Cynffig Students

Myfyrwyr Cynffig

Welcome all, to your school website. We would like you to use this as your 'go-to' resource for online learning. Here you will find lots of information from your teachers including important notices, as well as useful links to other areas of the site such as department websites. 

We will be adding more content as time goes by so be sure to check in regularly for updates.

Pupil Information - Gwybodaeth Myfyrwyr

Use the icons below to navigate to different parts of the website.

Pupil calendar & term dates

Calendr a Dyddiau Tymor

Click on the icons to find the school calendar and information regarding key dates and term times

Teaching & Learning

Addysgu a Dysgu

Click on the icons to access the Teaching & Learning website, Department websites and Literacy & Numeracy. 

Wellbeing & pastoral support

Lles a Chefnogaeth Bugeiliol

Click on the icons to access well being and pastoral support and information about rewards & sanctions at Cynffig

What's happening in school?

Beth sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgol?

Click on the icons to access our News and What's Happening page as well as our Student Parliament page


Search via HWB

You will need to be logged in to your HWB account for this to work. To find out more about how to research, click here

Britannica School

If you're looking for information about an unknown subject use this. 

Britannica ImageQuest

For stories about everyday people connected with history.

People's Collection Wales

For stories about everyday people connected with history.

Hwb Resources

If you're looking for resources made by teachers use this.

Search the wider internet

To find out more about how to research, click here



