ADHD Support at Cynffig

At Cynffig we support pupils with ADHD by providing them with individual strategies that are tailored to their needs. Some pupils might need a time out card for ‘fidget breaks’, others might need to use digital technology to help them organise their work and present their ideas. Pupils with ADHD will be allowed to sit exams in a small room with frequent rest breaks.

If you have a concern about ADHD

If you feel that your child has characteristics of ADHD and their behaviour is having an impact on their learning and wellbeing, you may wish to refer them for a diagnosis.

A referral is made by the school to the Neuro-developmental Pathway (the ND Pathway). Details are below.

Neuro-Developmental (ND) Pathway

The following is the standard timeline of actions which would take place when following an ND pathway referral. Click the arrow to expand.

  1. Parent has concerns about their child and meets with school ALNCo.

  2. ALNCo and other ALN staff observe pupil in lessons and during unstructured times of the day.

  3. ALN department follow a pupil centred approach by listening to the views of the child. These views along with staff observations are used to produce a learning profile with strategies to support staff.

  4. School monitors pupil and assesses the impact of strategies for at least 1 term.

  5. Strategies could include, a time out card, 'talkabout' sessions, spending time at the study skills room during lunchbreak.

  6. If strategies work- no further action taken

  7. If concerns are still raised, the specialist teacher or the educational psychologist is contacted to write a specialist report.

  8. If specialist report supports a referral then paperwork is completed- both by school and home. It must be noted that behaviour traits MUST be seen in both school and at home.

  9. If the referral is accepted by the ND Pathway, there is at least a 19-month waiting list before a diagnosis is given.

Help Organisations

Below are a list of organisations that can offer advice and guidance if you have concerns around ADHD.

ADHD Connections

ADHD Foundation

Hyperactive Children's Support Group

The National ADD Information and Support Service