Digital Leaders

Meet Our Digital Leaders

NEW Digi Leaders – Online Safety Assembly.pdf

Autumn Term:

After meeting as a group for the first time, we shared the reasons why we wanted to be a digi leader with the group and decided upon a style for our Digi Leader display in the corridor. We then reviewed the current online safety policy in the school and identified its strengths and areas for development that needed to be addressed. This led us to create a new and updated acceptable use policy, which I have attached above. The digi leaders then shared this policy with their classes, explained what it meant and got each child and class teacher to sign the acceptable use policy to acknowledge that they have read and understand the expectations set out in the policy. Towards the end of the term, we conducted a learning walk and made sure that each class had signed their policies and had them on display somewhere visible and somewhere where the children knew where it was.  We also made sure that each class and wing had some information regarding online safety and how to safely use the internet on display too during our learning walk. Finally, we set out our vision for the academic year and what we would like to do and achieve by the summer holidays.  

Spring Term:

We identified that online safety day was to be celebrated on the 6th February 2024 and wanted to raise awareness of the importance of the day and to ensure that all children and staff were aware of how to stay safe online, both inside and outside of school. We discussed the different tips and strategies that we knew about staying safe online as the digi leaders and we decided that the SMART Rules was probably the best strategy to share with the school. We therefore created an online safety video explaining what the SMART Rules were (attached above) and organised an assembly to share this video with the whole school. In order to make sure that everybody not only knew about the SMART Rules, but also understood them and could use them when needed, the Digi Leaders organised a competition to be run across the term (video attached above) where all children were encouraged and challenged to create an online poster or video explaining the SMART Rules and how to use the internet safely and responsibly. A cash prize was selected as the prize for the winning entry from each year group in the school. The Digi Leaders later met and reviewed the entries and selected the winners and the reasons why they were chosen were shared in a separate assembly (certificate attached above). We also had a photo with the winners from each year group to display on our display in the corridor and discussed our plans for the summer term.

Lower school Digital Leaders learning about the SMARTIE Rules.

Our Foundation Phase digi leaders have carried out an online safety audit of their classrooms.  Using their audit they have ensured every class has an acceptable user agreement on display, a SMARTIE rules poster, and ipad rules on the ipad trolleys.

Digital Leaders.mp4
Digi leaders 2.mp4
Digi leaders 3.mp4
Digi Leaders 4.mp4
Digi Leaders 1.mp4