CIW Policies 

Flying Start Playgroup survey 2022.pdf

Parent Feedback October 2022

Playgroup admissions policy March 2023.docx
Safeguarding 2023.docx
Uncollected Child (1).docx
settling in policy March 2023.docx
Data Protection Policy
ICT March 2023.docx
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme 2023.docx
Nappy changing policy 2023.docx
Data Access Subject Request Policy 2023.docx
Complaints Policy and Procedures for Schools 2023.docx
Intimate Care Policy
Play policy March 2023.docx
Statement of Purpose.docx
CIW Action plan.docx
Supervision and appraisal policy March 2023.docx
Behaviour and Relationships Policy 2023.docx