Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Our curriculum is a living curriculum and there will be a road map of changes as it develops. The RSE curriculum is being co-constructed with all the school's stakeholders (teachers, parents, governors and pupils). We have worked with EJ Reynolds, Ester McGreeny and Alice Hoyle to guide our curriculum design according to the Eight Guiding Principles and the six RSE Themes (see below). We have an RSE policy and a pupil policy that can be found in the policy section of this website (linked below).

RSE - pupil policy.pdf

In Pembroke Dock Community School our aim is to:

Provide an RSE curriculum that is bespoke to our children. We will use eight guiding principles to do this.

  • Provide a curriculum that is relevant and developmentally appropriate. That is responsive to learners' capacity and need and is evolving with the pupils. (Article 12 – the right to be listen to and take seriously.)

  • Take a holistic approach and provide cross curricular experience linked to RSE. (Article 17 – I have the right to get information in lots of ways, so long as it’s safe.)

  • Ensure that learners learn that rights and gender-equity links to relationships, freedom, equity, dignity, well-being and safety. (Article 1 – Everyone under 18 has these rights.)

  • Create a co-produced curriculum with all stakeholder's involvement. (Article 3 – adults must do what is best for me.)

  • Empower our practitioners to create a transformative RSE curriculum that enhances learner voice and agency. (Article 6 – I should be supported to live and grow.)

  • Provide creative approaches that create ethical, safe and engaging spaces for learners to feel, think, question, embody and share their thoughts on sensitive topics. (Article 17 – I have the right to get information in lots of ways, so long as it’s safe.)

  • We will be inclusive to ensure all learners see themselves and each other in what they learn about RSE. (Article 12 – the right to be listen to and take seriously.)

  • We will be protective and preventative so that learners are supported to understand and cope with change, conflict and pressure; the knowledge to recognise discrimination and violence; and have the confidence to seek support and advice on equalities and equity, health and violence regarding relationships, sex, gender and sexuality. Work with partnership with specialist services and expertise. (Article 29 – I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect of other’s rights and the environment.)

Here is our parents guide to our RSE curriculum "You Are Loved". We have outlined our journey of development and shared examples of topics that will be taught. We would like to thank the many parents that took part in the development of the RSE curriculum when completing our survey in the summer term 2021.

We will be holding a parents drop-in session on Wednesday 9th February at 9am - 10am in our school dining hall for anyone who would like to learn more about our RSE curriculum. We look forward to seeing you there.

Parent Leaflet January 2022.pdf

Below is our co-constructed RSE continuum. This is organised into progression steps and sets out possible topic areas that could be covered. Our continuum is annually reviewed to reflect the pupils needs within our school.

RSE continuum.pdf