Student Parliament

Senedd Myfyrwyr

Student Parliament News

Student Parliament Notice Board

What is the student parliament?

Cynffig has an active student parliament which get involved at all levels of school activity, giving a voice to all students at Cynffig and helping to shape the way that the school operates to improve teaching and learning, the school environment and the school experience.

What are the student parliament's aims?

The aims of the Cynffig student parliament are to:

  • Bring together all student voice groups within the school under one umbrella organisation.

  • To maximise students opportunities to participate

  • To enable more students to take on a leadership role

Click here to read more about the work of the student parliament via our transition page.

Student Parliament Launch Assembly 2022-23



Student Cabinet Nominations 2022-23


It has been an exciting start to the new Student Parliament 2022-23, with our launch assemblies, Year 11 manifestos, our Election and Training Days.

Election Day was held on Friday 7th October, where all pupils in school came to the Youth Wing to cast their vote. They voted for who they’d like to represent their year group, and one year 11 pupil for Chairperson.

We would like to say a huge congratulations to our elected Student Cabinet this year.

Joshua Dennis - Chairperson, Siona Mumford & Kacee Carter Clare - Active Wellbeing, Grace Evans & Hali Walker - Teaching & Learning, Rhys Butters - Environment, Thomas Collier & Joshua Dennis - Community

12 pupils from Years 7-10 will sit in each Department and support the Student Cabinet in their role.

All members of the Student Parliament took part in our training day on Tuesday 18th October. It was a busy day with many providers offering training and support to our new members. Thank you to Bridgend Youth Council for sharing information with us. Valleys Steps delivered a workshop on self esteem and confidence whilst pupils also took part in a WCIA workshop on communication skills and what it takes to be a good Student Parliament member. To end the day on a high pupils took part in a team building session delivered by Ospreys Rugby.

The Student Parliament have already undertaken some official duties this week including an assembly for Black History Month. We are looking forward to more to come!