

We will try to keep recent news about what our students and staff have been involved in on these pages. 

Older stories will be moved to our 'archive' pages. 

Cynffig News 2023-24

Key Stage 3 WellFest 

On Thursday 8th February we held our KS3 WellFest.  Supported by many community groups and providers, pupils were able to access information about a range of services to support their wellbeing.

KS3 Wellfest Feb 2024.mp4

Nature Quest

On Wednesday 10th January 2024, it was fantastic to welcome NatureQuest Academy CIC to Cynffig to work with some of our Yr 7/8 pupils.

What a fantastic afternoon of engagement and skills, it was great to welcome parents in for some of the activities.

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda! 

Happy New Year!

Cynffig Christmas Carol Service

On Tuesday 19th December 2023, pupils, staff, parents and community members gathered for our annual Christmas Carol Service.  The audience was treated to performance by the school choirs, drama groups, soloists and instrumental ensembles.

It was great to be able to include our developing groups such as our String & Brass groups, alonside our more established Guitar group and choirs.  Pupils from all year groups were represented with over 30 year 7s involved.

The event is a fantastic way to get into the Christmas spirit as well as showcasing the many talent of our young people.

We extend our gratitude to St Theodore's church for allowing us to use their beautiful venue, and to all the families & community members for attending.

Nadolig Llawen i gyd.

Criw Cymraeg ~ Anrheg Nadolig

On Tuesday 19th December 2023, four representatives from our Criw Cymraeg delivered bilingual Christmas cards they have made to the residents of Llys Gwyn Residential Home.

The pupils were a credit to the school and the residents were most grateful to them for their time and the handmade cards they delivered on behalf of all members of the Criw Cymraeg. Anne, the oldest resident at 102 years young was delighted to meet the pupils!

It was a very moving and humbling experience for them all.

Well done Criw!

KS3 Cinema Trip

On Tuesday 19th December 2023, some of our Key Stage 3 pupils enjoyed the chance to visit the Cinema to watch Wonka!

Pupils and staff thoroughly enjoyed this treat at the end of a long and busy term.

Sixth Form Enrichment

Our 6th form have had some fantastic visits over the last two weeks.

Last week Seven Year 12 learners went to Jesus College in Oxford University. 

They had a tour of the city, a Q and A session about the university and the selection process.

Today our terrific 6th form students enjoyed a day at Bath Christmas Markets.

They had a terrific day shopping and ice skating.

Big thanks Mrs Padmore and staff for arranging and taking the pupils.

Well done to all students who were superb throughout.

Cynffig Food Bank Appeal

Pupils from our Eco Committee worked hard throughout December to collect food to donate to Pyle Community Breakfast & Pantry in time support families at Christmas.  Here are some updates on their project.

The Launch!

Collections Start

We Did It!