Support available

If pupils have additional learning needs they are offered additional support from the ALN department.

At Cynffig we follow a graduated response when offering additional support. Pupils’ academic scores from specific literacy and numeracy assessments are considered along with in class observations.

Pupils are provided with a learning profile which highlights their strengths, what is important to them and how best staff can support them.

Click the button to view our disability access policy.

Set 5 Pupils

Pupils who have been placed in set 5 will receive additional literacy through the Fresh Start Programme. This programme is delivered 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes. Pupils are usually taught in small groups of about 6-7.

Pupils will additional literacy needs will have access to Nessy, an online reading and spelling programme.

Click here to see how you can access Nessy. Click here to go to the Nessy logon page.

Depending on their area of need, pupils will have the opportunity to access the following interventions:

Specific Learning Needs

Use these links below to find out more about specific learning needs at Cynffig.