Please click on the link for the full ESTYN inspection report from November 2016
An overview
The school’s current performance - Good
The school’s prospects for improvement - Excellent
The school’s current performance is good because: Nearly all pupils make good progress from their starting points Most pupils are enthusiastic, highly motivated and confident learners Pupils have many opportunities to take responsibility and know that their views are valued Overall attendance compares well with that of similar schools There are very many engaging, challenging and stimulating learning experiences, within a balanced curriculum There is an extensive range of well-attended extra-curricular activities Most teaching is good and often very good Staff use assessment well to identify pupils’ learning needs and provide appropriate support From a young age, pupils develop a thoughtful approach to self-assessment and challenge themselves well to improve
The school’s prospects for improvement are excellent because: The headteacher provides clear and exceptional leadership There are robust and effective management and organisation systems, to ensure effective teaching and learning There is a strong, supportive team spirit across the school and a culture of promoting innovation Staff use data particularly well to monitor the progress of pupils at an individual level and to act swiftly to arrange appropriate support Self-evaluation procedures are very effective and provide a model for other schools across the local authority There is a clear pattern of improvement over time There are highly effective partnerships with parents, local schools and the community that have a positive impact on pupils’ standards and wellbeing There are many examples of staff sharing good practice both within the school community and further afield Performance management systems are particularly effective in raising pupils’ awareness of how to improve their own learning The school manages its budget well and makes appropriate use of its financial resources
R1 Improve pupils’ skills in writing at length
R2 Improve pupils’ opportunities for outdoor learning, particularly in the Foundation Phase
R3 Ensure that reports to parents meet statutory requirements