Sixth Form


Head of Sixth Form

Mrs L Dixon

Student Support Officers

Mrs G Reynolds-Beech

Mrs Selina Thomas

A high proportion of Cynffig pupils choose to stay on after Year 11, and join our Sixth Form. During the early Spring of their GCSE year, all pupils are invited to attend an Open Evening at which information is available on all of the subjects available to them in Years 12 and 13, and careers and higher Education advice is on hand to help with making subject choices.

Some, such as Travel and Tourism and Media entirely new, while pupils may already have studied others at Key Stage 4 and choose to continue.  In addition to our in-house provision, we collaborate with a number of other schools and with Bridgend College to offer the broadest possible spectrum of choice to support our pupils’ needs, and at these institutions; subjects such as Drama, Law, Forensics and Music Technology are on offer. 

For all pupils, the Welsh Baccalaureate offers the opportunity to develop their study from Foundation to Intermediate levels, or from Intermediate to Advanced. The latter is worth up to 120 UCAS (university-entry) points, or the equivalent of an A* grade at A-level, and provides valuable skills-development.