodils.


All entries for the family competitions to be brought to the main hall on Monday 26th February and placed in the designated display area. Please ensure that your child’s full name and class are clearly printed on all entries. We will be inviting a number of special guests to judge each of the competitions and our very own ‘Clwb Draig y Doc’ will be judging the mask entries. We look forward to seeing all of the imagination and creativity on display. Winners will be announced during our St. David’s Day celebrations.

FP Handwriting Competition

Pa liw?

Pa wyn sydd yn wynnach na dannedd y cawr

Neu'r eira sy'n disgyn yn ysgafn ar lawr?

Pa ddu sydd yn dduach nag ogof Pont-lliw

Neu ganol y nos ar ben mynydd y Rhiw?

Pa goch sydd yn gochach na draig orau'r byd

Neu'r gwaed sydd yn llifio twy'r galon i gyd?

Pa wyrdd sydd yn wyrddach na'r gwair dan dy droed

Neu ddail ym mis Mai sydd ar frigau y coed?

Pa las sydd yn lasach na'r mor ym Mhorthgain

Neu awyr mis Medi yn llygaid fy Nain?

KS2 Handwriting Competition


Pam mae'r lloer fel marblen wen

A'r haul fel teisen wy,

A phigau gwer

Canhwyllau'r ser

Fel siwgr gwyn ar lwy?

Pam mae'r glaw fel hadau man

Sy'n fwyd i'r bwji gwyrdd,

A thonnau'r mor 

Fel lleisiau'r cor

Yn eisteddfodau'r Urdd?

Pam mae dail yr hydref crin

Fel creision yd ar lawr,

A brigau noeth

Y dderwen ddoeth

Yn hir fel bysedd cawr?

Mae'r byd i gyd yn llawn o hud

Yn dy ddychymyg di.

Mae hwyl mewn gair

Fel lliwiau ffair

A cherdd wyt ti i mi

Eisteddfod 2022.mp4

Eisteddfod 2022

The theme for this year's Eisteddfod at PDCS was 'Wonderful Wales'. Diolch yn fawr for all of the fantastic entries that we received. Congratulations to our winners! 

Please take a look at the video to see all of the imagination and creativity on display.

Urdd Recitation 2.MOV

Urdd Eisteddfod 2022 

Llongyfarchiadau - congratulations to Lilly and Martha for competing in this year's Urdd Eisteddfod. They both took part in the recitation competition - performing the poem 'Ga i fy mhel nol plis?'

Urdd Recitation 1.MOV

Lilly and Martha did a fantastic job and we are very proud of them! 

Take a look at the videos to see Lilly and Martha in action!