Pastoral Support & Wellbeing
At Cynffig we have an extensive pastoral and wellbeing team who help support the personal and academic development of our pupils. We recognise that happy, secure pupils are more likely to enjoy learning and succeed. We aim to ensure pupils feel recognised and cared for and employ a wide range of programmes and services to support pupils from year 7 to 13 who need that additional support and guidance.
Our Wellness Centre is a bespoke environment which supports pupils' mental health and wellbeing if they need it. It is here that pupils can access counselling and link with our Family Engagement Officer.
Pastoral Structure
Learning Leaders
Year groups are led by Learning Leaders who have overall responsibility for the academic and pastoral support for pupils. Each Year Group benefits from having a Student Support Officer who works specifically on the wellbeing needs of pupils. This could include daily support as necessary as well as required gorup and individual interventions. Any wellbeing concerns are directed to the Learning Leader or Pastoral Support Officer in the first instance.
Challenge Tutors
Challenge Tutors are a pupil's daily point of contact. Not only are they responsible for delivering the pastoral programme, but also monitor the attendance and wellbeing of pupils.
Children who are Looked After
The schools supports Children Looked After through our school support networkl. Mr A Jones, Assistant Headteacher, is the member of the Senior Leadership Team designated for promoting the achievemtn of those pupils who are Children Looked After.
Young Carers
Young Carers receive bespoke support through social, extra-curricular activities as well as wellbeing activities. The school has close links with Bridgend Young Carers.