Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin (born 1949)

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Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin (born October 19, 1949) is an American law professor who specializes in public health law. He was a Fulbright Fellow and is best known as the author of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act and as a significant contributor to journals on medicine and law.

Early life and education

Larry Gostin was born in New York City in 1949, the son of Joseph and Sylvia Gostin. He received his B.A. in psychology from the State University of New York at Brockport in 1971 and his J.D. from Duke Law School in 1974.

He was an adjunct professor at Harvard University from 1986 to 1994 and went on to be a professor of law at Georgetown University's Law Center and a professor of law and public health at Johns Hopkins University's School of Hygiene and Public Health.

Career in health law

From January 1984 to 1985, Gostin was general secretary of the National Council for Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom. From 1986 to 1994, he was executive director of the American Society for Law, Medicine, and Bioethics. He worked on Hillary Clinton's health plan, serving as chairman of the health information privacy and public health committees of the President's Task Force on Health Care Reform.

His proposed Model State Emergency Health Powers Act ignited a firestorm of controversy across the ideological spectrum, from Phyllis Schlafly to LAMBDA, for being overly broad and ripe for abuse.

He is also Professor of Public Health at the Johns Hopkins University and Director of the Center for Law & the Public's Health at Johns Hopkins and Georgetown Universities—A Collaborating Center of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He is Adjunct Professor of Public Health (Faculty of Medical Sciences) and Research Fellow (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies) at Oxford University.

Gostin chairs a World Health Organization project on the law and ethics of public health strategies for pandemic influenza and is leading a drafting team on developing a Model Public Health Law for the World Health Organization.

In a January 25, 2020 interview with NPR, Gostin argued against travel restrictions to prevent the spread of coronavirus, stating, “The risk is extraordinarily low for people in the United States.”[2]

In an April 2021 interview with Vox, he described his previous belief about travel restrictions being bad as an "almost religious belief" with no evidence behind it, saying “I have now realized [..] that our belief about travel restrictions was just that — a belief. It was evidence-free”. [3]

He is the Linda D. and Timothy J. O'Neill Professor of Global Health Law at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he directs the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law.[4]

Awards and honours

  • 1994, the Chancellor of the State University of New York conferred an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree.
  • 2006, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Vice Chancellor awarded Cardiff University's (Wales) highest honor, an Honorary Fellow.
  • Elected lifetime Member of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences.
  • 2006, the IOM awarded Gostin the Adam Yarmolinsky Medal.
  • He has received the Rosemary Delbridge Memorial Award from the National Consumer Council (U.K.) for the person "who has most influenced Parliament and government to act for the welfare of society."
  • Received the Key to Tohoko University (Japan) for distinguished contributions to human rights in mental health.
  • At the CDC Public Health Law Conference in 2006, he received the Public Health Law Association Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award "in recognition of a career devoted to using law to improve the public's health."
  • He is an elected fellow of the Hastings Center, an independent bioethics research institution.


  • Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights (co-editor; Oxford University Press, 2020)
  • Human Rights in Global Health: Rights-Based Governance for a Globalizing World (co-editor; Oxford University Press, 2018)
  • Principles of Mental Health Law and Policy (co-author; Oxford University Press, 2010)
  • Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint (University of California Press and Milbank Memorial Fund, 2nd ed. 2008)
  • Public Health Ethics: Theory, Policy and Practice (Oxford University Press, 2007)
  • The AIDS Pandemic: Complacency, Injustice, and Unfulfilled Expectations (University of North Carolina Press, 2004)
  • The Human Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: Different But Equal (Oxford University Press, 2003)
  • Public Health Law and Ethics: A Reader (University of California Press and Milbank Memorial Fund, 2002)


Further reading

External links



By Robert O. Boorstinc   /   June 19, 1987


LEAD: Legal cases focusing on people ac-cused of knowingly exposing others to the AIDS virus are cropping up around the country, raising troubling issues for the courts, public health officials and the law-enforcement authorities.

Legal cases focusing on people ac-cused of knowingly exposing others to the AIDS virus are cropping up around the country, raising troubling issues for the courts, public health officials and the law-enforcement authorities.

About 30 criminal and civil cases have been filed accusing people of trying to transmit the virus by sexual acts, biting or spitting, according to public health experts and lawyers who follow AIDS litigation.

And while there is no evidence that the virus has been spread through biting or spitting, and while no one has yet been convicted or held liable in such cases, they have helped drive efforts to rewrite state public health statutes. Florida and Idaho have already made it a crime to wilfully or knowingly expose another person to the HIV virus, which causes AIDS.

Similar statutes are under consideration in several other states, along with legislation that would allow forcible isolation of infected people who are believed to pose a threat to public safety. Laws that would make it a crime to knowingly donate infected blood are also being considered.Some Say Moves Are Misguided 

To many public health specialists and advocates of gay rights, the movement to criminalize the transmission of AIDS reflects a misguided and politically motivated eagerness to be seen as doing something to combat the spread of AIDS. These experts contend that politicians have seized on a handful of peculiar and frivolous cases and have often relied on faulty medical assumptions to justify their call for legislation. They point out that recent studies suggest that the chance that the AIDS virus will spread in a single act of heterosexual intercourse is extremely low, perhaps 1 in 1,000.

''We've got a classic case of hard cases making bad law,'' said Lawrence O. Gostin, executive director of the Boston-based American Society of Law and Medicine. ''It's totally a symptom of the hysteria surrounding AIDS.''

These experts also contend that the possibility of civil or criminal penalties is likely to drive carriers of the virus underground. Leonard Graff, legal director of the National Gay Rights Advocates in San Francisco, said the trend would discourage people from seeking AIDS tests and counseling, thus contributing to the disease's spread.

But the cases now in the justice system have already raised legal questions about whether the HIV virus can be treated as a deadly weapon under law, and whether people who knowingly transmit it can and should be sued for damages or even prosecuted for assault or attempted murder.

In what legal experts believe to be the first case in which someone has been charged with a crime for exposing another person to the HIV virus during sexual activity, an Army private at Fort Huachuca in southern Arizona faces a court-martial next month on charges that include aggravated assault even though neither of his sex partners has been shown to be infected by the AIDS virus. The soldier, Pfc. Adrian Morris Jr., is accused of having had sexual relations twice with a female soldier and once with a male soldier without disclosing that a blood test had shown him to be infected.

In New York last week, prosecutors dropped efforts to seek a court-ordered test for the virus for a prostitute who was charged with biting a police officer and then telling him that she had AIDS.

And in Los Angeles, Marc Christian, who contends he was a lover of Rock Hudson, the actor who died of AIDS-related illness in 1985, has filed a civil suit seeking $10 million in damages from Mr. Hudson's estate. Mr. Christian's attorney, Marvin Mitchelson, has argued that his client ''lives in constant fear'' of getting the disease.

These and other cases have raised new legal issues concerning the limits of civil liability, the boundaries of negligence, the concept of criminal intent and the right to privacy. AIDS as Crime: Legal Hurdles 

Even if more states pass laws that criminalize the transmission of the HIV virus, legal experts said they believed that prosecutors seeking criminal convictions would face near impossible burdens of proof. First, the prosecutor would have to establish that the accused carried the virus, raising the question whether a person could be compelled to submit to an AIDS test. He would also have to show that the accused knew he was infected, and that he passed it to a particular ''victim.''

A charge of assault, which requires a showing that the victim was harmed, would raise additional difficulties, since many of those infected by the virus do not contract AIDS. In the case of sexual transmission of the virus, the prosecutor pressing an assault case would also have to show that any harm was caused deliberately or, in most states, by ''depraved indifference'' to the consequences.

Existing statutes in more than 25 states already make it a crime to knowingly transmit a veneral disease, according to Mr. Gostin, who is also a lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Health.

But very few cases have been tried under these laws, some of which are limited to identified diseases like syphillis and gonorrhea, and most states have thus far hesitated to classify AIDS as a venereal disease.Cases Are Dropped 

Several prosecutors have already dropped assault charges in cases where people are accused of deliberately transmitting the virus by biting or spitting because of the difficulty of finding positive medical evidence of transmission.

In the New York case, for example, the prostitute, 18-year-old Miriam Sanders, was originally charged with first-degree attempted assault and reckless endangerment. But the prosecutors reduced the charges to misdemeanors after consulting with medical experts and learning that there have been no documented cases of transmission of the virus by bites.

In a similar case in Flint, Mich., in January, a judge threw out charges against a man who was charged with attempted murder after he spit on two police officers. There are no documented cases of transmission of the virus through saliva, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The virus is spread through exchanges of bodily fluids, as in sexual intercourse or the sharing of hypodermic needles. It can cripple the body's immune system, leaving the victim susceptible to deadly infections and cancers. Nine out of 10 victims in the United States are homosexuals or intravenous drug users and their sex partners.

The problem of testing arose in a California case. A 29-year-old San Francisco man, Brian Barlow, was arrested last June after biting two police officers in a confrontation between marchers and demonstrators at a Gay Pride parade in San Diego.Problem of Testing 

After Mr. Barlow told officers he was homosexual and carried the HIV virus, the officers asked him to submit to a blood test but he declined. Several lower courts upheld the testing order but in April, a California appellate court held for Mr. Barlow, ruling that a 1985 state confidentiality law prevented authorities from testing him or using test results to prosecute him.

''While some cultures require a leper to ring a bell to warn the passerby, our Legislature has not so stigmatized the victims of AIDS,'' the court wrote.

Legal experts also said that prosecutors bringing such cases would have to prove that a defendant accused of transmitting the virus knew he was infected and gave no warning.

Such questions have already been raised in the case of Private Morris. Although the case will be tried in a military court and have no direct bearing on civilian cases, it will be watched intently.Question of Harm 

Edward G. Rheinheimer, an Arizona lawyer initially retained by Private Morris, said there could be no assault conviction because none of Private Morris's three sexual partners - all of whom are being tested monthly - have tested positive for the HIV virus.

Mr. Rheinheimer, who has since withdrawn in favor of military attorneys, compared the situation to a person who, knowingly intoxicated, gets behind the wheel of a car.

''If he drives from point A to point B and injures somebody, that's usually charged as aggravated assault,'' Mr. Rheinheimer said. ''If that same person gets in the car and successfully negotiates from point A to point B without injuring anybody, there's no aggravated assault.''Long Incubation Period 

Those familiar with AIDS litigation said prosecutors in criminal cases would also have to prove that a particular incident led to contraction of the virus, a tall order since the HIV virus may be present for may years before the onset of symptoms of AIDS.

''You would have to discount all of the other sexual encounters or intravenous drug experiences someone had during those five or more years,'' Mr. Gostin said.

According to Harlan L. Dalton, an associate professor of law at Yale University and co-editor of a forthcoming book on AIDS and the law, such obstacles made succcessful prosecution of such cases extremely doubtful.

Asked to sketch a possible scenario for a conviction, Mr. Dalton said, ''If you had a forcible rape in which the rapist was exposed to the virus and intended to transmit the virus, which I cannot imagine, that would be a situation that would give rise to a charge of both rape and attempted murder.'' Issue of Stress: The Civil Cases 

According to legal experts, the likelihood of winning a civil case may be greater than the chance of successful criminal prosecution.

The groundwork for such claims has been established by an increasing number of cases in which spouses and lovers have sued their partners for infecting them with genital herpes.

The right to bring such suits has been upheld by appellate courts in New York and Georgia and, in some cases, defendants have already won settlements in excess of $100,000. Because herpes has an incubation period of about two weeks, it has proved legally possible to pinpoint who passed the virus.

Experts believe that, as in the herpes cases, those involving carriers of the HIV virus will focus on a person's legal obligation, still uncertain under law, to inform others of the possibility that they risk contracting the virus.'Creative Lawyering' Expected 

Mr. Dalton, the Yale professor, said that even if a plaintiff does not test positive for the virus ''the floor is open for creative lawyering all around.''

''The plaintiff's lawyers will argue that the fear of contracting full-blown AIDS is something that ought to be paid for,'' he said. ''The trick will be to think of injuries that seem less speculative,'' such as difficulties in obtaining employment or insurance, he added.

In the San Diego case, for example, one of the police officers alleged to have been bitten is seeking $500,000 in a suit that names Mr. Barlow and the organizations that sponsored the parade.

Transmission of the HIV virus has also led to the challenging of wills, according to Gary Wood, a lawyer who is co-chairman of the San Francisco AIDS Legal Referral Panel.

In one such case, a 28-year-old Los Angeles man who was infected with the HIV virus left half his assets to a church run by his homosexual lover. His family has moved to set aside the will, claiming that the lover exposed the man to the AIDS virus.

Because most individuals suffering from AIDS are impoverished and unable to pay damages, Mr. Wood said, most of those seeking damages are likely to sue third parties like school districts, prisons or hospitals.

Last September, for example, a Chicago woman filed suit seeking $12 million in damages from American Airlines after she was allegedly bitten by a ticket agent after a scuffle. The agent later tested positive for the HIV virus.

The woman, whose identity has been kept secret, has tested negative for the virus, her lawyer, Ernest J. Mirabelli said. But she is seeking compensation for ''infliction of emotional damages'' and has charged American with ''negligent hiring.''

He said that the case, now in preliminary stages in Federal District Court in Chicago, would for the first time test whether a person can succeed in ''putting a price on the fear of AIDS.'' Climate of Fear: Cases Spread 

Experts attribute the recent proliferation of AIDS legislation and litigation to widespread fear of the disease bred in part by misperceptions about how it is spread.

Recent public opinion polls have found that more than half those questioned said they would support laws making it a criminal offense for a person infected with HIV to have sex with another person, and some state legislators have begun to look for ways to deal with people believed to present a danger to others.

Colorado and Indiana have passed laws that permit AIDS victims to be isolated, and the Nevada legislature approved a bill yesterday that includes 20-year prison sentences for prostitutes who sell sex knowing they are infected. Under the Colorado statute, health authorities may order testing for a person reasonably believed to be infected and may further order that person to desist from ''dangerous conduct.''

Mr. Wood of the San Francisco AIDS Referral Panel, who favors less emphasis on legal solutions and more on counseling and education, predicted that the trend toward legal action and legislation will grow. As public officials argue for widespread testing for the AIDS virus and gay rights groups insist that any mandatory testing amounts to a civil rights violation, he said, disputes over the response to the AIDS epidemic are certain to end up in court.

''Now that this issue is becoming more political, nobody is willing to draw that line,'' he said.


By Lindsey Gruson

July 30, 1987


When a Boston man was recently told he was infected with the AIDS virus, he asked his doctor to keep the information confidential. The man said he planned to file for divorce and that if his wife were told, it would complicate matters.

The physician tried to persuade his patient to tell his wife so she would get tested. When he refused, the doctor personally informed the woman, risking substantial civil damages under Massachusetts' strict confidentiality law, which requires written consent from a patient to disclose AIDS test results.

The Massachusetts case, which doctors and those who study medical ethics say is only one of several similar incidents around the country, illustrates how many physicians and health authorities, struggling to prevent the spread of AIDS, are beginning to tip the delicate balance between the right to privacy and the right to know.

Like the Boston physician, who did not want to be identified, a growing number of doctors, ethicists and legislators argue that the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship must give ground to society's need to protect itself, despite warnings that this could discourage people from seeking medical advice, thus hindering efforts to slow the disease's spread.

''The right to privacy is absolute until it infringes on other people's right to safety,'' said Dr. M. Roy Schwarz, assistant executive vice president for medical education and science at the American Medical Association. ''Physicians not only have a responsibility to treat but also a responsibility to prevent disease.''

Dr. Schwarz and many other physicians compare carriers of the AIDS virus who do not tell sexual partners or refuse to take precautions to a gunman who fires into a crowded area or a drunken driver. ''The fact is you get seriously sick and then you die,'' he said. ''That drives the consensus pretty quickly. Society has the right to protect itself.''

That has led dozens of states to consider laws to identify and track both victims of the disease and carriers of the virus, a step rejected by the Federal Centers of Disease Control as intrusive and costly. Most measures include some clauses to protect confidentiality. But they expand the number of people with access to the information, providing many more opportunities for intentional and unintentional disclosure. How to Battle Epidemic

''There's a move away from absolute privacy,'' said Richard Merritt, the director of the Intergovernmental Health Policy Project at George Washington University. He noted that a Wisconsin law, one of dozens of such measures passed last year, allows the results of tests for the AIDS virus to be disclosed to doctors, hospitals, employers, professional review groups and funeral directors, among others.

Arthur Caplan, the director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at the University of Minnesota, said that even though there is a risk that increased disclosure will reduce the public's willingness to be tested, he supported doctors who break patient confidentiality to warn the spouses of victims of AIDS or carriers of the AIDS virus. ''The doctor's obligation to prevent harm is overriding,'' he said At stake, both proponents and oponents of increased disclosure say, is the country's ability to contain the AIDS epidemic. Many officials say that increased disclosure will be counterproductive, discouraging carriers of the virus from seeking help and accelerating the disease's spread. They say even the strictest privacy laws are often honored only in the breach.

''There's a belief that more disclosure solves the problem,'' said Janlori Goldman, the acting director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Project on Privacy and Technology. ''But disclosure won't cure AIDS. It may, in fact, further the disease. In the end, you are going to deter people from being tested. The benefits of confidentiality outweigh the possibility that somebody may be injured.''

Federal officials have estimated that 1.5 million Americans are already infected with the virus and are presumed capable of transmitting it through blood transfusions or in sexual intercourse.

Public health officials say that the best solution is through counseling to encourage infected people to inform their sexual partners themselves and that with counseling, most agree to do this. #38,000 AIDS Cases Reported So far, 38,000 cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome have been reported to the Federal authorities, who predict 270,000 cases by the end of 1991. Although 9 out of 10 patients have been members of high risk groups, like homosexuals or intravenous drug users, health officials warn that without precautions, the disease may slowly spread among heterosexuals.

That has spurred wide-ranging efforts to protect the uninfected, often by overriding a patient's right to privacy. Several states have passed laws regarding the confidentiality of AIDS test results.

The California Medical Association voted in March to support a proposal that would allow doctors in that state, which has the strictest confidentialty laws in the country, to tell the spouses of carriers of the AIDS virus about their partners' affliction.

On the Federal level, a Washington aide to Senator Edward M. Kennedy said that the Massachusetts Democrat will introduce a bill today that would, among other things, free doctors from criminal and civil liability if they inform members of the family or known sexual partners of a patient infected by the AIDS virus. Defining a Doctor's Duty

''The confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship is coming under increasing attack,'' said Lawrence Gostin, the executive director of the American Society of Law and Medicine, who is a lecturer at the Harvard School of Public Medicine. ''AIDS spears physicians on one of the greatest dilemmas, a torturous dilemma - the conflict between the duty to the patient and the duty to society.''

The conflict is as old as the medical profession. But the 100 percent fatality rate of AIDS patients has raised the stakes. So has the widespread discrimination faced by both victims of the disease and carriers of the virus. The results have included a legal conundrum and dozens of lawsuits: some charge physicians with breach of confidentiality; others contend they should have given out more information.

The American Medical Association passed a resolution at its annual meeting in Chicago last month that reaffirmed the vital importance of a confidential doctor-patient relationship, but noted that confidentiality was not absolute. Gauging a Specific Threat

Dr. Schwarz said the group was not backing away from confidentiality, but Mr. Gostin and other authorities said they interpreted the resolution as tilting the balance away from privacy.

The Hippocratic Oath, taken by all doctors before they may practice medicine, requires physicians to jealously guard patient confidentiality. In cases not involving AIDS, many courts have ruled that patient confidentiality is inviolable.

But in the last decade an increasing number of courts have concluded that health care professionals have an overriding duty to warn potential victims. A physician, these courts said, must disclose information if a patient poses a predictable risk to another person.

The question as defined by the courts is, how specific is the danger. In a case 10 years ago in California, when a mental patient told his psychologist that he planned to kill a friend, a court ruled the doctor should have warned the intended victim and was liable for damages after the patient carried out the threat. Several years ago, however, South Carolina courts ruled that the Army did not have to inform the local community of an outbreak of hepatitis because it was impossible to identify likely victims of the outbreak.

Mr. Gostin, counsel to the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, noted that the courts have strictly limited the circumstances under which confidentiality is superceded by the duty to prevent harm. In a recent article in The American Journal of Law and Medicine, he noted that courts have found there must be a specific threat to a specific individual and that the duty to protect ''is not owed to statistically probable victims.'' 'It's Our Own Responsibility'

Alice Philipson, a lawyer who is co-chairman of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel in San Francisco, a group of lawyers that specialize in law involving AIDS, denounced any breaches of patient confidentiality as unethical and said it will ultimately accelerate the spread of the disease. ''We can't presume people with the virus are irresponsible, stupid and out to harm the people they love,'' she said. ''Ultimately, it's our own responsibility to stay healthy.''

But state legislatures have increasingly started to disagree. In what many medical and legal authorities consider the most intrusive package of laws, the Illinois Legislature this year passed 17 AIDS-related measures, including several that require physicians, hospitals, laboratories, blood centers and other health care facilities to report the names of all carriers and to provide their names to school officials and employers.

The Illinois Department of Public Health opposes the most intrusive sections of these bills. Gov. James R. Thompson has not said which measures, if any, he will sign. But Dr. Schwarz and other health officials noted that similar laws have been introduced in state legislatures around the country and predicted that it is only a matter of time until even more intrusive measures are passed.

Nan D. Hunter, a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union who is coordinator of AIDS-related issues for the group, noted that patient confidentiality is often breached. Even in California, with has the strictest confidentiality laws in the country, she said, the authorities have steadfastly declined to prosecute health care officials who violate the sanctity of the patient-doctor relationship.

''Confidentiality really isn't a reality,'' Ms. Hunter said. ''It quickly becomes an illusion.''

1987 (Oct 15)


1988 (Jan 20)


1988 (May 19)





1988 - APril 6 - CSPAN video : Liability for Transmission of the AIDS Virus

This commission on AIDS deals with the issue of the legal ramifications of HIV victims in cases of assault, battery and attempted murder. Attorneys and legal experts approach the commission to advise on issues of legislation.

1989 (Oct 23)





1990 (Oct 22)


1990 (Dec 2) - Gostin on the side of criminalizing the spread of AIDS


1992 (Nov 18)


2001 (Ocgt 31)

Model health law empowers states

2007 *(May 31) - TB , quarantines .... Cetron, Gerberding, Gostin 

2016 (Jan 27) - Journal of American Medical Association : "Viewpoint : The Emerging Zika Pandemic ; Enhancing Preparedness"

Source PDF : [HP00CF][GDrive][[DOI:10.1001/jama.2016.0904I]

Authors :  [Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin (born 1949)] and [Dr. Daniel Richard Lucey (born 1955)

Also see : Zika virus epidemic (2015-2016)   /      

The Zika virus (ZIKV), a flavivirus related to yellow fever, dengue, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis, originated in the Zika forest in Uganda and was discovered in a rhesus monkey in 1947. The disease now has “explosive” pandemic potential, with outbreaks in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the Americas.1 Since Brazil reported Zika virus in May 2015, infections have occurred in at least 20 countries in the Americas.2 Puerto Rico reported the first locally transmitted infection in December 2015, but Zika is likely to spread to the United States. The Aedes species mosquito (an aggressive daytime biter) that transmits Zika virus (as well as dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever) occurs worldwide, posing a high risk for global transmission. Modeling anticipates significant international spread by travelers from Brazil to the rest of the Americas, Europe, and Asia.3 What steps are required now to shore up preparedness in the Americas and worldwide?

Pg 1 or 2 : [HP00CG][GDrive]

World Health Organization Leadership :

2020 (Jan 30) - JAMA COVID19 paper with Lawrence Gostin - "The Novel Coronavirus Originating in Wuhan, China, Challenges for Global Health Governance"

( [DOI]:10.1001/jama.2020.1097  ) / PDF at [HP0084][GDrive] / Text at [HP0085][GDrive

Also see : The Snohomish County Man  (as this references the spread to the United States) 

Authors : 

On December 31, 2019, China reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, caused by a novel coronavirus, currently designated 2019-nCoV. Mounting cases and deaths pose major public health and governance challenges. China’s imposition of an unprecedented cordon sanitaire (a guarded area preventing anyone from leaving) in Hubei Province has also sparked controversy concerning its implementation and effectiveness. Cases have now spread to at least 4 continents. As of January 28, there are more than 4500 confirmed cases (98% in China) and more than 100 deaths.1 In this Viewpoint, we describe the current status of 2019- nCoV, assess the response, and offer proposals for strategies to bring the outbreak under control.

Current Status

China rapidly isolated the novel coronavirus on January 7 and shared viral genome data with the international community 3 days later. Since that time, China has reported increasing numbers of cases and deaths, partly attributable to wider diagnostic testing as awareness of the outbreak grows. Health officials have identified evidence of transmission along a chain of 4 “generations” (a person who originally contracted the virus from a nonhuman source infected someone else, who infected another individual, who then infected another individual),suggesting sustained human-to-human transmission. Current estimates are that2019-nCoV has an incubation period of 2 to 14 days, with potential asymptomatic transmission.1,2

Multiple countries have confirmed travel-associated cases, including Australia, Cambodia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Nepal, Singapore, SouthKorea,Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, and Vietnam. Vietnam identified the first human-to-human transmission outside China. Yet fundamental knowledge gaps exist on how to accurately characterize the risk, including confirmation of the zoonotic source, efficiency of transmission, precise clinical symptoms, and the range of disease severity and case fatalities.

Control Measures in China

The Chinese Lunar New Year is the largest annual mass travel event worldwide, risking amplification of the spread of 2019-nCoV. In response, China severely restricted movement across Hubei Province in 16 cities, affecting more than 50 million people.3 Authorities have closed public transit and canceled outbound transportation (air, train, and long-haul buses). Vehicular traffic in Wuhan was banned. China also imposed a ban on overseas travel with tour groups and suspended sale of flight and hotel packages. Authorities canceledLunarNewYear gatherings in Beijing as well as intra-province bus service into the nation’s capital. China's Finance Ministry announced ¥1 billion (US $145 million) to fund the response as well as the rapid construction of 2 hospitals inWuhan to treat those affected.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region declared its highest-tier emergency, curtailed public events, and barred travelers from Hubei Province. Travelers from mainland China must complete health declarations. Hong Kong has also closed schools and universities at least until mid-February.4

Control Measures by Governments Worldwide

As travel-associated cases of 2019-nCoV escalate, countries have implemented border screening. China itself sharply curtailed travel to and from Hubei Province. Consequently, governments have not yet felt the need to ban travel from China, with2exceptions:NorthKorea has prohibited entry of all Chinese travelers and Kyrgyzstan has closed its border with China. During previous outbreaks like SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and Ebola, governments curtailed travel and trade, so future directives seem reasonably foreseeable.

Multiple countries (eg, Australia, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, India, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, and Nigeria) have commenced temperature screening, symptom screening, and/or questionnaires for arriving passengers from China. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched enhanced, noninvasive screening of travelers from Wuhan at 20 major airports, while theUSState Department issued its highest-level travel advisory for Hubei Province: level 4, “do not travel.” The State Department now advises that people should “reconsider travel” for all of mainland China.

Non-pharmaceutical Interventions

The sheer scale of China’s cordon sanitaire across Hubei Province is unprecedented. Health authorities quarantined major cities during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, but with little lasting effect on the epidemic’s spread.5 The Ebola epidemic inWest Africa (2013-2016) spurred quarantines, such as the Liberian government’s unsuccessful and heavily criticized cordon sanitaire of 60000 to 120000 people inWest Point, Monrovia. The order led to violence and public mistrust that risked amplifying the spread of Ebola.

Gaining the public’s trust is critical to any public health strategy.The health system should facilitate and encourage individuals to promptly seek testing and treatment, as well as to cooperate with containment measures such as isolation and contact investigations. According to Wuhan officials, by the time China implemented the cordon sanitaire, up to 5 million individuals had already traveled fromWuhan for Lunar New Year.6 While social distancing measures can delay viral spread, involuntary restrictions of movement within Hubei are likely to erode community trust and undermine cooperation with health authorities. Within the cordon sanitaire, logistical issues are evident, already resulting in shortages of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. With hospitals and clinics overcrowded and public transport limited, symptomatic individuals may delay access to treatment. There is also the possibility that congregating people in congested cities may still lead to infection, albeit in divergent ways.

Beyond the public health effects, enforcing cordons sanitaires can violate human rights, including the rights to dignity, privacy, and freedom of movement. The International Health Regulations (IHR) proscribe unnecessary interference with international travel and trade, while also requiring respect for the human rights of travelers. States must impose the “least restrictive” measures necessary to safeguard public health.7 While border screening has had questionable efficacy for detecting cases in past disease outbreaks, the enhanced noninvasive screening implemented by US officials appears consistent with IHR requirements, provided it is conducted in a manner that treats travelers with respect for their dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms.7

Role of the WHO

The IHR grants the WHO director-general power to declare a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) for an extraordinary event that poses a public health risk to other states through international spread and requires a coordinated international response. It is clear that the 2019-nCoV outbreak fully meets these legal criteria for a PHEIC. The director-general announced that on January 30 the Emergency Committee will reconvene to consider if the coronavirus outbreak constitutes a global health emergency. The escalating 2019-nCoV outbreak poses a significant risk to human health, international spread, and interference with international traffic.

WHO has declared 5 PHEICs: H1N1 (2009), polio (2014), Ebola in West Africa (2014), Zika (2016), and Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (2019). The IHR does not grant WHO special powers or financing in the event of a PHEIC, suggesting an imperative to reform the regulations to give traction to an emergency declaration.8 Still, declaring a PHEIC is a powerful signal to the international community to launch a surge public health response, galvanizing political action and mobilizing funding. When declaring a PHEIC, the director-general can make influential, albeit legally non-binding, recommendations. Declaring a health emergency would be a critical opportunity for WHO leadership to set norms, devise a global strategy, and uphold principles meticulously articulated by 196states party to the IHR.

Bringing 2019-nCoV Under Control

The 2019-nCoV outbreak is currently not under control, with a high risk of spread in China and globally. Managing the outbreak requires international cooperation using traditional public health strategies that ultimately succeeded with SARS. The scientific community must fully characterize 2019-nCoV; epidemiologists must conduct intensive contact investigations; researchers should move rapidly toward development of medical countermeasures; and supply chains must mobilize to meet human needs for food, water, and medicine.

While China has considerable resources and technical competence, containment of 2019-nCoV requires a coordinated international response. WHO should exercise leadership, urgently convening a multidisciplinary committee to devise a global action plan for novel outbreaks, including surveillance, contact investigations, testing, and treatment; fostering public trust and cooperation; transparently sharing scientific information; and incentivizing academia and industry to develop vaccines and antiviral medications.

It is too early to predict how widespread and pathogenic 2019-nCov will become. It is better to act decisively now rather than wait to see how the outbreak unfolds globally. Beyond all, this global health threat teaches, once again, that it is far better to invest in preparedness to prevent, rapidly identify, and contain outbreaks at their source. Reacting after a novel infection has spread widely (perhaps overreacting with travel bans and quarantines) costs lives, economic resources, and the well-being of millions of people currently cordoned off in a zone of contagion.


Washington Journal

Lawrence Gostin on Federal Government Powers During Health Emergencies

Lawrence Gostin talked about the powers of the federal government during a health emergency.

2021 (Aug 09) - Bloomberg : "People Don't Have the Right to Stay Unvaccinated: Georgetown's Gostin"

3,729 viewsAug 9, 2021

Bloomberg Markets and Finance

Aug.09 -- Lawrence Gostin, Georgetown University professor of medicine, says no one has the right to go without a Covid-19 vaccine if they plan on going out anywhere in public. He's on "Bloomberg Surveillance."


MAY 2, 2022

After Words

Deborah Birx

Dr. Deborah Birx provided her first-hand account of the Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 health crisis and discussed preventing the next pandemic. She was interviewed by Georgetown University law professor and director of the Institute for National and Global Health Law Lawrence Gostin. close 

Book - Gene Wars - Chapter 5 - by Robert Cook Deegan 

RESUME / CV - "LAWRENCE O.GOSTIN, Georgetown University Law Center"

PDF : [HL009C][GFDrive]  /  Text file :  [HL009D][GFDrive]  
INTERNET RESOURCES Autobiographical Article: From a Civil Libertarian to a Sanitarian, 34 J. LAW & SOCIETY 594-616 (Dec 2007) The Lancet Profile: Lawrence Gostin: Legal Activist in the Cause of Global Health, 386 THE LANCET 2133 (Nov 28, 2015). Faculty Profile O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law: Global Health & Human Rights Database, in partnership with the WHO and Lawyers’ Collective of India. O’Neill Institute, Prof. Gostin’s Health Tips Georgetown Law Faculty ProfileSCHOLARLY PRODUCTIVITY AND IMPACTA systematic empirical analysis of legal scholarship, independent researchers ranked Prof. Gostin 1st in the nation in productivity among all law professors, and 11th in impact and influence. In 2017, researchers ranked Professor Gostin 1st in the nation in citations for health law. Prof. Gostin is also ranked first among health law professors on Google Scholar and on West Law (2018). He is in the top 10% worldwide for downloads on SSRN.MAJOR GLOBAL HEALTH CAMPAIGNSTHE JOINT ACTION AND LEARNING INITIATIVE:TOWARDS A FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON GLOBAL HEALTHIn 2008, at the founding of the O’Neill Institute, Prof. Gostin proposed a Framework Convention on Global Health founded on the right to health, published in the Georgetown Law Journal. A decade later, in 2018, civil society organizations from every region of the world launched the Framework Convention on Global Health Alliance. The groundwork for the Alliance had been laid by the Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health and the Platform for an FCGH. The World Health Report 2010 featured the FCGH, and the Global Health Governance journal featured a FCGH symposium in 2016. Stakeholder meetings have been held in Oslo, Berlin, Johannesburg, Delhi, Bellagio, Kampala, and Dhaka, among others.In 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon endorsed the FCGH: “Let the AIDS response be a beacon of global solidarity for health as a human right and set the stage for a future United Nations Framework Convention on Global Health.” UNAIDS Director, Michel Sidibé urged human rights advocates to ”Join the FCGH movement for social justice.”GLOBAL COMMISSIONS ON THE 2015WEST AFRICA EBOLA EPIDEMIC
Professor Gostin served three global commissions on the lessons learned from the 2015 West Africa Ebola epidemic: The Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework (National Academy of Medicine); Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola (Harvard/London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine); and the United Nations High-Level Panel on Global Response to Health Crises.


  • University Professor (Georgetown University’s highest academic rank conferred by the University President)
  • Linda D. and Timothy J. O’Neill Professor of Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center (2007-2012)
  • Faculty Director, Linda D. and Timothy J. O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law
  • Director, World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law (the health and human rights global database is illustrative of the projects launched by the WHO Collaborating Center)
  • National Cancer Advisory Board (Presidential Appointment)
  • Co-Principal Investigator, FDA Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI), 2014-17.
  • Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Georgetown University School of Medicine
  • Associate Dean (Research and Academic Programs) Georgetown University Law Center (Responsible for faculty research and scholarship), 2005-2008
  • John Carroll Research Professor (2004/05) Georgetown University Law Center
  • Director, Center for Law & the Public’s Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities (CDC Collaborating Center) (1995-2010).
  • Global Health Editor & Legal Correspondent, Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Professor of Global Health Law in the Faculty of Law, University of Sydney
  • Visiting Professor and the Claude Leon Foundation Distinguished Scholar, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa (2011/12) (Academic Honor: Nobel Laureate Selection Criteria)
  • Professor of Law & Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, 1997-2013
  • Faculty Director, LL.M Program in Global Health Law, Georgetown University
  • Faculty Director, LL.M Program in Global Health Law and International Institutions, Georgetown Law and The Graduate Institute of Geneva
  • Faculty Affiliate, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
  • Research Fellow, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford
  • Visiting Professor of Public Health Faculty of Medical Sciences, Oxford University (July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2013)
  • Visiting Professor of Global Health and International Visiting Fellow, University of Sydney, 2009
  • Miegunyah Distinguished Visiting Fellow, University of Melbourne and Senior Fellow, Melbourne Law School, 2009 – 2022.
  • University of Manchester (Institute for Science, Ethics and Innovation), Visiting Professorial Fellow, 2011


  • 1971 :   STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BROCKPORT B.A. (Psychology, Summa Cum Laude)
  • 1974-75 :   OXFORD UNIVERSITY AND THE SOCIAL RESEARCH UNIT, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Fulbright Fellow, United Kingdom, in Psychiatry and Law
  • 1994 :   STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (system-wide), Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa)
  • 2006 :   CARDIFF UNIVERSITY,WALES Honorary Fellow (University’s highest honor for “international distinction and scholarship in law and public health”)
  • 2012 :   THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa)
      • Delivered Commencement Address to the Sydney Law Class of 2012


  • Visiting Professor, Di Tella School of Law, Buenos Aires (2017)
  • Visiting Scholar, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Oxford University (2002)
  • Member, President’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform Chair, Health Information Privacy Chair, Public Health (1993-94)
  • Executive Director, American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (1986-1994)
  • Adjunct Professor of Law & Public Health In the faculty of Public Health, Harvard University formerly Senior Fellow, Lecturer, and Adjunct Associate Professor (1985-94)
  • Associate Director, International Collaborating Center on Health Legislation Harvard University/World Health Organization (1988-94)
  • Lecturer on Law In the Faculty of Law, Harvard Law School (1989-93)
  • Vice Chair, Committee on the Use of Human Subjects in Research Harvard School of Public Health (1991-93)
  • Visiting Fellow, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Wolfson College, Oxford University (Summer, 1989)
  • Legislative Counsel, Labor and Human Resources Committee, Edward Kennedy, Chairman United States Senate (1987-88)
  • General Secretary (Chief Executive), National Council for Civil Liberties (U.K.) (1983-85)
  • Fellow in Psychiatry and Law, Centre for Criminological Research, Oxford University (1982-83) Associate (1983-85)
  • Legal Director, MIND (National Association for Mental Health) (U.K.) (1975-82)


  • Member New York State Bar Association (1981-present)
  • Member Bar of the Council of Europe (European Commission and European Court of Human Rights) (1977-present)


  • Rosemary Delbridge Memorial Award from the National Consumer Council (U.K.) for the person “who has most influenced Parliament and government to act for the welfare of society” (1983).
  • Lifetime Elected Member, National Academy of Medicine, of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine).
  • Lifetime Elected Fellow, The Hastings Center: “For individuals who have made distinguished contributions to the field of bioethics.”
  • Lifetime Elected Member, Council on Foreign Relations (to provide independent advice to governments on foreign policy).
  • Lifetime Achievement Award by the American Public Health Association (APHA) for a career devoted to Public Health Law (2015).
  • Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award, Public Health Association of New York City, for extraordinary service to improve the public’s health (2014).
  • Dr. Mary Ann Quaranta Distinguished Public Health Law Scholar Award, Bestowed by the Collaborative for Palliative Care (2018).
  • Who’s Who in the World, since 1984.
  • Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, Who’s Who highest honor (2018).
  • Homeland Security: 100 Key Government Officials and Experts, National Journal, Feb. 2004.
  • The Adam Yarmolinsky Medal conferred by the National Academy of Sciences for “distinguished service by a Member who, over a significant period of time, has contributed in multiple ways to the mission of the Institute of Medicine.” (2006).
  • Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award from the Public Health Law Association presented at the National CDC Public Health Law Conference: “in recognition of a career devoted to using law to improve the public’s health” (2006).
  • Key to Tohoko University, Japan, for distinguished contributions to human rights in mental health (January 1987).
  • Public Service Award from the State University of New York for distinguished public service and professional accomplishment (1991).
  • State University of New York, Hall of Heritage (2005) a for “most outstanding success in his/her profession and significant contribution to higher education or public service.”
  • Jay Healy Health Law Teacher of the Year, conferred by the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (2002).
  • 150 most influential AIDS advocates, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) (2016).


  • Editor-in-Chief, Laws: An Open Access International Journal (2010 – 2016)
  • Legal Correspondent and Contributing Writer, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (1992 – 2017)
  • Global Health Editor & Legal Correspondent, JAMA (2017- present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Law & Biosciences (Peer reviewed journal from Harvard, Stanford, and Duke Universities) (2012 – present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Health Economics, Policy and Law (2010-2014)
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Health Policy and Management (2016 – present)
  • Associate Editor, American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Public Health (2011–present)
  • Honorary Editorial Board, Medicolegal and Bioethics (2010 – present)
  • International Editorial Board, Public Health: Journal of the Royal Society of Public Health (2012 – present)
  • Editorial Board, Public Health Ethics (2007-present)
  • Editorial Board and Contributing Writer, The Milbank Quarterly (2000-present)
  • Board of Editors, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (2002-present)
  • Editorial Board, American Journal of Bioethics (2002-present)
  • Editorial Board, The Cambridge Dictionary of Bioethics (2001-present)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, & Ethics (2000-present)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Yale Journal on Regulation (Yale University School of Law) (1991-present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Medical Practice and the Law (1991-present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Law & Medicine (2003-present)
  • International Editorial Board, Medical Law Review (Oxford University Press) (1992-present)
  • Editorial Board, Medical Law International (1993-present)
  • Editorial Board, Health and Human Rights: An International Journal (Harvard University, Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights) (1993-present)
  • Editorial Board, Organizational Ethics: Healthcare, Business, and Policy (2003 – present)
  • Editorial Board, Global Health Governance: The Scholarly Journal for the New Health Security Paradigm (2008 – present)
  • Editorial Board, Current Issues in Public Health (1993 – 2000)
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2009-present)
  • International Editorial, Board British Journal of Holistic Medicine (1985-present)
  • Editorial Board, AIDS Law & Policy Journal (1985-present)
  • Editorial Board, HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review (2005-present)
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Forensic Psychiatry (1989-present)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of American Health Policy (1991-present)
  • Editorial Advisory Board, AIDS Reference Guide (1989-2000)
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Bioethics (1990-present)
  • Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (formerly Law, Medicine & Health Care) (1986-1995)
  • Executive Editor, American Journal of Law & Medicine (1986-1995)
  • Associate Editor, ATIN: AIDS Targeted Information: Abstracts and Critical Comments from Current AIDS Literature (American Foundation for AIDS Research, distributed by WHO) (1986-1992)
  • Western European and United Kingdom Editor, International Journal of Law & Psychiatry (1978-81)


• World Health Organization: Past, Present, and Future, PUBLIC HEALTH (Journal of the Royal Society for Public Health), Vol. 128(2), Pages 115-204 (February 2014) (with Devi Sridhar), and Awarded 2015 Public Health Prize for the most influential journal volume).• Realizing the Right to Health Through a Framework Convention on Global Health: A Health and Human Rights Special Issue, 15(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 1-4 (June 2013), available at and• Global Health Governance, Journal of Law, Med. & Ethics, Vol. 38(3) (with Emily A. Mok).• Innovations in Global Health in the New Political Era, Global Health Governance: The ScholarlyJournal for the New Health Security Paradigm, Volume II, Issue 2: 2009 (with Devi Sridhar),• Health Governance: Law, Regulation, and Policy, Public Health (Journal of the Royal Society for Public Health), vol. 123 (2009) (with Belinda Bennett, Robyn Martin, and Roger Magnusson).• Global Health Law, Ethics, and Policy, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 35(4) (Winter 2007) (with James G. Hodge, Jr.).• Legislating and Litigating Health Care Rights Around the World, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 33(4) (Winter 2005) (with Colleen M. Flood & Lance Gable).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 6• International and Comparative Health Law and Ethics: A 25-Year Retrospective as a Tribute to Professor Dickens, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 32(4) (Winter 2004).• Emerging Issues in Population Health: National and Global Perspectives: A Tribute to Gene W. Matthews, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 31(4) (Winter 2003).• Public Health Law and Ethics, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 30(2) (Summer 2002).• Health, Law, and Human Rights: Exploring the Connections, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 30(4): 485-754 (with Scott Burris and Zita Lazzarini) (Winter 2002).• The Dual Epidemics of Tuberculosis and AIDS, Journal of Law, Med. &Ethics, vol. 21 (3-4): 276-393 (with Ronald Bayer and Nancy Neveloff Dubler) (Fall-Winter 1993).• The Harvard Model AIDS Legislation Project, American Journal of Law & Medicine, vol. XVI (1, 2) (with William J. Curran) (1990).• London ‘89: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Health Law and Ethics, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 18 (1, 2) (with Alexander Capron) (1990).• Justice Harry A. Blackmun: The Supreme Court and the Limits of Medical Privacy, American Journal of Law & Medicine, vol. XIII (2,3) (1987).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 7GLOBAL AND NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES• Appointed by President Barack Obama to a six-year term on the President’s National Cancer Advisory Board in June 2016. NCAB Subcommittee on Population Science, Epidemiology and Disparities.• Board on Global Health, National Research Council and National Academies of Sciences Engineering, and Medicine, 2017 – 2020.• National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine, Expert Committee on Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) in the Regulation of Medicines, 2019 (To assess and recommend advances in the use of MRAs, agreements which allow regulators to rely on information from foreign drug regulatory agencies in evaluating and approving medicines).• World Health Organization, Expert Panel on Improving Migrant Health, 2019 (To finalize the Global Action Plan to Promote the Health of Refugees and Migrants for adoption by the 72nd World Health Assembly).• World Health Organization, Evaluation of National Focal Points’ Ability to Perform Competencies Under the International Health Regulations, 2019.• World Health Organization, High-Level Meeting on Leadership and Advocacy for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, Saitama, Japan, March 12-15, 2019.• National Academy of Medicine, 1918 Influenza Advisory Committee, 2018.• Advisory Committee to the Director, National Institutes of Health. Ethics industry partnership on research to end the current opioid crisis, 2018.• National Institutes of Health, BD2K (Big Data to Knowledge) Board, 2016.• International Expert Panel, Global Health Security Index. The Economist/Nuclear Threat Initiative, London, 2017.• World Bank, Expert Committee on Equity of Financing for Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Oslo, 2017.• Swedish Institute for Global Health Transformation (SIGHT), The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, 2017.• Pandemic Metrics: To spur action on global pandemic preparedness. National Academy of Medicine/Harvard Global Health Institute, 2017.• Co-Chair, The Lancet – O’Neill Institute, Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and the Law (2015/16)• World Health Organization/Global Fund/UNICEF, High-level Blue-Ribbon Panel on Equitable Access Initiative (2015/16)• Commissioner, Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola (Harvard University and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine) (2015/16)• Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future (National Academy of Medicine, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, World Bank, and Rockefeller Foundation) (2015/16). (Charged with recommending an effective global architecture for recognizing and mitigating the threat of epidemic infectious diseases).• Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on the Global Response to Health Crises, United Nations (Expert Advisor 2015/16).• Chair, World Health Organization Expert Advisory Committee on Noncommunicable Diseases and Public Health Law in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) (2014-16)• World Health Organization Report on the Independent Advisory Group on Public Health Implications of Synthetic Biology Technology Related to Variola Virus and Smallpox (2015/16).• World Health Organization, Technical Advisory Group for the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework (2014)• World Health Organization, Director-General’s Advisory Committee on Reforming WHO and Global Health Governance (2011).• World Health Organization Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health (2007 – 2011, reappointed until 2019).• World Health Organization, International Health Regulations (IHR) Roster of Experts (Appointment by the WHO Director General) (2008 – 2015, appointed to 2nd term, 2015- 2020).• Stop TB Partnership: World Health Organization and UNAIDS, TB and Human Rights Task Force: To Advance a Rights-Based Approach to TB Prevention, Care and Control) (2010 – 2013).• World Health Organization Task Force on Addressing Ethical Issues in TB Prevention, Care and Control (2008 – 2010).• Pan American Health Organization Committee of Experts to Implement the IHR in the Americas (2008 – 2010).• National Vaccine Advisory Committee, Office of DHHS Assistant Secretary for Health (ChargedCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 8with advising the Assistant Secretary on national vaccine policy) (2008 – 2009).• Office of AIDS Research Advisory Council of the National Institutes of Health (Appointment by the U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services to advise the Director of the Office of AIDS Research of the NIH), (October 1, 2000 – September, 2004).• Food and Drug Administration, Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee, Special Employee (October 2001 – 2009).• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention (Appointed by the U.S. Secretary for Health and Human Services) (1994-1998).• Advisory Board, Centre for Health Governance, Law and Ethics, University of Sydney (2008 – current)• Election as Member of the Institute of Medicine (now National Academy of Medicine) (2000).• Board on Health Sciences Policy (2007–2013)• Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice (Formerly Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (March 1998 – 2006).• National Academy of Science, Committee on Science, Technology, and Law (2006 – 2010).• National Research Council, Committee to Review Studies on Human Subjects (Ethical review of human subjects research undertaken by the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences) (1998-present).• Chair, Committee on the Independent Review and Assessment of the Activities of the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (2013/14) Report: Oversight and Review of Clinical Gene Transfer Protocols: Assessing the Role of the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (2014).• Chair, Committee on Understanding the Global Public Health Implications of Substandard, Falsified, and Counterfeit Medical Products (Commissioned by FDA, 2012/13) Report Countering the Problem of Substandard and Falsified Drugs available at• Chair, Committee on Establishing National Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations (2009 – 2012). Report: Guidance for Establishing Crisis Standards of Care for Use in Disaster Situations (2009).• Expert Consultant, Committee on Envisioning a Strategy to Prepare for the Long-Term Burden of HIV/AIDS: African Needs and U.S. Interests (2010 – 2011).• Committee on a National Surveillance System for Cardiovascular and Select Chronic Diseases (2010 – 2012).• Committee on Public Health Strategies to Improve Health (2010 – 2012). Reports: For the Public’s Health: Revitalizing Law and Policy to Meet New Challenges (2011); For the Public’s Health: The Role of Measurement in Action and Accountability (2011);• Chair, Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information: The HIPAA Privacy Rule (2007 – 2009). Report: Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research (2009).• Chair, Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations for Protection of Prisoners Involved in Research (January 2005 – July 2006). Report: Ethical Considerations for Research Involving Prisoners (2007).• Chair, Committee on Genomics and the Public’s Health in the 21st Century (May 2004 – present). Report: Implications of Genomics for Public Health (2005).• Committee on Measures to Enhance the Effectiveness of CDC Quarantine Station Expansion Plan for U.S. Ports of Entry (September 2004 – September 2005).• Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century (Recommending a new, inclusive framework for assuring population-level health) (January 2000 – 2002). Report: Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public, The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st Century (National Academy Press, 2002).• Committee on Human Rights (October 2001 – present).• Committee on Health and Human Behavior: Research, Practice and Policy (Update scientific findings, identify behavioral and social risk factors for disease, review evidence of cost and efficacy of behavioral interventions, and make recommendations concerning research, policy and financing) (September, 1998 – 2001). Report: Committee on Health and Behavior, Health and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences (National Academy Press, 2001).• Committee on a Strategy for Minimizing the Impact of Infectious Diseases on Future Military Operations: Vaccine Development in the U.S. Military (January 2000 – 2002). Report: Committee on a Strategy for Minimizing the Impact of Naturally Occurring Infectious Diseases of Military Importance, Protecting Our Forces: Improving Vaccine Acquisition andCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 9Availability in the U.S. Military (National Academy Press, 2002).• Committee on Battlefield Radiation Exposure Criteria (to make recommendations concerning the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) guidelines for limits on and controls for exposure of soldiers to ionizing radiation on the battlefield) (December 1996 – 1999). Interim Report: Committee on BattlefieldRadiation Exposure Criteria, Medical Follow-up Agency, Institute of Medicine, An Evaluation of Radiation Exposure Guidance for Military Operations (National Academy Press, 1997). Final Report: Committee on Battlefield Radiation Exposure Criteria, Medical Follow-up Agency, Institute of Medicine, Potential Radiation Exposure in Military Operations: Protecting the Soldier Before, During, and After (National Academy Press, 1999).NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BOARDSUNITED STATES• Visiting Committee for the Harvard School of Public Health (2012 – 2019)• Co-Chair (with Jo Ivey Boufford), Working Group on Global Health and Health Diplomacy, Center for the Study of the Presidency (2009/10).• Center for the Study of the Presidency, Commission on the U.S. Presidential Transition: Charting Future Directions in Health and Medicine (2008-09). Report: Commission on U.S. Federal Leadership in Health and Medicine report, New Horizons for a Healthy America (April 20, 2009), available at• Academy Health, The Voluntary Code of Ethical Conduct for the Recruitment of Foreign-Educated Nurses to the United States 2008, available at• Public Health Law Association, Board of Directors (for the promotion of healthy communities through dialogue, partnerships, education, and research in public health law) (June 2003 – 2007, and 2009/10).• Milbank Memorial Fund, Technical Board (to make policy recommendations to the President and Board of Directors) (October 2000 – 2003).• National Conference of State Legislatures, Blue Ribbon Panel on Human Genetic Technologies (January 1999 – 2002).• Center for Biodefense, Law & Policy, Texas Tech University (October 2002 – present).• American Bar Association, International Health Law Committee (1989 – 1999).• American Civil Liberties Union, National Board of Directors 1986 – 1992 1988 – 1991 (National Executive Committee) 1992 – 1996 (Chair, National Privacy Committee)• SmithKline Beecham, Ethics and Public Policy Board (formerly, Clinical Genetics, Bioethics and Public Policy Advisory Board) (1995 – 1999).• Harvard Model AIDS Legislation Project, Co-Director (1988 – 1990).• Americans with Disabilities Act Education Project: A Joint project of AmFAR and the AIDS Action Council (1990 – 1992).• Founding Member, National Academy of Social Insurance (1993 – present).• The Future of Prevention Strategies in Public Health, A Joint Project of National Public Television and the Milbank Memorial Fund (1991-1994).• Americans with Disabilities Act Implementation Project, Milbank Memorial Fund (1990-1995).• Harvard AIDS Institute (1986-1994).• New England Memorial Hospital, Ethics Committee (1989-1994).• Hastings Center Project on AIDS: Public Health and Civil Liberties (1986-1989).• Social Science Research Council, Task Force on the Social Implications of AIDS (1986 – 1988).• Board of Directors, Association of Retarded Citizens, Massachusetts (1986-1989).INTERNATIONAL• Governing Board and Board Secretary, Consortium of Universities for Global Health (2011 – 2015).• World Health Organization, Global Fund, GAVI Alliance, Blue Ribbon Panel of Experts, The Equitable Access Initiative (EAI) (2014-16).• Advisory Board, National Centre for Public Health Law, Australia (2002 – present).• Advisory Board, National Centre for Biosecurity, John Curtin School of Medical Research, The Australian National University (2007 – present).• Board of Advisors, Mental Disability International: Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (1994 – present).• Chair, Social Science, Policy and Law, VIII International Conference on AIDS and III STDCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 10World Congress, Harvard University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (July 19-26, 1992).• Advisory Council (formerly International Advisory Committee), Physicians for Human Rights (1994 – present).• Steering Committee, Development of International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects: A Joint Project of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) (1990 – 1993). Guidelines published in 1993.• Steering Committee, Development of International Ethical Guidelines for Epidemiologic Research and Ethical Review Procedures: A Joint Project of the World Health Organization and Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (1989 – 1993). Guidelines published in 1993.• Founding Member, International Association on Law, Ethics and Science (the “Milazzo Group”) (1990 – present).• Co-chairman, Legal and Human Rights Committee, World Federation for Mental Health (1986 – 1995).• International Trial Observer, Amnesty International (1986 – present).• Advisory Committee, International Human Rights Centre (Interights) (1984 – 1987).• Legal Affairs Committee, International League of Societies for Mentally Handicapped People (1980 – present).• Committee of Experts, assembled under the Chairmanship of the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva and the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Science, Siracusa, Sicily, to draft the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Mental Disorder (Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly) and the Siracusa Principles for the Legitimate Limitation of Human Rights for Public Health Purposes (1984).UNITED KINGDOM• Honorary President, Association of Mental Health Act Administrators (1988 – 1998).• Chair, National Inquiry into the Role of the Police and the Courts in the Industrial Action Taken by the Miners (1984 – 87).• Executive Committee, National Council for Civil Liberties (1984 – 85).• Trustee, Cobden Trust – for the protection of civil liberties (1984 – 85).• Trustee, AREOPAGITICA Educational Trust – for the study of restrictions on freedom of speech (1984 – 85).• Human Rights Network – to facilitate exchange of information and ideas among human rights organizations (1984 – 85).• National Management Committee for England and Wales, United Nations International Year of Disabled People (1981).• Founding Chairman, The Advocacy Alliance (national alliance of the five major mental illness, mental handicap and disability charities in England and Wales) (1981 – 85).• Management Committee, One-to-One (major national voluntary organization providing services for long-stay patients in mental handicap hospitals) (1980 – 82).PUBLICATIONSBOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS• WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LAW ORGANIZATION, O’NEILL INSTITUTE FOR NATIONAL AND GLOBAL HEALTH LAW, UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY SCHOOL OF LAWCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 11(LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, CORE DRAFTING TEAM), ADVANCING THE RIGHT TO HEALTH: THE VITAL ROLE OF LAW (2017: SUMMARY REPORT 2018).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & LINDSAY F.WILEY, PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS: A READER (UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS, 3rd ed. 2018).• BENJAMIN MASON MEIR & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, EDS., HUMAN RIGHTS IN GLOBAL HEALTH: RIGHTS-BASED GOVERNANCE FOR A GLOBALIZING WORLD (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2018).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, GLOBAL HEALTH LAW (Harvard University Press, 2014), available at and (Chinese edition by the China University of Political Science and Law, 2016). 2015 British Medical Association Book Award High Recommendation. Special Volume of HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS devoted to scholarly examination of the book, available at and• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & LINDSAY F.WILEY, PUBLIC HEALTH LAW: POWER, DUTY, RESTRAINT (University of California Press, 3rd ed. 2016), available at• SAM F. HALABI, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, JEFFREY S. CROWLEY, EDS. GLOBAL MANAGEMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE AFTER EBOLA (Oxford University Press, 2016).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PETER D. JACOBSON, DAVID M. STUDDERT, DAVID A. HYMAN, LAW AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM (Foundation Press, Casebook Series, 2014).• JOSÉ M. ZUNIGA, STEPHEN P.MARKS, & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, ADVANCING THE HUMAN RIGHT TO HEALTH (Oxford University Press, 2013).• PAULA O’BRIEN & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, HEALTH WORKER SHORTAGES AND GLOBAL JUSTICE (Milbank Memorial Fund, 2011), available at• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS: AREADER (University of California Press and Milbank Memorial Fund, 2nd ed. 2010), available at; chapter 1 (mapping public health law and ethics) available at; Scholarly Commons:• LAWRENCE GOSTIN, PETER BARTLETT, PHIL FENNEL, JEAN MCHALE, RONNIE MACKAY, EDS., PRINCIPLES OF MENTAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY (OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2010).• RONALD BAYER, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, BRUCE JENNINGS, BONNIE STEINBOCK, EDS., PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS: THEORY, POLICY AND PRACTICE (Oxford University Press, 2007).• DAVID P. FIDLER & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, BIOSECURITY IN THE GLOBAL AGE: BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, PUBLIC HEALTH, AND THE RULE OF LAW (PALO ALTO: STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2008) (award for a seminal work on biosecurity in the period from 1949 to 2009 in the Jan/Feb 2010 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).• LANCE GABLE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, JAMES G. HODGE, JR., KATHARINA GAMHARTER, RUDOLF V. VAN PUYMBROECK, LEGAL ASPECTS OF HIV/AIDS: A GUIDE FOR POLICY AND LAW REFORM (WASHINGTON, D.C.:WORLD BANK, 2007), available at• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, JUDITH AREEN, PATRICIA A. KING, STEVEN GOLDBERG, PETER JACOBSON, LAW, SCIENCE AND MEDICINE (University Casebook Series, The Foundation Press, 2005, 3rd ed.).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & PETER JACOBSON, LAW AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM (The Foundation Press, 2005).• PATRICIA A. KING, JUDITH AREEN, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS (The Foundation Press, 2005).• STEVEN GOLDBERG & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LAW & SCIENCE (The Foundation Press, 2005).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 12• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, THE AIDS PANDEMIC: COMPLACENCY, INJUSTICE, AND UNFULFILLED EXPECTATIONS (University of North Carolina Press, 2004) (Foreword by the Hon. Michael Kirby, Justice, High Court of Australia).• JAMES G. HODGE, JR.& LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE VS. RESEARCH: AREPORT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTITIONERS INCLUDING CASES AND GUIDANCE FOR MAKING DISTINCTIONS (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, May 24, 2004), available at• STANLEY S. HERR, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, HAROLD HONGJU KOH, EDS., THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES:DIFFERENT BUT EQUAL (Oxford University Press, 2003) (Foreword by Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, JAMES G. HODGE JR, CHEYE M. CALVO, GENETICS POLICY AND LAW: A REPORT FOR POLICYMAKERS (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2001).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & ZITA LAZZARINI, PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE HIV PANDEMIC (World Health Organization) (Oxford University Press) (1997). [With a Foreword from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Director of the United Nations Joint Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS), and an Afterword from the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights, Harvard University, Jonathan M. Mann].• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, SCOTT BURRIS, ZITA LAZZARINI & KATHLEEN MAGUIRE, IMPROVING STATE LAWTO PREVENT AND TREAT INFECTIOUS DISEASE (Milbank Memorial Fund) (1998).• JUDITH AREEN, PATRICIA A. KING, STEVEN GOLDBERG, ALEXANDER M. CAPRON, &LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LAW, SCIENCE, AND MEDICINE (University Casebook Series, The Foundation Press) (1996, Supplement 1999).• WILLIAM B. RUBENSTEIN, RUTH EISENBERG & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, RIGHTS OF PERSONS WHO ARE HIV POSITIVE: THE AUTHORITATIVE ACLU GUIDE TO THE RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV DISEASE AND AIDS (Southern Illinois University Press: Carbondale, IL) (1996) (1997 Book Award Winner: American Bar Association Gavel Award Certificate of Merit).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & ZITA LAZZARINI, LEGISLATIVE SURVEY OF STATE CONFIDENTIALITY LAWS (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Atlanta, GA) (1996) [Available from the National AIDS Information Clearinghouse: (800) 458-5231; Order Number D914].• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, ZITA LAZZARINI, KATHLEEN FLAHERTY,& ROBERT SCHERER, THE AIDS LITIGATION PROJECT III: A LOOK AT HIV/AIDS IN THE COURTS IN THE 1990S (Kaiser Family Foundation: Menlo Park, California) (1996) [Available from the Kaiser Family Foundation (800) 656-4533].• LANE PORTER & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LEGAL ENVIRONMENT SURROUNDING THE AVAILABILITY OF STERILE NEEDLES AND SYRINGES TO INJECTING DRUG USERS: ACOMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (World Health Organization and United Nations International Narcotics Board) (1996).• LANE PORTER & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, THE APPLICATION OF UNITED STATES PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS REGULATIONS AND ETHICAL PRINCIPLES TO UNITED STATES FUNDED OR CONDUCTED HIV-RELATED RESEARCH IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: ACOMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS AND THE UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE (National Institutes of Health) (1994).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & HENRY BEYER, THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT:WHAT ITMEANS FOR ALL AMERICANS (Brookes Publishing Co.) (eds. 1993).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & LANE PORTER, INTERNATIONAL LAW AND AIDS: INTERNATIONAL RESPONSES, CURRENT ISSUES, AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS (American Bar Association) (eds. 1992).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, AIDS AND THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM (Yale University Press) (ed. 1990).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LANE PORTER & HAZEL SANDOMIRE, U.S. AIDS LITIGATION PROJECT I: A NATIONAL SURVEY OF FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL CASES BEFORE COURTS & HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS (United States Government Printing Office) (Vol. 1, 1990).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 13• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, LANE PORTER & HAZEL SANDOMIRE, U.S. AIDS LITIGATION PROJECT: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION OF TRENDS IN AIDS LITIGATION (United States Government Printing Office) (Vol. 2, 1990).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, SURROGATEMOTHERHOOD: POLITICS AND PRIVACY (Indiana University Press) (ed. 1990).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN &WILLIAM J. CURRAN, GLOBAL SURVEY OF AIDS LEGISLATION (World Health Organization) (1990).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, CIVIL LIBERTIES IN CONFLICT (Routledge, Chapman and Hall Inc.) (ed. 1988) (Forwards by Justice Brennan and Lord Scarman. Justice Brennan: “The essays in this book brilliantly shape the kinds of collisions between rights and liberties of which all should be aware.” Lord Scarman: “Larry Gostin and his colleagues have produced a work of real worth. They tackle a subject which lies, and always will lie, at the heart of free societies.”).• PETER WALLINGTON, SARAH MCCABE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & JOHN ALDERSON, THE POLICE, PUBLIC ORDER & CIVIL LIBERTIES: LEGACIES OF THE MINERS’ STRIKE (Routledge) (1988).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN,WILLIAM J. CURRAN &MARY E. CLARK, ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME: LEGAL, REGULATORY AND POLICY ANALYSIS (University Publishing Group) (1988) (First published U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1986).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: LAW AND PRACTICE (Shaw & Sons Ltd.) (1986) (annually updated until 2007).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, INSTITUTIONS OBSERVED: TOWARDS A NEW CONCEPT OF SECURE PROVISION IN MENTAL HEALTH (Oxford University Press) (1986).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, SECURE PROVISION: AREVIEW OF SPECIAL SERVICES FOR MENTALLY ILL AND MENTALLY HANDICAPPED PEOPLE IN ENGLAND AND WALES (Tavistock Press) (ed. 1985).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, ELAINE RASSABY, AND ALAN BUCHAN,MENTAL HEALTH: TRIBUNAL PROCEDURE (Oyez Longman) (2d ed. 1984) (The Royal Commission on Legal Services: The leading textbook on the subject of representation in this country.”).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, REPRESENTING THE MENTALLY ILL AND HANDICAPPED: A GUIDE TOMENTAL HEALTH REVIEW TRIBUNAL (Quartermaine House Ltd.) (1980).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, A HUMAN CONDITION VOL. 2: THE LAW RELATING TO MENTALLY ABNORMAL OFFENDERS (MIND) (1977).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, A HUMAN CONDITION VOL. 1: THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT FROM 1959 TO 1975 (MIND) (1975) (The two volumes of A HUMAN CONDITION are heavily quoted in the British Government’s Review of the Mental Health Act of 1959 (London, HMSO, 1977) and by the Governments of New Zealand and Poland in their reviews of domestic legislation. They were the subject of the British Prime Minister’s speech on the Health Service (13 October 1977) and two leading editorials in THE TIMES (London, 23 October 1975; 17 February 1977). Volume 1 has been translated into Dutch and published in the Netherlands. Two-thirds of the policy proposals in the two volumes are enacted in the Mental Health Act of England and Wales.).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PATIENTS RIGHTS IN NORTH CAROLINA’S MENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTIONS (North Carolina: Child Advocacy Center, Dept. of Mental Health) (1973) (This book arose from a study funded by the U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, which enabled the author to be admitted as a pseudo-patient to Cherry Hospital, an institution for the criminally insane in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The book contains a draft Mental Health Act and a bill of rights for psychiatric and mentally retarded patients, which have now been substantially adopted as the law of the State of North Carolina.).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, RIGHTS OF MENTAL PATIENTS: ASYSTEMATIC TRAINING, EVALUATION AND PLANNING PROGRAM (North Carolina: Child Advocacy Center, Dept. of Mental Health) (1973) (This book was designed as a programmed learning aid to high school and university students in the field of mental health and the law.).SHORTER MONOGRAPHS AND REPORTSCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 14• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, ERIC A. FRIEDMAN, DANIEL HOUGENDOBLER, EBOLA, THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, AND BEYOND: TOWARD A FRAMEWORK FOR GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY, AN O’NEILL INSTITUTE BRIEFING PAPER NO. 11 (2015), available at and• ALIZA Y. GLASNER, ERIN E.WILHELM, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, IRA SHOULSON, FACILITATING MEDICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT THROUGH VOLUNTARY DATA SHARING: A LOOK AT THE LEGAL ISSUES (O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, 2014), available at• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN & BENJAMIN E. BERKMAN, ADDRESSING ETHICAL ISSUES IN PANDEMIC INFLUENZA PLANNING: ISOLATION, QUARANTINE, BORDER CONTROL AND SOCIAL-DISTANCING MEASURES (Geneva: World Health Organization, 2009), available• MONICA DAS GUPTA & LAWRENCE GOSTIN, HOW CAN DONORS HELP BUILD GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS IN HEALTH? (Policy Research Working Paper, WPS 4907, The World Bank, Development Research Group, Human Development and Public Services Team, April 2009). Available online at:• CENTER FOR LAW AND THE PUBLIC’S HEALTH, ACONFLICT ANALYSIS OF THE DRAFT REVISED INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS AND EXISTING INTERNATIONAL LAW: AREPORT TO THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (2004).• JAMES G. HODGE, JR.& LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE VS. RESEARCH: AREPORT FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTITIONERS (Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists [CSTE], 2004), available at INCLUDING CASES AND GUIDANCE FOR MAKING DISTINCTIONS• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, JAMES G. HODGE, JR., NICOLE VALENTINE, HELENA NYGREN-KRUG, THE DOMAINS OF HEALTH RESPONSIVENESS – A HUMAN RIGHTS ANALYSIS (World Health Organization, Health and Human Rights Working Paper Series No 2, 2003).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, RESTRICTIONS OR PROHIBITIONS ON THE ADVERTISING OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: AREVIEW OF THE LAW (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Administration) (1992).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, INTRAVENOUS DRUG USERS AND AIDS (National Institute of Drug Abuse) (1988).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, HUMAN RIGHTS IN MENTAL HEALTH IN JAPAN (World Health Organization/Harvard University Collaborative Center on Health Law/World Federation of Mental Health) (1987).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, APRACTICAL GUIDE TO MENTAL HEALTH LAW (MIND) (1983).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN,MOLLY MEACHER AND ROLFE OLSEN, THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT 1983: A GUIDE FOR SOCIAL WORKERS (British Association of Social Workers) (1983).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, THE COURT OF PROTECTION (MIND, National Assoc. of Mental Health) (1983).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, PATIENT’S RIGHTS HANDBOOK (MIND, National Assoc. of Mental Health) (1981).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, THE MENTAL HEALTH ACT 1959: IS IT FAIR? (MIND, National Assoc. of Mental Health) (1978).BOOK CHAPTERS• Lawrence O. Gostin & Laura Davidson, The Rights to Mental Health and Development, in Laura Davidson, ed., THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT,MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING (London: Routledge, 2019).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 15• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health, in ELGAR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 243-45 (Thomas Cottier & Krista Nadakavukaren Schefer, eds., Cheltnham: Elgar Publishing, 2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin E. Berkman, John Kraemer, Foundations in Public Health Law, in Stella R. Quah & William C. Cockerham, eds., in THE INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC HEALTH, vol. 3, pp. 192–198 (Oxford: Academic Press, 2nd ed. 2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Daniel Hougendobler, Anna E. Roberts, American Public Health Law, in OXFORD HANDBOOK OF U.S. HEALTH LAW 937-58 (New York, Oxford University Press, 2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Lindsay Wiley, Public Health Ethics and Law, in THE HASTINGS CENTER BIOETHICS BRIEFINGS (New York: Hastings Center, 2016).• James G. Hodge, Jr. & Lawrence O. Gostin, Quarantine, in KOENIG AND SCHULTZ’S DISASTER MEDICINE: COMPREHENSIVE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES 241-249 (Kristi L. Koenig & Carl H. Schultz, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2nd ed. 2016).• Margaret Brazier & Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword, in CRIMINALISING CONTAGION: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CHALLENGES OF DISEASE TRANSMISSION AND THE CRIMINAL LAW xiii-xvi (Catherine Stanton & Hannah Quirk, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2016).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword: In Celebration of the Life and Career of Sheila McLean, in Pamela R. Ferguson & Graeme T. Laurie (eds) INSPIRING A MEDICO-LEGAL REVOLUTION: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF SHEILA MCLEAN, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2015.• Belinda Reeve & Lawrence O. Gostin, Creating the Conditions for People to Lead Healthy, Fulfilling Lives: Law Reform to Prevent and Control NCDs. In Grant Blashki, Helen Sykes, eds, DANCING IN THE RAIN: LIVING WITH CHRONIC DISEASE, pp. 163-178, Melbourne, Australia, Future Leaders, 2015, available at SSRN:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Health with Justice: The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Agenda on Health, in Helen Sykes (ed.), A LOVE OF IDEAS: THE MELBOURNE FESTIVAL OF IDEAS 26-33 (2014), available at• Kent Buse, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Eric A. Friedman, Pathways Towards a Framework Convention on Global Health: Political Mobilization for the Human Right to Health, in Michael Freeman, Sarah Hawkes, Belinda Bennett (eds.), LAW AND GLOBAL HEALTH (Current Legal Issues, vol. 16) (Oxford University Press, 2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Meeting Basic Survival Needs of the World’s Least Healthy People: Toward a Framework Convention on Global Health, in John Cogon & Swati Gola (eds.), GLOBAL HEALTH AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY: ETHICAL, POLITICAL AND REGULATORY CHALLENGES 249-263 (London: Bloomsbury, 2013).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Governance for Health: Ten Proposals for Asian Leadership and Influence, in Kelly Lee, Tikki Pang & Yeiling Tan (eds.), ASIA’S ROLE IN GOVERNING GLOBAL HEALTH 215-229 (London: Routledge, 2013).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword, in John Coggon, WHAT MAKES HEALTH PUBLIC? A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF MORAL, LEGAL, AND POLITICAL CLAIMS IN PUBLIC HEALTH (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health: The “Population” as Patient, in PATIENT CARE AND PROFESSIONALISM 99-111, Catherine D. DeAngelis, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Gorik Ooms, Mark Heywood, Just Haffeld, Sigrun Møgedal, John-Arne Røttingen, Eric A. Friedman, and Harald Siem, The Joint Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibility for Health, in WORLD HEALTH REPORT 2010, background paper, no. 53, available at and John B. Wong, Lawrence O. Gostin, & Oscar A. Cabrera, Reference Guide on Medical Testimony, in REFERENCE MANUAL ON SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE 687-746 (Jerome P. Kassirer & Gladys Kessler, eds., Federal Judicial Center & National Research Council, 3rd ed., 2011) (with a Preface by Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer).• Lawrence O. Gostin, ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Institutions for Persons with Mental Illness: Treatment, Punishment, or Preventive Confinement?, in INCARCERATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS: THECURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 16OXFORD/AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL LECTURES 49-60 (Melissa McCarthy, ed., Manchester University Press, 2010).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword: The Human Right to Health in Ireland: Toward a Global Standard of Excellence, in LEGISLATING FOR CHANGE: ACCOUNTABILITY AND REFORM OF OUR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES (Dublin, Ireland: Amnesty International, 2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Emily A. Mok, Global Health Governance Report, in THE U.S. COMMITMENT TO GLOBAL HEALTH: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS 205-248 (Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, 2009).• Lance Gable & Lawrence O. Gostin, Mental Health as a Human Right, in REALIZING THE RIGHT TO HEALTH 249-261 (Andrew Clapham, Mary Robinson, Claire Mahon & Scott Jerbi, eds., 2009). (Swiss Human Rights Book Series, vol. III; Rüffer & Rub, 2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Katrina A. Pagonis, Jacobson v. Massachusetts: The Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension, in HEALTH LAW AND BIOETHICS: CASES IN CONTEXT 163-184 (Sandra H. Johnson, Joan H. Krause, Richard S. Saver & Robin Fretwell Wilson eds., New York: Aspen 2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin (Contributing Author), National Cancer Institute, THE ROLE OF THE MEDIA IN PROMOTING AND REDUCING TOBACCO USE: TOBACCO CONTROL MONOGRAPH NO. 19 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008).• Lawrence O. Gostin, F. Ed Thompson, Frank P. Grad, The Law and the Public’s Health: The Foundations, in LAW IN PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE 25-44 (New York: Oxford University Press) (Richard A. Goodman, Richard E. Hoffman, Wilfredo Lopez, Gene W. Matthews, Mark A. Rothstein, Karen L. Foster, eds., 2nd ed. 2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law, in PUBLIC HEALTH ADMINISTRATION: PRINCIPLES FOR POPULATION-BASED MANAGEMENT (Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers (Lloyd F. Novick, Cynthia B. Morrow, Glen P. Mays, eds., 2nd ed., 2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin and Lesley Stone, Health of the People: The Highest Law?, in ETHICS, PREVENTION, AND PUBLIC HEALTH 59-77 (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Angus Dawson & Marcel Verweij, eds, 2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law, in Public Health Administration: Principles for Population.• M. Gregg Bloche & Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Law and the Broken Promise of Equity, in LAW AND CLASS IN AMERICA: TRENDS SINCE THE COLD WAR 310-330 (New York: New York University Press) (Paul Carrington & Trina Jones, eds., 2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The International Health Regulations: A New Paradigm for Global Health Governance?, in FIRST DO NO HARM: LAW, ETHICS AND HEALTHCARE 59-79 (Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing) (Applied Legal Philosophy Series) (Sheila A.M. McLean, ed., 2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health of the People: The Highest Law?, in ETHICS, PREVENTION, AND PUBLIC HEALTH (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (Dawson, A. & Verweij, M., eds., forthcoming 2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Teorías de la Justicia Y Responsabilidad Social en la Salud Pública, in SALUD PÚBLICA: ENFOQUE BIOÉTICO 21-33 (Caracas, Venezuela: Disinlimed C.A.) (Hernán Málaga, ed. 2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword: The Core Values of Public Health Law and Ethics, in PUBLIC HEALTH LAW & POLICY IN CANADA (Markham, Ontario: LexisNexis, Butterworths) (Tracey M. Bailey, Timothy Caulfield, Nola M. Ries, eds., 2005).• Lesley Stone, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act: A Tool for Public Health Preparedness, in CONTROVERSIES IN SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY: FROM MAIZE TO MENOPAUSE 283-296 (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press) Daniel Lee Kleinman, Abby J. Kinchy, Jo Handelsman, eds, 2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Philip Fennell, Health: The Health Care System, Therapeutic Relationships, and Public Health, in THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF LEGAL STUDIES 435-454 (Oxford University Press) (Peter Cane & Mark Tushnet, eds., 2003).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 17• James G. Hodge, Jr. & Lawrence O. Gostin, Protecting the Public’s Health in an Era of Bioterrorism: The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, in IN THE WAKE OF TERROR: MEDICINE AND MORALITY IN A TIME OF CRISIS 17-32 (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press) (Jonathan D. Moreno, ed., 2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Jeffrey P. Koplan, Frank P. Grad, The Law and the Public’s Health: The Foundations, in LAW IN PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE 3-22 (New York: Oxford University Press) (Richard A. Goodman, Mark A. Rothstein, Richard E. Hoffman, Wilfredo Lopez, Gene W. Matthews, eds., 2003).• Adrienne Asche, Lawrence O. Gostin, Diann M. Johnson, Respecting Persons with Disabilities and Preventing Disability: Is There a Conflict?, in THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES:DIFFERENT BUT EQUAL 319-346 (Oxford University Press) (Stanley S. Herr, Lawrence O. Gostin, Harold Hongju Koh, eds, 2003).• Scott Burris & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Development of Public Health Law, in DAWNING ANSWERS: HOW THE HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC HAS HELPED TO STRENGTHEN PUBLIC HEALTH 96-116 (New York, Oxford University Press) (Ronald O. Valdiserri, ed., 2003).• Scott Burris & Lawrence O. Gostin, Genetic Screening from a Public Health Perspective: Three Ethical Principles, in ACOMPANION TO GENETICS 455-464 (Blackwell Publishing) (Justine Burley & John Harris, eds., 2002).• James G. Hodge, Jr. & Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal Methods, in METHODS IN MEDICAL ETHICS 88-103 (Washington, D.C., Georgetown University Press) (Jeremy Sugarman & Daniel P. Sulmasy, eds., 2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal and Public Policy Interventions to Advance the Population=s Health, in PROMOTING HEALTH: INTERVENTION STRATEGIES FROM SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH 390-416 (Washington, DC., National Academy Press) (Brian D. Smedley & S. Leonard Syme, eds., Institute of Medicine, 2000).• Scott Burris, Lawrence O. Gostin, Deborah Tress, Public Health Surveillance of Genetic Information: Ethical and Legal Responses to Social Risk, in GENETICS AND PUBLIC HEALTH IN THE 21ST CENTURY 527-546 (New York, Oxford University Press) (Muin J. Khoury, Wylie Burke, Elizabeth J. Thomson, eds., 2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Values for a New Century, in THE 21ST CENTURY HEALTH CARE LEADER 51 (San Francisco, Calif., Jossey-Bass) (Roderick W. Gilkey and the Center for Healthcare Leadership, Emory University, eds., 1999).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword, in LEGAL RESPONSES TO AIDS IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE xi-xviii (The Hague, Kluwer Law International) (Stanislaw Frankowski, ed. 1998).• Scott Burris & Lawrence Gostin, Genetic Screening from a Public Health Perspective: Some Lessons from the HIV Experience, in GENETIC SECRETS: PROTECTING PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY IN THE GENETIC ERA 137-158 (Yale University Press) (Mark A. Rothstein, ed. 1997).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Legal Regulation of Smoking (and Smokers): Public Health or Secular Morality? in MORALITY AND HEALTH, 331-357 (Routledge) (Allan M. Brandt & Paul Rozin eds. 1997).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Litigation Review, in IMPLEMENTING THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT 29-77 (Blackwell Publishers, Inc.) (Jane West ed. 1996).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Formulation of Health Policy by the Three Branches of Government, in SOCIETY’S CHOICES: SOCIAL AND ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN BIOMEDICINE 335-357 (National Academy Press) (Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby, and Harvey V. Fineberg eds. 1995).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Corpus of Anti-discrimination Law: A Force for Change in the Future of Public Health Regulation, in JUSTICE AND HEALTH CARE: COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVES 105-146 (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.) (Andrew Grubb and Maxwell J. Mehlman eds. 1995).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Human Rights for Persons with Mental Illness: An International Approach Based upon the European Convention of Human Rights, in LAW,MENTAL HEALTH, AND HUMANCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 18RIGHTS, (Russian Academy of Sciences) (S. Polubinskaya and S. Shah. eds., 1994). (In English and Russian).• E.MAXINE ANKRAH & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Ethical and Legal Considerations of the HIV Epidemic in Africa, in AIDS IN AFRICA, 547-558 (Raven Press) (Max Essex, Souleymane Mboup, Phillis J. Kanki & Mbowa R. Kalengayi eds., 1994).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Macro-ethical Principles for the Conduct of Human Subject Research: Population-based Research and Ethics, in INTERNATIONAL ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR EPIDEMIOLOGIC RESEARCH (Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences) (Z. Bankowski ed., 1993).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Drug Dependency and HIV, in AIDS LAW TODAY (Yale University Press) (Scott Burris, Harlan L. Dalton & the Yale AIDS Law Project eds., 1993).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Traditional Public Health Strategies, in AIDS LAW TODAY (Yale University Press) (Scott Burris, Harlan L. Dalton & the Yale AIDS Law Project eds., 1993).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Law and Policy, in DIMENSIONS OF HIV PREVENTION:NEEDLE EXCHANGE (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation) (Jeff. Stryker & Mark D. Smith eds., 1993).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Consent to Treatment: The Incapable Person, in DOCTORS, PATIENTS AND THE LAW (Blackwell Scientific Publications) (Catherine Dyer ed., 1992).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Genetic Discrimination. The National Center for Human Genome Research, U.S. Public Health Service and U.S. Department of Energy, in REPORT TO CONGRESS ON THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS OF GENOME RESEARCH (National Institutes of Health) (1992).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Public Health Powers: The Imminence of Radical Change, in THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: FROM POLICY TO PRACTICE (Milbank Memorial Fund) (Jane West ed., 1991).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Human Rights of Mentally Ill People: A Global Response, in PSICHIATRA SENZE MANICOMI (PSYCHIATRY WITHOUT ASYLUMS) (University of Bologna) (1991).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Relative Risk and Legal Compulsion in the Control of AIDS; and Integrating the Public Health, Medical and Legal Responses to AIDS, in AIDS AND THE COURTS, (National Institute of Justice/Abt Books) (C. Abt and K. Hardy eds., 1990).• RONALD BAYER & LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Legal and Ethical Issues in AIDS, in CURRENT TOPICS IN AIDS (John Wiley & Sons (Gottlieb et at. eds., 1989).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Mentally Ill and the Power of the State, in LIBERTY AND LEGISLATION (Frank Cass & Co.) (Richard Hoggart ed., 1989)• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Drug Dependent Populations: Legal and Public Policy Options, in AIDS AND IV DRUG ABUSERS (National Health Publishing) (P. Galea ed., 1988).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome: A Review of Science, Health Policy, and Law, in AIDS AND PATIENT MANAGEMENT: LEGAL, ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES (National Health Publishing) (Michael Witt ed., 1987).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Foreword to BORN A NUMBER, (MIND) (1986).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Right to Choose a Higher Risk Alternative for Mentally Retarded People: Values in Conflict, in ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN MENTAL RETARDATION, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST JOHN QUINCY MEMORIAL CONFERENCE JUNE 27, 1986 (John Quincy Memorial Fund) (1986).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Rights of Prisoners: A Case for Minimum Standards, in PRISONERS AND ACCOUNTABILITY (Tavistock Press) (Michael McGuire, John Vaag and Richard Morgan eds., 1985).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Ideology of Entitlement, in MENTAL ILLNESS: CHANGES AND TRENDS (John Wiley) (Phillip Bean ed., 1985).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Human Rights in Mental Health, in PSYYCHIATRY, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND THE LAW (Cambridge) (Martin Roth & Robert Bluglass, eds).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Foreword to ADVOCACY: THE U.K. AND AMERICAN EXPERIENCES (Kings Fund, Project Paper 51) (1984).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 19• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Psychiatric Detention Without Limit of Time: The Broadmoor Cases, in CAUSES FOR CONCERN: BRITISH CRIMINAL JUSTICE ON TRIAL? (Penguin) (P. Scraton and P. Gordon eds., 1984).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Law and the Mentally Disabled Offender in the United States, in MENTALLY ABNORMAL OFFENDERS (Bailliere Tindal) (Michael Craft ed., 1984).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Mental Health Law in England and Wales: An Exposition and Leads for the Future, in MENTALLY ABNORMAL OFFENDERS (Bailliere Tindal) (Michael Craft ed., 1984).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Towards the Development of Principles for Governing the Admission to Hospital and Detention of Mentally Abnormal Offenders, in MENTALLY ABNORMAL OFFENDERS (Bailliere Tindal) (Michael Craft ed., 1984).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Consent to Unusually Hazardous, Unestablished or Irreversible Treatments in Psychiatry: A Review of the Draft Guidelines, in THE PROTECTION OF PERSONS SUFFERING FROM MENTAL DISORDER: PROCEEDINGS OF TWO MEETINGS OF EXPERTS HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PENAL LAW AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF JURISTS (Association Internationale de Droit Penal) (1983).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Law Relating to Mentally Ill and Mentally Handicapped People in England and Wales, in MENTAL HEALTH YEARBOOK (MIND, National Assoc. of Mental Health) (W. Morgan ed., 1981).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, A Review of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960, in MENTAL HEALTH YEARBOOK (MIND, National Assoc. of Mental Health) (W. Morgan ed., 1981).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, A Jurisprudential and Ethical Examination of Electroconvulsive Therapy, in ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY: AN APPRAISAL (Oxford University Press) (Lawrence Palmer ed., 1981).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Legal, Ethical and Personal Aspects, in PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON STERILIZATION AND MENTAL HANDICAP (Institute on Mental Retardation) (1981).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Psychiatric Treatments -- Who Decides? Vol. 2, No. 6. of HAZARDOUS AND IRREVERSIBLE TREATMENT IN PSYCHIATRY --WHO DECIDES? (SK&F Publications) (R. Williams ed., 1980).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, Current Concepts in Mental Retardation in the U.S.: Emerging Constitutional Issues, in TREDGOLD’S MENTAL RETARDATION (Bailliere Tindall) (Michael Craft ed., 12th & 13th eds., 1979).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Law Relating to Mental Handicap in England and Wales, in TREDGOLD’S MENTAL RETARDATION (Bailliere Tindall) (Michael Craft ed., 12th & 13th eds., 1979).• LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, The Law Relating to Mental Handicap in Scotland, in TREDGOLD’S MENTAL RETARDATION (Bailliere Tindall) (Michael Craft ed., 12th & 13th eds., 1979).ARTICLES• Lawrence O. Gostin, John T. Monahan, Jenny Kaldor, et al., The Lancet Commission on Global Health and the Law: The Legal Determinants of Health: Harnessing the Power of Law for Global Health and Sustainable Development, 393 (10183) THE LANCET P1857-1910, DOI:• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Lancet Commission on Global Health Law: The Transformative Power of Law to Advance the Right to Health, J GLOB HEALTH SCI. Published online May 28, 2019,• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ibrahim Abubakar, Ranieri Guerra, Sabina F Rashid, Eric A Friedman, Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Takes Action to Promote the Health of Refugees and Migrants, 393 (10183) THE LANCET 1857-1910, May 18, 2019, DOI:• Lawrence O. Gostin, WHO Global Action Plan to Promote the Health of Refugees and Migrants, MILBANK QUARTERLY, published online July 2019, DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12404.CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 20• Rebecca B. Reingold & Lawrence O. Gostin, State Abortion Restrictions and the New Supreme Court: Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Services, 322(1) JAMA 21-22 (2019), doi:10.1001/jama.2019.8437.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Health: Shared Obligations and Mutual Respect, 85(1) ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH 1–2 (2019), DOI:• James G. Hodge & Lawrence O. Gostin, Guiding Industry Settlements of Opioid Litigation, AM. J. DRUG & ALCOHOL ABUSE, published online June 12, 2019,• John Coggon & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Two Most Important Questions for Ethical Public Health, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, published July 4, 2019,• Lawrence O. Gostin, Benjamin M. Meier, Rebekah Thomas, Veronica Magar, Tedros A. Ghebreyesus, 70 Years of Human Rights in Global Health: Drawing on a Contentious Past to Secure a Hopeful Future, 392 THE LANCET 2731-2735 (2018), S0140-6736(18)32997-0.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Scott C. Ratzan, Barry R. Bloom, Safe Vaccinations for a Healthy Nation: Increasing US Vaccine Coverage Through Law, Science, and Communication, 321(20) JAMA 1969- 70 (2019), published online April 19, 2019,• Lawrence O. Gostin, A National Action Plan to Eliminate Vaccine Preventable Childhood Diseases, 97 MILBANK QUART 378-82 (June 2019), DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12394.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Moderated by Justice Chang-fa Lo (Justice, Constitutional Court, Taiwan, ROC), Global Health Security in an Era of Explosive Pandemic Potential: Roundtable, 14 ASIAN J OF WTO & INT’L HEALTH LAW & POLICY (AJWH) 267-285 (2019).• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr, Chelsea L. Gulinson, Supervised Injection Facilities: Legal and Policy Reforms, 321(8) JAMA 745-746 (2019). doi:10.1001/jama.2019.0095.• Lawrence Gostin, Alexandra Phelan, Alex Godwin Coutinho, et al., Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Time to Sound a Global Alert? THE LANCET, Published Online February 4, 2019, S0140-6736(19)30243-0.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Neil R. Sircar, and Eric A. Friedman, Fighting Novel Diseases amidst Humanitarian Crises, 49(1) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 6-9 (2019),• Belinda Reeve & Lawrence O. Gostin, “Big” Food, Tobacco, and Alcohol: Reducing Industry Influence on Noncommunicable Disease Prevention Laws and Policies, INT J HEALTH POLICY MANAG, Available Online May 19, 2019,• Roger S. Magnusson, Benn McGrady, Lawrence Gostin, David Patterson, Hala Abou Taleb, Legal Capacities Required for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, 97 BULL WORLD HEALTH ORGAN 108-117 (2018), doi:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Living, Aging, and Dying in Healthy and Just Societies: Life Lessons From my Father, 97(1) MILBANK QUARTERLY 24-30 (2019), DOI:10.1111/1468-0009.12366.• Lawrence O. Gostin & Katharina E. Ó Cathaoir, Lurching from Complacency to Panic in the Fight Against Dangerous Microbes: A Blueprint for a Common Secure Future, 67 EMORY L.J. 337-396 (2018).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Matthew M. Kavanagh, Elizabeth Cameron, Ebola and War in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Avoiding Failure and Thinking Ahead, 243(3) JAMA 243-45 (2019). doi:10.1001/jama.2018.19743.• Michelle J. Bayefsky & Lawrence O. Gostin, Requiring Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination for School Entry, JAMA Pediatr. Published online December 28, 2018, doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.4283.• Matthew M. Kavanaugh & Lawrence O. Gostin, The World Health Organization’s Momentous Struggle to Respond to the AIDS Pandemic, 108(10) AM. J. PUB HEALTH 1272–73 (2018).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 21• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge Jr, Substantial Shifts in Supreme Court Health Law Jurisprudence, JAMA. Published online September 6, 2018, doi:10.1001/jama.2018.12331.• Lawrence O. Gostin, HPV Vaccination: A Public Good and a Health Imperative, 46(2) J. LAW,MED. & ETHICS 511-13 (2018).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Sam F. Halabi, Kumanan Wilson, Health Data and Privacy in the Digital Era, 320(3) JAMA 233-34 (2018), doi:10.1001/jama.2018.8374.• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Beautiful Life in a Vibrant Yet Vulnerable City, 98 (2) MILBANK QUART. 239-243 (2018).• Lawrence O. Gostin& Sarah Duranske, The Second Amendment: A Well-Regulated Firearms Environment, 319(17) JAMA 1763-64 (2018), doi:10.1001/jama.2018.4044.• Lawrence O. Gostin& Sarah Duranske, Gun Regulation: Room For Action Even After Heller, HEALTH AFFAIRS BLOG, March 24, 2018, DOI: 10.1377/hblog20180323.730582.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Sibel Ozcelik, Sarah Duranske & Eric A. Friedman, More Effective Gun Regulation: A Question of Political Will, Not Legal Space, BLOOMBERG LAW, March 28, 2018, available at:• Rebecca B. Reingold & Lawrence O. Gostin, Banning Abortion in Cases of Down Syndrome: Important Lessons for Advances in Genetic Diagnosis, JAMA. Published online May 18, 2018. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.6118.• Friends of the UN HLM on NCDs, The How: A Message for The UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, THE LANCET, Published Online June 28, 2018, DOI:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Language, Science, and Politics: The Politicization of Public Health, 319 (6)JAMA 541-542 (2018), doi:10.1001/jama.2017.21763.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Tackling Obesity and Disease: The Culprit Is Sugar; the Response Is Legal Regulation 48(1) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 5-7 (January/February 2018), DOI: 10.1002/hast.804.• Sarah A. Roache, Charles Platkin, Lawrence O. Gostin, Cara Kaplan, Big Food and Soda Versus Public Health: Industry Litigation Against Local Government Regulations to Promote Healthy Diets, 45 FORDHAM URB. L.J. 1051-89 (2018), available at:• Kolitha Wickramage, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric Friedman, Phusit Prakongsai, Rapeepong Suphanchaimat, Charles Hui, Patrick Duigan, Eliana Barragan, David Harper, Missing: Where Are the Migrants in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plans? HEALTH HUMAN RIGHTS, online May 31, 2018, available at:• Lawrence O. Gostin, China’s “New” Silk Road: Promise or Peril for Health, Development, and Human Rights? 360 BRIT.MED. J. k816, doi: 10.1136/bmj.k816 (Published 22 February 2018).• Lawrence O. Gostin Eric A. Friedman Oyebanji Filani Wang Chenguang, China’s Grand Idea For The 21st Century: Will The New Silk Road Transform Global Health Assistance? HEALTH AFFS. April 3, 2018, 10.1377/hblog20180327.739726.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mandatory Vaccination: Understanding the Common Good in the Midst of the Global Polio Eradication Campaign, ISRAEL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY RESEARCH (2018) 7:4 DOI 10.1186/S13584-017-0198-4.• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr, Sarah A. Wetter, Enforcing Federal Drug Laws in States Where Medical Marijuana Is Lawful, 319(14 JAMA 1435-36 (2018), doi:10.1001/jama.2018.1083.• Benjamin Mason Meier, Hanna Huffstetler, Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Global Health Governance, 12 GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE 4-10 (2018).• Belinda Bennett, I. Glenn Cohen, Sara E. Davies, Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter S. Hill, Aditi Mankad, Future-Proofing Global Health: Governance of Priorities, GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH: INTERNATIONAL J. RESEARCH, POLICY &PRACTICE. Published online: 8 March 2018, pp. 519-27,• Lawrence O. Gostin, Roger S. Magnusson, Rudiger Krech, David W. Patterson, Steven A. Solomon, Derek Walton, Gian Luca Burci, Katharina E. Ó Cathaoir, Sarah A. Roache, Marie-Paule Kieny,CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 22Advancing the Right to Health: The Vital Role of Law, 107(11) AM. J. PUBLIC HEALTH 1755-56 (2017), DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304077.• Yulia Blomstedt, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Johan Dahlstrand, Friberg, Lawrence O. Gostin, Måns Nilsson, Nelson K. Sewankambo, Göran Tomson, Tobias Alfvén, Partnerships for Child Health: Capitalising on Links Between the Sustainable Development Goals, BRIT.MED. J. 2018;360:k125 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k125 (Published 23 January 2018).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Roger S. Magnusson, Rudiger Krech, David W. Patterson, Steven A. Solomon, Derek Walton, Gian Luca Burci, Katharina O ́Cathaoir, Sarah A. Roache, Marie-Paule Kieny, Advancing the Right to Health—The Vital Role of Law, 107(11) AM. J. PUB. HEALTH 1755-56 (2017), DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304077.• Lawrence O. Gostin, The “Great” Generation and a Not-So-Great Health System, 95(4) MILBANK QUART. 698-701 (Dec. 2017),• Lawrence O Gostin, Mary Clare DeBartolo, Rebecca Katz, The Global Health Law Trilogy: Towards a Safer, Healthier, and Fairer World, 390(10105) THE LANCET 1918-26 (October 21, 2017), DOI:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Our Shared Vulnerability to Dangerous Pathogens, MEDICAL LAW REVIEW, 1-15 (2017). doi:10.1093/medlaw/fwx016.• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, Reimagining WHO: Leadership and Action for a New Director-General, 389 LANCET 755–59 (2017), http://dx.doi.Org/10.1016/ S0140-6736(17)30203-9.• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., Sarah A. Noe, Reframing the Opioid Epidemic as a National Emergency, 318(16) JAMA 1539-40 (2017), doi:10.1001/jama.2017.13358.• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge Jr., Reforming Federal Public Health Powers: Responding to National and Global Threats, JAMA, Published Online: February 16, 2017, doi:10.1001/jama.2017.1021.• Alexandra L. Phelan & Lawrence O. Gostin, Law as a Fixture Between the One Health Interfaces of Emerging Diseases, 111 TRANS R SOC TROP MED HYG 241–243 (2017), doi:10.1093/trstmh/trx044.• Lawrence O. Gostin, The World Health Organization’s Ninth Director-General: The Leadership of Tedros Adhanom, 95(3) MILBANK QUARTERLY 1-5 (2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin, “America First”: Prospects for Global Health, 95(2) MILBANK QUARTERLY 224-28 (2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, Global Health: A Pivotal Moment Of Opportunity and Peril, 36 Health Affairs 159-165 (2017); doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1492.• Sarah A. Roache & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Untapped Power of Soda Taxes: Incentivizing Consumers, Generating Revenue, and Altering Corporate Behavior, 6 INT. J. HEALTH POLICY& MANAG. 1-5 (2017), doi 10.15171/ijhpm.2017.69.• Sarah A. Roache & Lawrence O. Gostin, Tapping the power of soda taxes: a call for multidisciplinary research and broad-based advocacy coalitions – A response to the recent commentaries, INT J HEALTH POLICY MANAG. (2018), doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2018.30.• Alexandra L. Phelan & Lawrence O. Gostin, Flu, Floods, and Fire: Ethical Public Health Preparedness, 47(3) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 46-47 (2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Ana Ayala, Global Health Security in an Era of Explosive Pandemic Potential, 9 J. NATIONAL SECURITY LAW & POLICY 53-80 (2017).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Hunger, Health, and Compassion, 317(19) JAMA 1939-40 (2017), doi:10.1001/jama.2017.5336.• Lawrence O. Gostin & Katharina Eva Ó Cathaoir, Presidential Immigration Policies: Endangering Health & Wellbeing? 317(16) JAMA 1617-18 (2017), doi:10.1001/jama.2017.3794.• Lawrence O. Gostin, 2016: The Year of the Soda Tax, 95(1) MILBANK QUART. 19-23 (2017), doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12240.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Best Evidence Aside: Why Trump’s Executive Order Makes America Less Healthy, 47(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 5-6 (March/April, 2017), doi: 10.1002/hast.681.CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 23• James G. Hodge, Jr. & Lawrence O. Gostin, Revamping the US Federal Common Rule: Modernizing Human Participant Research Regulations, 317(15) JAMA 1521-22 (2017), doi:10.1001/jama.2017.1633.• Gian Luca Burci & Lawrence O. Gostin, Privatized Pharmaceutical Innovation vs Access to Essential Medicines: A Global Framework for Equitable Sharing of Benefits, 317(5) JAMA 473-474 (2017), doi:10.1001/jama.2016.17994.• Belinda Bennett, I. Glenn Cohen, Sara E. Davies, Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter S. Hill, Aditi Mankad & Alexandra L. Phelan, Future-proofing Global Health: Governance of Priorities, GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH 1-9. Published online: March 8, 2017,• Lawrence O. Gostin, Imagining Global Health with Justice, 39(2) DALHOUSIE LAW JOURNAL 355-375 (2016).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Hala Abou-Taleb, Sarah A. Roach, Ala Alwan, Legal Priorities For Prevention Of Non-Communicable Diseases: Innovations from WHO's Eastern Mediterranean Region, 144 PUBLIC HEALTH 4–12 (2017),• James G. Hodge, Jr., Lawrence O. Gostin, Wendy E. Parmet, Jennifer B. Nuzzo, and Alexandra Phelan, Federal Powers to Control Communicable Conditions: Call for Reforms to Assure National Preparedness and Promote Global Security, 15(1) HEALTH SECURITY 1-4 (2017), DOI:10.1089/hs.2016.0114.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, Paulo Buss, Mushtaque Chowdhury, Anand Grover, et al., The Next WHO Director-General’s Highest Priority: A Global Treaty on the Human Right to Health, The Lancet Global Health 4 (2016) pp. e890-e892, doi:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Oyewale Tomori, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, et al. Toward a Common Secure Future: Four Global Commissions in the Wake of Ebola, 13(5) PLOSMED. 1-15 (May 19, 2016), doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002042.• Lawrence O. Gostin & Rebecca Katz, The International Health Regulations: The Governing Framework for Global Health Security, 94 (2) MILBANK QUART. 264-313 (2016), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, David A. Hyman, Peter D. Jacobson, The Affordable Care Act: Moving Forward in the Coming Years, JAMA, Published online Nov. 28, 2016, doi:10.1001/jama.2016.18908.• Lawrence O. Gostin, “Big Food” is Making America Sick, 94(3) MILBANK QUART. 480–84 (2016), doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12209.• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Very Long Journey: A Decade’s Quest for Quarantine Regulations, 94(4) MILBANK QUART. 724-28 (2016).• Sarah A. Roach, Lawrence O. Gostin, Eduardo Bianco Fonsalia, Trade, Investment, and Tobacco: Philip Morris v Uruguay, 316(20) JAMA 2085-86 (2016).• Women’s Health and Abortion Rights: Whole Woman’s Health v Hellerstedt, 316(9) JAMA 925-26 (2016), doi:10.1001/jama.2016.11074.• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge Jr., Zika Virus and Global Health Security, 16(10) LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES 1099–1100 (October 2016), DOI:• Lawrence O. Gostin, “Big Food” is Making America Sick, 94(3) MILBANK QUART. 480-84 (2016), doi:10.1111/1468-0009.12209.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Politics and Public Health: The Flint Drinking Water Crisis, 46(4) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 5-6 (July/August 2016).• Sean E. Bland, Jeffrey S. Crowley, Lawrence O. Gostin, Strategies for Health System Innovation After Gobeille v Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 316(6) JAMA 581-582 (2016), doi:10.1001/jama.2016.8293.CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 24• Daniel Lucey & Lawrence O. Gostin, A Yellow Fever Epidemic: A New Global Health Emergency? JAMA, published on line May 9, 2016, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Is the United States Prepared for a Major Zika Virus Outbreak?, 315(22) JAMA 2395-96. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.4919 (2016).• Daniel R. Lucey & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Emerging Zika Pandemic: Enhancing Preparedness, 315(9) JAMA 865-86 (2016) (>60K downloads from JAMA website).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Carmen C. Mundaca-Shah, Patrick W. Kelley, Neglected Dimensions of Global Security: The Global Health Risk Framework Commission, 315(14) JAMA 1451-52 (2016).• Eric A. Friedman & Lawrence O. Gostin, The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Achieving the Vision of Global Health with Justice, 21(1) GEORGETOWN PUBLIC POLICY REVIEW (Spring 2016).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Health Security: Four Global Commissions, 94(1) MILBANK QUART. 34-38 (2016).• Kenneth W. Lin & Lawrence O. Gostin, A Public Health Framework for Screening Mammography: Evidence-Based Versus Politically Mandated Care, 315(10) JAMA 977-78 (2016).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Anna E. Roberts, Physician Assisted Dying: A Turning Point?, 315(3) JAMA 249-250 (2016).• Alexandra Phelan & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Human Rights Dimensions of Zika, UNITED NATIONS ACADEMIC IMPACT (April 4, 2016).• Lawrence O. Gostin: Lead in the Water: A Tale of Social and Environmental Injustice, JAMA Forum, published online on April 13, 2016.• Lawrence O. Gostin, The FDA's E-Cigarette Rule Isn't Enough: Tougher Measures Are Needed To Truly Limit Tobacco Use And Save Millions Of Lives, US NEWS &WORLD REPORT, May 6, 2016.• Rebecca Dittrich, Leonardo Cubillos, Lawrence Gostin, Kalipso Chalkidou, Ryan Li, The International Right to Health: What Does It Mean in Legal Practice and How Can It Affect Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage?, 2(1) HEALTH SYSTEMS & REFORM 23-31 (2016),• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, The Sustainable Development Goals: One-Health in the World’s Development Agenda, 314 (24) JAMA 2617-18 (2015).• Lawrence O Gostin, Mary C DeBartolo, Eric A Friedman, The International Health Regulations 10 years on: the governing framework for global health security, 386 THE LANCET 2222-26 (2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of the west African Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic: Robust National Health Systems at the Foundation and an Empowered WHO at the Apex, 385 THE LANCET 1902-1909 (May 9, 2015), DOI:, available at and at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Anna E. Roberts, Forced Migration, The Human Face of a Health Crisis, 314(20) JAMA 2125-26 (2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Politics of Global Health Security (Book Review), 386 THE LANCET 2134-35 (Nov. 28, 2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Tale of Two Diseases: Mental Illness and HIV/AIDS, 93(4) MILBANK QUART. 687-90 (December 2015).• Eric A. Friedman & Lawrence O. Gostin, Imagining Global Health with Justice: In Defense of the Right to Health, 23(4) HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS (2015) (Special Issue: Global Health Justice), DOI: 10.1007/s10728-015-0307-x, available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 25• Shawn H.E Harmon, Lawrence Gostin, Liz Grant, et al., Imagining Global health with Justice: Ebola, Impoverished People and Health Systems (Keynote address by Lawrence Gostin, the University of Edinburgh, Scotland), 15 MED. LAW INT’L 3-18 (2015)• Lawrence O. Gostin & Daniel Lucey, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: A Global Health Challenge, 314(8) JAMA 771-72 (2015), available at and• Harald Schmidt, Lawrence O. Gostin, Ezekiel J Emanuel, Public Health, Universal Health Coverage, and Sustainable Development Goals: Can They Coexist? 386 (9996) THE LANCET 928-930 (2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Americans With Disabilities Act at 25: The Highest Expression of American Values, 313(22) JAMA 2231-35 (2015), available at• Rebecca B. Reingold & Lawrence O. Gostin, Sexual Assaults Among University Students: Prevention, Support, and Justice, 314(5) JAMA 447-48 (2015), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mary C. DeBartolo, Daniel Hougendobler, King v Burwell: Subsidizing US Health Insurance for Low- and Middle-Income Individuals, 314(4) JAMA 333-34 (2015), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Future of the World Health Organization: Lessons Learned From Ebola, 93(3) MILBANK QUART. 475-79 (2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Law, Ethics, and Public Health in the Vaccination Debates: Politics of the Measles Outbreak, 313(11) JAMA 1099-1100 (2015), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Devi Sridhar, Daniel Hougendobler, The Normative Authority of the World Health Organization, 129(7) PUBLIC HEALTH (Journal of the Royal Society of Public Health) 854—63 (2015), and• Lawrence O. Gostin, World Health Organization Reform: Lessons Learned from the Ebola Epidemic, 45(2) HASTINGS CTR. REP. 6-7 (March/April 2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, John T. Monahan, Mary C. DeBartolo, Richard Horton, Law’s Power to Safeguard Global Health: A Lancet–O’Neill Institute, Georgetown University Commission on Global Health and the Law, THE LANCET, Published online April 22, 2015,, available at• Belinda Reeve, Marice Ashe, Ruben Farias, Lawrence Gostin, State and Municipal Innovations in Obesity Policy: Why Localities Remain a Necessary Laboratory for Innovation, 105(3) AM. J. PUBLIC HEALTH 442-48 (March 2015).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Why Healthy Behavior Is the Hard Choice, 93(2) MILBANK QUARTERLY 242-246 (2015), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Good Science + Good Ethics = Good Law: Five Rules for Epidemic Preparedness, 93(1) MILBANK QUARTERLY 19-23 (2015).• Mark J. Siedner, Lawrence O. Gostin, Hilarie H. Cranme, John D. Kraemer, Strengthening the Detection of and Early Response to Public Health Emergencies: Lessons from the West African Ebola Epidemic, 12(3) PLOSMED 1-8 (2015), available at• Simone Lanini, Alimuddin Zumla, John PA Ioannidis, Antonino Di Caro, Sanjeev Krishna, Lawrence Gostin, Enrico Girardi, Michel Pletschette, Gino Strada, Aldo Baritussio, Gina Portella, Giovanni Apolone, Silvio Cavuto, Roberto Satolli, Peter Kremsner, Francesco Vairo, Giuseppe Ippolito, Are Adaptive Randomised Trials or Non-randomised Studies the Best Way to Address the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa? LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES, Published online April 14, 2015, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Devi Sridhar, Global Health and the Law, NEW ENGL. J.MED., 370(18): 1732-40 (2014).; and; Interactive graphic available at: VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 26• Lawrence O. Gostin, Alexandra Phelan, Michael A. Stoto, John D. Kraemer, K. Srinath Reddy, Virus Sharing, Genetic Sequencing, and Global Health Security, 345 SCIENCE 1295-96 (2014), available at and• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ebola: Towards an International Health Systems Fund, 384 (9951) The Lancet e49-e51 (2014), available at, and• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, Ebola: A Crisis in Global Health Leadership, 384 (9951) The Lancet 1323-25 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., Scott Burris, Is the United States Prepared for Ebola? 312(23) JAMA 2497-98 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Henry Waxman, William Foege, The President’s National Security Agenda Curtailing Ebola, Safeguarding the Future, 313(1) JAMA 27-28 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Daniel Lucey, Alexandra Phelan, The Ebola Epidemic: A Global Health Emergency, 312(11) JAMA 1095-96 (2014), available at• Michael T. Osterholm, Kristine A. Moore, Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health in the Age of Ebola in West Africa, JAMAINTERNAL MEDICINE, published online October 10, 2014, available at and• James G. Hodge, Jr., Lawrence O. Gostin, Dan Hanfling, John L. Hick, Law, Medicine, and Public Health Preparedness: The Case of Ebola, 130 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 1-4 (March–April 2015), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Healthy Living Needs Global Governance, 511 NATURE 147-150 (2014) available at, and• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Polio Eradication: Espionage, Disinformation and the Politics of Vaccination, 92(3) MILBANK QUART 413-17 (2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Belinda H. Reeve, Marice Ashe, The Historic Role of Boards of Health in Local Innovation: New York City’s Soda Portion Case, 312(15) JAMA 1511-12 (2014) available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Emergencies: What Counts? 44 (6) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 36-37 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Allocation of Drugs and Vaccines in the West African Ebola Epidemic, 92(4) MILBANK QUARTERLY 662-66 (December 2014).• Alexandra Phelan & Lawrence O. Gostin, Farewell to the God of Plague: Has International Law Prepared Us for the Next Pandemic? 15(2) GEORGETOWN J. OF INT’L AFFS. 134-43 (Summer/Fall 2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The ACA’s Contraceptive Mandate: Religious Freedom, Women’s Health, and Corporate Personhood, 312(8) JAMA 785-87 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Anna Garsia, Governing for Health as the World Grows Older: Healthy Lifespans in Aging Societies, 22(1) ELDER L.J. 111140 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Aliza Y. Glasner, E-Cigarettes, Vaping, and Youth, 312(6) JAMA 595-96 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Alexandra Phelan, The Global Health Security Agenda in an Age of Biosecurity, 312(1) JAMA 27-28 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Following Brain Death: The McMath and Muñoz Cases, 311(9) JAMA 903-904 (2014), available at and VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 27• Lawrence O. Gostin, Limiting What We Can Eat: A Bridge Too Far? 92(2) MILBANK QUARTERLY 173-76 (June 2014).• Devi Sridhar, Julio Frenk, Lawrence Gostin, Suerie Moon, Global Rules for Global Health: Why We Need an Independent, Impartial WHO, 348 BRITISH MED. JOURNAL g384 (June, 18, 2014), available at and Katherine L. Record & Lawrence O. Gostin, What Will It Take: Terrorism, Mass Murder, Gang Violence, and Suicides: The American Way, or Do We Strive for a Better Way?, MICHIGAN J. OF LAW REFORM 555-74 (2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Bruce M. Altevogt, Andrew M. Pope, Future Oversight of Recombinant DNA Research: Recommendations of an Institute of Medicine Committee, 311(7) JAMA 671-72 (2014), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Bloomberg’s Health Legacy: Urban Innovator or Meddling Nanny, 43(5) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 19-25 (2013), available at See subsequently Exchange Commentaries by Roger Magnusson, Peter D. Jacobson & Wendy E. Parmet, David P. Borden, EmilyWhelan Parento, and Michelle M. Mello & David M. Studdert, in 44 Hastings Ctr. Rpt. 3-8 (January-February, 2014).• Katherine L. Record & Lawrence O. Gostin, What Will It Take? Terrorism, Mass Murder, Gang Violence, and Suicides: The American Way, Or Do We Strive for a Better Way? 47(3) MICHIGAN J. LAW REFORM 555-574 (2014).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Eric A. Friedman, Towards a Framework Convention on Global Health: A Transformative Agenda for Global Health Justice, 13(1) YALE J. HEALTH POLICY, LAW, & ETHICS 1-75 (2013), available at and• Eric A. Friedman, Jashodhara Dasgupta, Alicia E. Yamin, Lawrence O. Gostin, Realizing the Right to Health Through a Framework Convention on Global Health? A Health and Human Rights Special Issue, 15(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 1-4 (June 2013), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, Kent Buse, Attiya Waris, Moses Mulumba, Mayowa Joel, Lola Dare, Ames Dhai, & Devi Sridhar, Towards a Framework Convention on Global Health, 91(10) BULL.WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 790-793 (October 2013), available at• Eric A. Friedman, Lawrence O. Gostin, Kent Buse, Advancing the Right to Health Through Global Organizations: The Potential Role of a Framework Convention on Global Health, 15(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 71-86 (June 2013), available at and• Lawrence O. Gostin, Who Owns Human Genes? Is DNA Patentable? 310 JAMA. 791-92 (2013).• Lawrence O. Gostin, “Enhanced, Edgier”: A Euphemism for “Shame and Embarrassment”?, 43(3) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 3-4 (2013).• Lawrence O. Gostin, PEPFAR’s Antiprostitution Pledge: Spending Power and Free Speech in Tension, 310 JAMA 1127-28 (2013).• Lawrence O. Gostin, PEPFAR’s Antiprostitution “Loyalty Oath”: Politicizing Public Health, 43(3) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 11-12 (2013).• Devi Sridhar, Claire E Brolan, Shireen Durrani, Jennifer Edge, Lawrence O Gostin, Peter Hill, Martin McKee, Recent Shifts in Global Governance: Implications for the Response to Non-communicable Diseases, 10 (7) PLOSMEDICINE e1001487.• Emily Whelan Parento & Lawrence O. Gostin, Better Health, But Less Justice: Widening Health Disparities After National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 27 NOTRE DAME J. LAW, ETHICS & PUBLIC POLICY 481-512 (2013), available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 28• Lawrence O. Gostin, Gillian J. Buckley, Patrick W. Kelley, Stemming the Global Trade in Falsified and Substandard Medicines, 309(16) JAMA 1693-94 (2013), available at• Gillian F. Buckley, Jim E Riviere, Lawrence O. Gostin, What to do About Unsafe Medicines? 347 BRITISH MED. J. f5064 (2013).• Bryan P. Thomas & Lawrence O. Gostin, Tobacco Endgame Strategies: Challenges in Ethics and Law, 22 TOBACCO CONTROL i55-i57 (2013), available at, and• Bryan P. Thomas & Lawrence O. Gostin, Tackling the Global NCD Crisis: Innovations in Law and Governance, 41 J. L.,MED. & ETHICS 16-27 (2013), DOI: 10.1111/jlme.12002, available at• Katherine L. Record &Lawrence O. Gostin, A Systematic Plan for Firearms Law Reform, 309(12) JAMA 1231-31 (2013), available at• Devi Sridhar, Claire E. Brolan, Shireen Durrani, Jennifer Edge, Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter Hill, Martin McKee, Recent Shifts in Global Governance: Implications for the Response to Non-communicable Diseases, 10(7) PLOSMED: e1001487. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001487 (2013), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Supreme Court’s Historic Ruling on the Affordable Care Act: Economic Sustainability and Universal Coverage, 308(6) JAMA 571-72 (2012), doi:10.1001/jama.2012.906. On Line First, July 6, 2012, available at See also O’Neill Institute Policy Briefing Paper by Emily W. Parento & Lawrence O. Gostin, “The Supreme Court’s Landmark Decision on the Affordable Care Act: Healthcare Reform’s Ultimate Fate Remains Uncertain” (July 9, 2012), available at:• John D. Kraemer & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Power to Block the Affordable Care Act: What Are the Limits? 308(19) JAMA 1975-76 (2012), available at• Tia Powell, Dan Hanfling, Lawrence O. Gostin, Emergency Preparedness and Public Health: The Lessons of Hurricane Sandy, 308(24) JAMA 2569-70 (2012), available at• Ronald Bayer, Lawrence Gostin, Daniel Marcus-Toll, Repackaging Cigarettes: Will the Courts Thwart the FDA?, 367 NEW ENGL. J.MED. 2065-2067 (2012).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Framework Convention on Global Health: Health for All, Justice for All, 307(19) JAMA 2087-2092 (2012), available at;;• Eric A. Friedman & Lawrence O. Gostin, Pillars for Progress on the Right to Health: Harnessing The Potential of Human Rights Through a Framework Convention on Global Health, 14(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAl 1-16 (June 2012), available at and• Dan Hanfling, Bruce M. Altevogt, Lawrence O. Gostin, A Framework for Catastrophic Disaster Response, 308(7) JAMA 675-76 (2012).• Jonathan S. Jay & Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Challenges of Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV, 308(9) JAMA 867-68 (2012).• Susan C. Kim, Lawrence O. Gostin, Thomas B. Cole, Child Abuse Reporting: Re-Thinking Child Protection, 308(1) JAMA 37-38 (2012), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Editor-in-Chief’s Inaugural Editorial, 1(1) LAWS (An Open Access Journal) 1-3 (2012), available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 29• Lawrence O. Gostin & Amaboo A. Dhai II, Global Health Justice: A Perspective from the Global South on a Framework Convention on Global Health, 5(1) SOUTH AFRICAN J. OF BIOETHICS & LAW 33-37 (June 2012), available at• Benjamin Mason Meier, Oscar A. Cabrera, Ana Ayala & Lawrence O. Gostin, Bridging International Law and Rights-Based Litigation: Mapping Health-Related Rights Through the Development of the Global Health and Human Rights Law Database, 14(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 1-16 (June 2012).• Kelli K. Garcia & Lawrence O. Gostin, One Health, One World—The Intersecting Legal Regimes of Trade, Climate Change, Food Security, Humanitarian Crises, and Migration, 1(1) Laws (An Open Access Journal) 4-38 (2012), doi:10.3390/laws1010004, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Kelli K. Garcia, Affordable Care Act Litigation: The Supreme Court and the Future of Health Care Reform, 307(4) JAMA 369-370 (2012), available at See also two O’Neill Institute Policy Briefing Papers, “Healthcare Reform Hangs in the Balance” (March 28, 2012), available at:; “Why the Affordable Care Act’s Individual Purchase Mandate is Both Constitutional and Indispensable to the Public Welfare” (March 19, 2012), available at• Benjamin Mason Meier, Helena Nygren-Krug, Oscar A. Cabrera, Ana Ayala, and Lawrence O. Gostin, Bridging International Law and Rights-Based Litigation: Mapping Health-Related Rights Through the Development of the Global Health and Human Rights Database, 14(1) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL (2012), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Marketing Pharmaceuticals: A Constitutional Right to Sell Prescriber-Identified Data, 307(8) JAMA 787-88 (2012), available at• John D. Kraemer & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Limits of Government Regulation of Science, 335(6072) SCIENCE 1047-9 (March 2, 2012), DOI: 10.1126/science.1219215, available at (press release available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Influenza Controversy: Should Limits Be Placed on Science? 42(3) HASTINGS CTR. RPTS. 12-13 (May/June 2012).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword in Honour of a Pioneer of Medical Law: Professor Margaret Brazier OBE QC FMEDSCI, 20(1) MEDICAL LAW REVIEW 1-5 (2011).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, Gorik Ooms, Thomas Gebauer, Narendra Gupta, Devi Sridhar, Wang Chenguang, John-Arne Røttingen, and David Sanders, The Joint Action and Learning Initiative: Towards a Global Agreement on National and Global Responsibilities for Health, 8(5) PLOSMEDICINE e1001031; doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001031 (May 10, 2011), available at and• Roger Magnusson, Lawrence O. Gostin, and David M. Studdert, Can Law Improve Prevention and Treatment of Cancer? 125 PUBLIC HEALTH 813-20 (2011), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Susan C. Kim, Ethical Allocation of Pre-exposure HIV Prophylaxis Under Circumstances of Scarcity, 305(2) JAMA 191-92 (2011).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword In Honour of A Pioneer of Medical Law: Professor Margaret Brazier OBE QC FMEDSCI, MEDICAL L. REV. (2011).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Eric A. Friedman, Thomas Gebauer, Anand Grover, Adila Hassim, Gorik Ooms, Harald Siem, Devi Sridhar, Attiya Waris, A Framework Convention on Obesity Control (Letter) 378 LANCET 2068-69 (December 17, 2011), DOI: VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 30• Devi Sridhar & Lawrence O. Gostin, Reforming the World Health Organization, 305(15) JAMA 1585-86, Online First, March 29, 2011, available at, and• Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter D. Jacobson, Katherine L. Record, and Lorian E. Hardcastle, Restoring Health to Health Reform: Integrating Medicine and Public Health to Advance the Population’s Wellbeing, 159 PENN L. REV. 1777-1823 (2011), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The FDA, Preemption, and Public Safety, 41(5) HASTINGS CTR. REP. 11-12 (2011), available at• Lorian E. Hardcastle, Katherine L. Record, Peter D. Jacobson, and Lawrence O. Gostin, Improving the Population’s Health: The Affordable Care Act and the Importance of Integration, 39(3) J. LAW, MED & ETHICS 317-327 (Fall 2011), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mandatory HPV Vaccination and Political Debate, 306(15) JAMA 1699-1700 (Oct. 19, 2011), available at• David P. Fidler & Lawrence O. Gostin, The WHO Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework: A Milestone in Global Governance for Health, 306(2) JAMA 200-01 (July 13, 2011), available at• Oscar A. Cabrera & Lawrence O. Gostin, Human rights and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: mutually reinforcing systems, 7(3) INT’L J. OF LAW IN CONTEXT 285-303 (2011).• John D. Kraemer & Lawrence O. Gostin, Vaccine Liability in the Supreme Court: Forging a Social Compact, 305(18) JAMA 1900-01 (May 11, 2011).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Emily A. Mok, Eric A. Friedman, Towards a Radical Transformation in Global Governance for Health, 8(2) MICHAEL QUARTERLY (Norwegian Medical Society) 228-39 (2011).• Natalie Drew, Michelle Funk, Stephen Tang, Jagannath Lamichhane, Elena Chávez, Sylvester Katontoka, Soumitra Pathare, Oliver Lewis, Lawrence Gostin, Benedetto Saraceno, Human Rights Violations of People with Mental and Psychosocial Disabilities: An Unresolved Global Crisis, THE LANCET, 17 October 2011doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61458-X, available at• Katie Stewart & Lawrence O. Gostin, Food and Drug Administration Regulation of Food Safety, 306(1) JAMA 88-89 (June 14, 2011), available at• Katherine L. Record & Lawrence O. Gostin, A Robust Individual Right to Bear Arms Versus the Public’s Health: The Court’s Reliance on Firearm Restrictions on the Mentally Ill, 6(2) CHARLESTON L. REV. 371-84 (2012).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Katherine L. Record, Dangerous People or Dangerous Weapons: Access to Firearms for Persons with Mental Illness, 305(20) JAMA 2108-09 (2011), available at• Graciela R. Ostera & Lawrence O. Gostin, Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Combat Malaria and Dengue in Developing Countries, 305(9) JAMA 930-31 (2011), available at• John D. Kraemer, Oscar A. Cabrera, J. A. Singh, T. B. Depp, Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Measures to Control Tuberculosis in Low-Income Countries: Ethics and Human Rights Considerations, 15(6) INT’L J TUBERCULOSIS & LUNG DISEASE S19–S24 (2011), doi:10.5588/ijtld.10.0412, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mark Heywood, Gorik Ooms, Anand Grover, John-Arne Røttingen, and Wang Chenguang, National and Global Responsibilities for Health (Editorial), 88 BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 719-20 (October, 2010), available at and• Lawrence O. Gostin, Redressing the Unconscionable Health Gap: A Global Plan for Justice, 4 HARVARD LAW & POLICY REVIEW 271-294 (2010), available at; or VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 31• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Unconscionable Health Gap: A Global Plan For Justice, 375 THE LANCET 1504-05 (May 1, 2010), available at; or For an explanation of how the Global Plan for Justice fits into other innovative Global Health Governance strategies, see and (explaining the progression from a Joint Learning Initiative for National and Global Responsibilities for Health, to a Global Plan for Justice, through to a Framework Convention on Global Health). See also, Lawrence O. Gostin, Meeting Basic Survival Needs of the World’s Least Healthy People: Toward a Framework Convention on Global Health, 96 GEO. L.J. 331 (2008),,• Thomas J. Bollyky & Lawrence O. Gostin, The United States’ Engagement in Global Tobacco Control: Proposals for Comprehensive Funding and Strategies, 301(23) JAMA 2637-38 (2010).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Transforming Global Health Through Broadly Imagined Global Health Governance, 4(1) MCGILL JOURNAL OF LAW & HEALTH / REVUE DE DROIT ET SANTÉ DE MCGILL 1-16 (2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Transforming Global Health Through Broadly Imagined Global Health Governance, REVISTA ARGENTINA DE TEORÍA JURÍDICA 1-16 (Octubre, 2010) (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Escuela Derecho: In English and Spanish), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Emily A. Mok, Foreword: Innovative Solutions to Closing the Health Gap Between Rich and Poor: A Special Symposium on Global Health Governance, 38(3) J. LAW,MED. & ETHICS 451-4585 (Fall 2010).• Emily A. Mok, Lawrence O. Gostin, Monica Das Gupta, Max Levin, Implementing Public Health Regulations in Developing Countries: Lessons from the OECD Countries, 38(3) J. LAW,MED. & ETHICS 508-519 (Fall 2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Emily A. Mok, The President’s Global Health Initiative, 304(7) JAMA 789-90 (2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Right to Bear Arms: A Uniquely American Entitlement, 304(13) JAMA 1485-86 (2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The National Individual Health Insurance Mandate, HASTINGS CENTER REPORT (September/October 2010), available at• Elenora E. Connors & Lawrence O. Gostin, Healthcare Reform: A Historic Moment in American Social Policy, 303(24) JAMA 2521-22 (2010) (doi:10.1001/jama.2010.856), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Elenora E. Connors, Healthcare Reform in Transition: Incremental Insurance Reform Without an Individual Mandate, 303(12) JAMA 1188-89 (2010).• Peter D. Jacobson & Lawrence O Gostin, Restoring Health to Health Reform, 304(1) JAMA 85-86 (2010), available at• Devi Sridhar & Lawrence O. Gostin, Caring About Health? CHATHAM HOUSE: INDEPENDENT THINKING ABOUT INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, August/September 2010, TheWorldToday.Org.• Allyn L. Taylor & Lawrence O. Gostin, International Recruitment of Health Personnel, 375 THE LANCET 1673-74 (May 15, 2010).• Peter D. Jacobson & Lawrence O Gostin, Reducing Distracted Driving: Regulation and Education to Avert Traffic Injuries and Fatalities, 303(14) JAMA 1419-20 (2010), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, What Duties Do Poor Countries Have for the Health of Their Own People? 40(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 9-10 (March/April 2010).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Trans Fat Bans and the Human Freedom: A Refutation, 10(3) AM. J. BIOETHICS 33-34 (2010).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Oscar A. Cabrera, Susan C. Kim, The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law: Discovering Innovative Solutions for the Most Pressing Health Problems Facing theCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 32Nation and the World, 11(1) MINNESOTA J. OF LAW, SCI. & TECHNOLOGY 383-403 (2010) available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Influenza A (H1N1) and Pandemic Preparedness Under the Rule of International Law, 301(22) JAMA 2376-2078 (2009), available at and Lawrence O. Gostin, & Dan Hanfling, National Preparedness for a Catastrophic Emergency:• Crisis Standards of Care, 302(21) JAMA 2365-66 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, FDA Regulation of Tobacco: Politics, Law, and the Public’s Health, 302(13) JAMA 1459-60 (2009).• Lindsay F. Wiley & Lawrence O. Gostin, The International Response to Climate Change: An Agenda for Global Health, 302 (11) JAMA 1218-20 (2009), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Swine Flu Vaccine: What is Fair?, 39(5) HASTINGS CTR. REP. 9-10 (2009).• Howard J. Federoff & Lawrence O. Gostin, Evolving From Reductionism to Holism: Is There a Future for Systems Medicine?, 302(9) JAMA 994-996 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Goal for Vaccine Quest, The Australian (Weekend Edition), August 08, 2009, available at,25197,25896462-23289,00.html; and• Michelle M. Mello & Lawrence O. Gostin, Commentary: A Legal Perspective on Diabetes Surveillance: Privacy and the Police Power, 87(3) MILBANK QUARTERLY 575-580 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Value of Public Deliberation in Public Health Preparedness, 9(11) AM. J. BIOETHICS 20 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Jennifer L. Pomeranz, Peter D. Jacobson, & Richard N. Gottfried, Assessing Laws and Legal Authorities for Obesity Prevention and Control, 37 (Suppl 1) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 28-36 (Summer 2009).• Jennifer L. Pomeranz & Lawrence O. Gostin, Improving Laws and Legal Authorities for Obesity Prevention and Control, 37 (Suppl 1) JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 62-75 (Summer 2009).• Lisa M. Lee & Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Collection, Storage, and Use of Public Health Data: A Proposal for National Privacy Protection, 302(1) JAMA 82-84 (2009), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Kieran G. Gostin, A Broader Liberty: JS Mill, Paternalism, and the Public’s Health, 123 PUBLIC HEALTH (J. ROYAL SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH) 214–22 (2009), available at Also available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Regulating the Safety of Pharmaceuticals: The FDA, Preemption, and the Public’s Health, 301 JAMA 2036-2037 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Sharyl Nass, Reforming the HIPAA Privacy Rule: Safeguarding Privacy and Promoting Research, 301 JAMA 1373-75 (2009).• Christina S. Ho & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Social Face of Economic Growth: China’s Health System in Transition, 301(17) JAMA 1809-11 (2009).• Paula O’Brien & Larry Gostin, Health Worker Shortages and Inequalities: The Reform of United States Policy, Volume II (Issue 2) Global Health Governance: The Scholarly Journal for the New Health Security Paradigm (2009), available at• Monica Das Gupta & Lawrence O. Gostin, Building Global Public Goods in Health: The Responsibilities of Donors and International Agencies, 373 THE LANCET 1395-97 (April 18, 2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Fighting the Flu With One Hand Tied, WASHINGTON POST, May 1, 2009,• Lawrence O. Gostin & Emily A. Mok, Grand Challenges in Global Health Governance, 2009 BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN 1–12 (2009), available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 33• Lance Gable, Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge, A Global Assessment of the Role of Law in the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 123 PUBLIC HEALTH 260-264 (2009), available at SSRN:• John D. Kraemer & Lawrence O. Gostin, Science, Politics, and Values: The Politicization of Professional Practice Guidelines, 301(6) JAMA 665-667 (2009), available at Also available at• Victoria L. Thomas & Lawrence O. Gostin, The Americans with Disabilities Act: Shattered Aspirations and New Hope, 301 JAMA 95-97 (2009).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Government and Science: The Unitary Executive versus Freedom of Scientific Inquiry, 39(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 11-12 (2009).• John Kraemer & Larry Gostin, A case for intervention: By any reasonable measure, Mugabe has committed crimes against humanity justifying an international response, THE GUARDIAN (United Kingdom) 5 January 2009, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Meeting Basic Survival Needs of the World’s Least Healthy People: Toward a Framework Convention on Global Health, 96 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL 331-392 (2008), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword: National and Global Health Law: A Scholarly Examination of the Most Pressing Health Hazards, 96 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL 317-329 (2008).• Lawrence O. Gostin, President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief: Health Development at the Crossroads, 300 JAMA 2046-48 (2008), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Allyn A. Taylor, Global Health Law: A Definition and Grand Challenges, 1 PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS 53-63 (2008), available at and at• Lawrence O. Gostin on Biosecurity Policy: Are We Safer Today?, available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Catherine A. Hankins, Male Circumcision as an HIV Prevention Strategy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Sociolegal Barriers, 300 JAMA 2539-41 (2008), available at• John D. Kraemer, Dhrubajyoti Bhattacharya, Lawrence O. Gostin, Blocking Humanitarian Assistance: A Crime Against Humanity?, 372 LANCET 1203-04 (2008).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Health Governance, 22 EMORY INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 35-47 (2008), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The International Migration and Recruitment of Nurses: Human Rights and Global Justice, 299 JAMA 1827-29 (2008), available at Lance Gable & Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Mental Health: Changing Norms, Constant Rights, 9 GEO. J. INT’L AFF. 83-92 (2008).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Right to Bear Arms: Constitutional Law, Politics, and Public Health, 300 JAMA 1575-77 (2008).• Allyn L. Taylor, Lawrence O. Gostin, Katrina A. Pagonis, Ensuring Effective Pain Treatment: A National and Global Perspective, 299 JAMA 89-91 (2008).• Howard Markel & Lawrence O. Gostin, Exposing Poverty and Inspiring Medical Humanitarianism, 300 JAMA 209-211 (2008).• Lance Gable, Lawrence O. Gostin, and James G. Hodge, Jr., HIV/AIDS, Reproductive and Sexual Health, and the Law, 98(10) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1779-86 (2008), available at; and VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 34• Gail Javitt, Deena Berkowitz, and Lawrence O. Gostin, Assessing Mandatory HPV Vaccination: Who Should Call the Shots? 36 J. LAW MED & ETHICS 384–395 (2008), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, “Old” and “New” Institutions for Persons with Mental Illness: Treatment, Punishment, or Preventive Confinement?, 122 PUBLIC HEALTH (JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH) 906-913 (2008), available at; and• Lawrence O. Gostin, International Development Assistance for Health: Ten Priorities for the Next President, 38(5) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (2008).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Deregulatory State, 38(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (2008), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, From a Civil Libertarian to a Sanitarian, 34 JOURNAL OF LAW & SOCIETY 594-616 (December 2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Proposal for a Framework Convention on Global Health, 10 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW 989-1008 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Why Rich Countries Should Care About the World’s Least Healthy People, 298 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 89-92 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Meeting the Survival Needs of the World’s Least Healthy People: A Proposed Model for Global Health Governance, 298 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 225-228 (2007).• David P. Fidler, Lawrence O. Gostin, Howard Markel, Through the Quarantine Looking Glass: Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Public Health Governance, Law, and Ethics, 35 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 526-533 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Jr., Preface: Global Health Law, Ethics, and Policy, 35 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 519-525 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Robert Archer, The Duty of States to Assist Other States in Need: Ethics, Human Rights, and International Law, 35 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 526-533 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, The “Tobacco Wars”: Global Litigation Strategies, 298 JAMA 2537-39 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Regulatory Strategies for Tobacco Control, 298 JAMA 2057-59 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, General Justifications for Public Health Regulation, 121JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH 829-834 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Why Should We Care About Social Justice?, 37 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 3 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin & David P. Fidler, Biosecurity Under the Rule of Law, 38 CASE WESTERN RESERVE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 437-478 (2007).• Howard Markel, Lawrence O. Gostin, David P. Fidler, Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: An Isolation Order, Public Health Powers, and a Global Crisis, 298 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 83-86 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Biomedical Research Involving Prisoners: Ethical Values and Legal Regulation, 297 JAMA 737-40 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin & Catherine D. DeAngelis, Mandatory HPV Vaccination: Public Health vs Private Wealth (Editorial), 297 JAMA 1921-23 (2007).• James G. Hodge, Jr, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jon S. Vernick, The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act: Improving Public Health Emergency Response, 297 JAMA 1708-1711 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Theory and Definition of Public Health Law, 10 J. HEALTH CARE L. & POLICY 1-12 (2007).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 35• Lawrence O. Gostin & Benjamin E. Berkman, Pandemic Influenza: Ethics, Law, and the Public’s Health, 59 ADMIN. L. REV. 121-175 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Abortion Politics: Clinical Freedom, Trust in the Judiciary, and the Autonomy of Women, 298 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1562-64 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Law as a Tool to Facilitate Healthier Lifestyles and Prevent Obesity, 297 JAMA 87-90 (2007), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, “Police” Powers and Public Health Paternalism: HIV and Diabetes Surveillance, 37(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 9-10 (2007).• Lawrence O. Gostin, HIV Screening in Health Care Settings: Public Health and Civil Liberties in Conflict?, 296 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 2023-2025 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Medical Countermeasures for Pandemic Influenza: Ethics and the Law (Part I), 295 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 554-557 (2006).• Amy L. Fairchild, Lance Gable, Lawrence O. Gostin, Ronald Bayer, Patricia Sweeney, Robert S. Janssen, Public Goods, Private Data: HIV and the History, Ethics, and Uses of Identifiable Public Health Information, 122 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS 7-15 (2007, Suppl. 1).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Strategies for Pandemic Influenza: Ethics and the Law (Part II), 295 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1700-1704 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Madison Powers, What Does Social Justice Require for the Public’s Health? Public Health Ethics and Policy Imperatives, 25(4) HEALTH AFFAIRS 1053-1060 (July/August 2006), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Property Rights and the Common Good, 36(5) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal Foundations of Public Health Law and its Role in Meeting Future Challenges, 120 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH 8-15 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Physician-Assisted Suicide: A Legitimate Medical Practice? 295(16) JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1941-43 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Federal Executive Power and Communicable Disease Control: CDC Quarantine Regulations, 36(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (2006).• David P. Fidler & Lawrence O. Gostin, The New International Health Regulations: An Historic Development for International Law and Public Health, 33(4) JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 85-94 (2006).• James G. Hodge, Jr., Lawrence O. Gostin, Kristine Gebbie, Deborah L. Erickson, Transforming Public Health Law: The Turning Point Model State Public Health Act, 33(4) JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 77-84 (2006).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Supreme Court’s Impact on Medicine and Health: The Rehnquist Court, 1986-2005, 294 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 1685-1687 (2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethics, the Constitution, and the Dying Process, 293 JAMA 2403-2407 (2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Medical Marijuana, American Federalism, and the Supreme Court, 294 JAMA 842-844 (2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Negative Constitution: The Duty to Protect, 35 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (September-October 2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, World Health Law: Toward a New Conception of Global Health Governance for the 21st Century, YALE J. HEALTH POLICY, LAW & ETHICS 413-424 (2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Jacobson v. Massachusetts at 100 Years: Police Power and Civil Liberties in Tension, 95 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 576-581 (2005).• Lance Gable, Javier Vasquez, Lawrence O. Gostin, Heidi Jimenez, Mental Health and Due Process in the Americas: Protecting the Human Rights of Persons Involuntarily Admitted to and Detained in Psychiatric Institutions, 18 PAN-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Vol. 18, p. 366, (2005), available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 36• Lawrence O. Gostin, Fast and Supersized: Is the Answer Diet by Fiat?, 35 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 11-12 (March-April 2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Law and the Public’s Health, 21 ISSUES IN SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY 71-77 (Spring 2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Finding a Space for the Public’s Health in Bioterrorism Funding: A Commentary, 5 AM. J. BIOETHICS 45-47 (2005).• Lance Gable, Javier Vásquez, Lawrence O. Gostin, Heidi V. Jiménez, Mental Health and Due Process in the Americas: Protecting the Human Rights of Persons Involuntarily Admitted to and Detained in Psychiatric Institutions, 18 PAN AM. J. PUBLIC HEALTH 366-373 (2005).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Pandemic Influenza: Public Health Preparedness for the Next Global Emergency, 32 J. LAW,MED, & ETHICS 565-573 (2004).• Jason W. Sapsin, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jon S. Vernick, Scott Burris, and Stephen P. Teret, SARS and International Legal Preparedness, 77 TEMPLE L. REV. 155-174 (2004), available at: HTTP://SSRN.COM/ABSTRACT=1088011.• Lawrence Gostin, The International Health Regulations and Beyond, 4 THE LANCET: INFECTIOUS DISEASES 606-607 (October 2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health of the People: The Highest Law?, 32 J. LAW,MED, & ETHICS 509-515 (2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Influenza Pandemic Preparedness: Legal and Ethical Dimensions, 34 (5) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 10-11 (September-October 2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Lance Gable, The Human Rights of Persons with Mental Disabilities: A Global Perspective on the Application of Human Rights Principles to Mental Health, 63 MARYLAND LAW REVIEW 20-121 (2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, International Infectious Disease Law: Revision of the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations, 291 JAMA 2623-2627 (2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Jo Ivey Boufford, Rose Marie Martinez, The Future of the Public’s Health: Vision, Values, and Strategies, 23 HEALTH AFFAIRS 96-107 (July/August 2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Law and Ethics in Population Health, 28 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 7-12 (2004).• Matthew K. Wynia & Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Challenges in Preparing for Bioterrorism: Barriers Within the Health Care System, 94 AM. J. PUB. HEALTH 1096-1102 (2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, International Human Rights Law and Mental Disability, 34 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 11-12 (March/April 2004).• Leslie E. Wolf, Bernard Lo, Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal Barriers to Implementing Recommendations for Universal, Routine Prenatal HIV Testing, 32 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 137-147 (2004).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ronald Bayer, Amy L. Fairchild, Ethical and Legal Challenges Posed by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: Implications for the Control of Severe Infectious Disease Threats, 290 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (JAMA) 3229-3237 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, When Terrorism Threatens Health: How Far are Limitations on Personal and Economic Liberties Justified? 52 FLORIDA LAW REVIEW 1-65 (2003) (Dunwody Distinguished Lecture in Law, with Commentaries by four leading scholars).• Lawrence O. Gostin, When Terrorism Threatens Health: How Far are Limitations on Human Rights Justified? 31(4) JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE &ETHICS 524-528 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Global Reach of HIV/AIDS: Science, Politics, Economics, and Research, 17 EMORY INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW 1-54 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Ethics: Tradition, Profession, and Values, IX BIOETHICAY SALUD PUBLICA (JOURNAL OF THE PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION) 177-188 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Compulsory Medical Treatment: The Limits of Bodily Integrity, 33 HASTINGSCENTER REPORT 20-21 (November/December 2003).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 37• Wendy C. Perdue, Lawrence O. Gostin, Lesley A. Stone, Public Health and the Built Environment: Historical, Empirical, and Theoretical Foundations for an Expanded Role, 31 JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE & ETHICS 557-566 (2003).• Wendy C. Perdue, Lesley A. Stone, Lawrence O. Gostin, The Built Environment and its Relationship to the Public’s Health: The Legal Framework, 93 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 1390-94 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin & M. Gregg Bloche, The Politics of Public Health: A Reply to Richard Epstein, 46 (Suppl.) PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE S160-S175 (Summer 2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act: Public Health and Civil Liberties in a Time of Terrorism, 13 HEALTH MATRIX: JOURNAL OF LAW-MEDICINE 3-32 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Judicial Dismantling of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 33 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 9-10 (March/April 2003).• Nancy E. Kass, Marvin R. Natowicz, Sara Chandros Hull, Ruth R. Faden, Laura Plantinga, Lawrence O. Gostin, Julia Slutsman, The Use of Medical Records in Research: What do Patients Want? 31 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 429-433 (2003).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law in an Age of Terrorism: Rethinking Individual Rights and Common Goods, 21 HEALTH AFFAIRS 79-93 (2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Jr., Personal Privacy and Common Goods: A Framework for Balancing Under the National Health Information Privacy Rule, 86 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 1439-1479 (2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Jason W. Sapsin, Stephen P. Teret, Scott Burris, Julie Samia Mair, James G. Hodge, Jr., Jon S. Vernick, The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act: Planning and Response to Bioterrorism and Naturally Occurring Infectious Diseases, 288 JAMA 622-628 (2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Commentary: Public Health and Civil Liberties in an Age of Bioterrorism, 21 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ETHICS 2, 74-76 (Summer/Fall 2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Conceptualizing the Field After September 11th: Foreword to a Symposium on Public Health Law, 90 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 791-809 (2002).• James G. Hodge, Jr. & Lawrence O. Gostin, School Vaccination Requirements: Historical, Social, and Legal Perspectives, 90 KENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL 831-890 (2002), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, AIDS in Africa Among Women and Infants: A Human Rights Framework, 32 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 9-10 (September-October 2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Law and Ethics in a Public Health Emergency, 32 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 9-11 (March-April 2002).• Matthew K. Wynia & Lawrence Gostin, The Bioterrorist Threat and Access to Health Care, 296 Science 1613 (May 31, 2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., Lauren Marks, The Nationalization of Health Information Privacy Protections, 37 TORT & INSURANCE LAW JOURNAL 1113-38 (2002).• Ronald Bayer, Lawrence O. Gostin, Gail H. Javitt, Allan A. Brandt, Tobacco Advertising in the United States: A Proposal for a Constitutionally Acceptable Form of Regulation, 287 JAMA 2990-2995 (2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law: A Renaissance, 30 JOURNAL OF LAW,MED & ETHICS 136-143 (2002).• James F. Childress, Ruth R. Faden, Ruth D. Gaare, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jeffrey Kahn, Richard J. Bonnie, Nancy E. Kass, Anna C. Mastroianni, Jonathan D. Moreno, Phillip Nieburg, Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain, 30 JOURNAL OF LAW,MED & ETHICS 170-178 (2002), available at VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 38• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge, Jr., Mira S. Burghardt, Balancing Communal Goods and Personal Privacy Under a National Health Information Privacy Rule, 46 ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 5-35 (2002).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Gail H. Javitt, Health Promotion and the First Amendment: Government Control of the Informational Environment, 79 MILBANK QUARTERLY 547-578 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law Reform, 91 AMERICAN J. PUBLIC HEALTH 1365-1368 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health, Ethics, and Human Rights: A Tribute to the Late Jonathan Mann, 29 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 121-130 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Vision of Health and Human Rights for the 21st Century: A Continuing Discussion with Stephen P. Marks, 29 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS 139-140 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, James G. Hodge Jr., Ronald O. Valdiserri, Informational Privacy and the Public’s Health, 91 AMERICAN J. PUBLIC HEALTH 1388-1392 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, National Health Information Privacy: Regulations Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 285 JAMA 3015-3021 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Rights of Pregnant Women: The Supreme Court and Drug Testing, 31 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 8-9 (Sept./Oct. 2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Beyond Moral Claims: A Human Rights Approach in Mental Health, 10 CAMBRIDGE QUART. OF HEALTH CARE ETHICS 264-274 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Right to Health: A Right to the “Highest Attainable Standard of Health,” 31 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 29-30 (March/April 2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Theory and Practice in the Constitutional Design, 11 HEALTH MATRIX: JOURNAL OF LAW-MEDICINE 265-326 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Information: Reconciling Personal Privacy with the Public Good of Human Health, 9 HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS 321-335 (2001).• Joseph Barbera, Anthony Macintyre, Larry Gostin, Tom Inglesby, Tara O’Toole, Craig DeAtley, Kevin Tonat, Marci Layton, Large-Scale Quarantine Following Biological Terrorism in the United States: Scientific Examination, Logistic and Legal Limits, and Possible Consequences, 286 JAMA 2711-2717 (2001).• Laura M. Beskow, Wylie Burke, Jon F. Merz, Patricia A. Barr, Sharon Terry, Victor B. Penchaszadeh, Lawrence O. Gostin, Mart Gwinn, Muin J. Khoury, Informed Consent for Population-Based Research Involving Genetics, 286 JAMA 2315-2312 (2001).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Proposed National Policy on Health Care Workers Living with HIV/AIDS and Other Blood-Borne Pathogens, 284 JAMA 1965-1970 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law in a New Century: Part I: Law as a Tool to Advance the Community’s Health, 283 JAMA 2837-2841 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law in a New Century: Part II: Public Health Powers and Duties, 283 JAMA 2979-2984 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law in a New Century: Part III: Public Health Regulation: A Systematic Evaluation, 283 JAMA 3118-3122 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights of Persons With Mental Disabilities: The European Convention of Human Rights, 23 INT’L. J. LAW & PSYCHIATRY 125-159 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Zita Lazzarini, Verla S. Neslund, Michael T. Osterholm, Water Quality Laws and Waterborne Diseases: Cryptosporidium and Other Emerging Pathogens, 90(6) AM. J. PUB. HEALTH 847-853 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Public Health Approach to Reducing Error: Medical Malpractice as a Barrier (Editorial), 283(13) J.A.M.A. 1742-43 (2000).• David W. Webber & Lawrence O. Gostin, Discrimination Based on HIV/AIDS and Other Health Conditions: Disability as Defined Under Federal and State Law, 3 J. HEALTH CARE LAW & POLICY 266-329 (2000).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 39• Paul S. Miller, & Lawrence O. Gostin, Is There a Pink Slip in My Genes? Genetic Discrimination in the Workplace, 3 J. HEALTH CARE LAW & POLICY 225 (2000), available at:• Lawrence O. Gostin, Managed Care, Conflicts of Interest, and Quality, 30(5) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 27-28 (Sept-Oct 2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Supreme Court, Health Policy, and New Federalism, 30(2) HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 26-27 (2000).• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Jr., Genetics Privacy and the Law: An End to Genetics Exceptionalism, 40 JURIMETRICS J. 21-58 (1999).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Scott Burris, Zita Lazzarini, The Law and the Public’s Health: A Study of Infectious Disease Law in the United States, 99 COLUMBIA L. REV. 59-128 (1999).• Rene Bowser & Lawrence O. Gostin, Managed Care and the Health of a Nation, 72 S. CAL. L. REV. 1209-1295 (1999).• James G. Hodge, Jr., Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter D. Jacobson, Legal Issues Concerning Electronic Health Information: Privacy, Quality, and Liability, 282 J.A.M.A. 1466-1472 (1999).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Chai Feldblum, David W. Webber, Disability Discrimination in America: HIV/AIDS and Other Health Conditions, 281 J.A.M.A. 745-752 (1999).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Jack Hadley, Editorial: Health Services Research—Public Benefits, Personal Privacy, and Proprietary Interests, 129 ANNALS OF INTERNAL MED. 833-835 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin & David W. Webber, HIV Infection and AIDS in the Public Health and Health Care Systems: The Role of Law and Litigation, 279 JAMA 1108-1113 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Legislation and Communicable Diseases: The Role of Law in an Era of Microbial Threats, 49 (1) INT’L DIGEST OF HEALTH LEGISLATION 221-233 (1998) (50th Anniversary Issue of the World Health Organization: Health Legislation at the Dawn of the XXIst Century).• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Jr., Piercing the Veil of Secrecy in HIV/AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Theories of Privacy and Disclosure in Partner Notification, 5 DUKE J. OF GENDER LAW & POL’Y 9-88 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin & James G. Hodge, Jr., The “Names Debate”: The Case for National HIV Reporting in the United States, 61 ALBANY L. REV. 679-743 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin & David W. Webber, The AIDS Litigation Project: HIV/AIDS in the Courts in the 1990s, Part 1, 12 AIDS& PUB. POL’Y J. 105-121 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin & David W. Webber, The AIDS Litigation Project: HIV/AIDS in the Courts in the 1990s, Part 2, 13 AIDS& PUB. POL’Y J. 3-19 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Legal Environment Impeding Access to Sterile Syringes and Needles: The Conflict Between Law Enforcement and Public Health, 18 (Suppl. 1) J. OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES AND HUMAN RETROVIROLOGY S60-S70 (1998).• Lawrence O. Gostin, John W. Ward, A. Cornelius Baker, National HIV Case Reporting for the United States: A Defining Moment in the History of the Epidemic, 337 NEW ENGL. J.MED 1162- 1167 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Constitutional Right to Die: Ethical Considerations, 12 ST. JOHN’S J. LEGAL COMMENTARY 599 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Deciding Life and Death in the Courtroom: From Quinlan to Cruzan, Glucksberg, and Vacco, A Brief History and Analysis of Constitutional Protection of the Right to Die, 278(18) J.A.M.A. 1523-1528 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Information and the Protection of Privacy: Ethical and Legal Considerations, 127 ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 683-690 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Personal Privacy in the Health Care System: Employer-Sponsored Insurance, Managed Care, and Integrated Delivery Systems, 7 KENNEDY INSTITUTE OF ETHICS JOURNAL 361-376 (1997).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 40• Lawrence O. Gostin, Peter S. Arno, Allan M. Brandt, FDA Regulation of Tobacco Advertising and Youth Smoking: Historical, Social, and Constitutional Perspectives, 277(5) J.A.M.A. 410-418 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Zita Lazzarini, T. Stephen Jones, Kathleen Flaherty, Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Other Blood-borne Diseases Among Injecting Drug Users: A National Survey on the Regulation of Syringes and Needles, 277 J.A.M.A. 53-62 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Zita Lazzarini, Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Injection Drug Users: The Theory and Science of Public Health and Criminal Justice Approaches to Disease Prevention, 46 EMORY L. J. 587-696 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Epidemics of Injecting Drug Use and Blood-Borne Disease: A Public Health Perspective, 31 VALPARAISO UNIV. L. REV. 669-700 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Dedicatory Essay: Honoring Ian McColl Kennedy, 14 J. CONTEMP. HEALTH LAW & POLICY v-xii (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, In Memory of William J. Curran, Frances Glessner Lee Professor of Legal Medicine, Harvard University, 2(2) HEALTH & HUMAN RIGHTS 5-8 (1997).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Law: A Review, 2 CURRENT ISSUES IN PUBLIC HEALTH 205-214 (1996).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Zita Lazzarini, Verla S. Neslund, Michael T. Osterholm, The Public Health Information Infrastructure: A National Review of the Law on Health Information Privacy, 275 J.A.M.A. 1921-1927 (1996).• Peter S. Arno, Allan M. Brandt, Lawrence O. Gostin, Jane Morgan. Tobacco Industry Strategies to Oppose Federal Regulation, 275(16) J.A.M.A. 1258-1262 (1996).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Who Should We Treat? (Book Review), THE LANCET, forthcoming.• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Information Privacy, 80 CORNELL L. REV. 101-184 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Resurgent Tuberculosis Epidemic in the Era of AIDS: Reflections on Public Health, Law, and Society, 54 MD. L. REV. 1-131 (1995) (Based on the Stuart Rome lecture presented at the University of Maryland School of Law on April 21, 1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Tuberculosis and the Power of the State: Toward the Development of Rational Standards for the Review of Compulsory Public Health Powers, 2 U. CHI. ROUNDTABLE 219-277 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Joan Turek-Brezina, Madison Powers & Rene Kozloff, Privacy and Security of Health Information in the Emerging Health Care System, 5 HEALTH MATRIX: J. OF LAW-MEDICINE 1-36 (1995).• Ronald Bayer, Lawrence O. Gostin, & Devon C. McGraw, Trades, AIDS, and the Public’s Health: the Limits of Economic Analysis. Review of Private Choices and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Perspective, by Tomas J. Philipson and Richard A. Posner, 83 GEO. L. J. 79-107 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Informed Consent, Cultural Sensitivity, and Respect for Persons (Editorial), 274 J.A.M.A. 844-45 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Zita Lazzarini, Childhood Immunization Registries: A National Review of Public Health Information Systems and the Protection of Privacy, 274 J.A.M.A. 1793-1799 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Genetic Privacy, 23 J. LAW,MED. & ETHICS 320-330 (1995).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Jonathan Mann, Towards the Development of a Human Rights Impact Assessment for the Formulation and Evaluation of Health Policies, 1 J. HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 58-81 (1994), available at• Jonathan Mann, Lawrence O. Gostin, Sofia Gruskin, Troyen Brennan, Zita Lazzarini, & Harvey V. Fineberg, Health and Human Rights, 1 J. HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 6-22 (1994), available at• Lawrence O. Gostin, Securing Health or Just Health Care? The Effect of the Health Care System on the Health of America 39 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 7-43 (1994) (Based on the keynote address presented at the St. Louis University School of Law, Health Law Symposium on March 18, 1994).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 41• Frank G. Miller, Timothy E. Quill, Howard Brody, John C. Fletcher, Lawrence O. Gostin & Dianne E. Meir, Regulating Physician-assisted Death, 331(2) NEW ENG. J.MED. 119-123 (1994).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Zita Lazzarini, Dianne D. Alexander, Allan M. Brandt, Kenneth H. Mayer, & Daniel C. Silverman, HIV Testing, Counseling, and Prophylaxis after Sexual Assault, 271(18) JAMA 1436-1444 (1994).• Michael D. Witt & Lawrence O. Gostin, Conflict of Interest Dilemmas in Biomedical Research, 271 JAMA 547-551 (1994).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Joan Turek-Brezina, Madison Powers, Rene Kozloff, Ruth Faden, & Dennis D. Steinauer, Privacy and Security of Personal Information in a New Health Care System, 270(20) JAMA2487-2493 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Health Care Reform in the United States -- The Presidential Task Force, XIX(1,2) AM. J. L. &MED. 1-20 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Drawing a Line Between Killing and Letting Die: The Law, and Law Reform, on Medically Assisted Dying, 21 JOURNAL OF LAW,MEDICINE & ETHICS, 96-101 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Controlling the Resurgent Tuberculosis Epidemic: A Fifty State Survey of Tuberculosis Statutes and Proposals for Reform, 269(2) JAMA 255-261 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Allan M. Brandt, Criteria for Evaluating a Ban on the Advertisement of Cigarettes: Balancing Public Health Benefits with Constitutional Burdens, 269(7) J.A.M.A. 904-909 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Alan Widiss, What’s Wrong with the ERISA Vacuum? Employers’ Freedom to Limit Health Care Coverage Provided by Risk Retention Plans, 269(19) JAMA2527-2532 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Americans with Disabilities Act and the Corpus of Anti-discrimination Law: A Force for Change in the Future of Public Health Regulation, 3 HEALTH MATRIX: THE J. OF LAW-MEDICINE 89-126 (1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Americans with Disabilities Act and the U.S. Health Care System, 11(3) HEALTH AFFAIRS 248-257 (1992).• Diana C. Walsh, Lynn Elinson & Lawrence O. Gostin, Drug Testing in the United States, 13 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH 197-221 (1992).• Alan I. Widiss & Lawrence O. Gostin, What’s Wrong with the “ERISA Vacuum”?: The Case Against Unrestricted Freedom for Employers to Terminate Employee Health Care Plans and to Decide What Coverage Is to Be Provided When Risk Retention Plans Are Established for Health Care, 41 DRAKE L. REV. 635-655 (1992).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Compulsory Treatment for Drug-dependent Persons: Justifications for a Public Health Approach to Drug Dependency, 69(4)MILBANK QUARTERLY 561-593 (1991). (Reprinted in Ronald Bayer & Gerald M. Oppenheimer, eds., Drug Policy: Illicit Drugs in a Free Society, Cambridge University Press; 1993).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Powers: The Imminence of Radical Change, 69 (Supps. 1 & 2) MILBANK QUARTERLY 268-290 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Allan M. Brandt, Tobacco Liability and Public Health Policy, 266(22) J.A.M.A. 3178-3182 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Needle-borne HIV Epidemic: Causes and Public Health Responses, 9(3) BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND THE LAW 287-304 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Inter-Connected Epidemics of Drug Dependency and AIDS, 26(1) HARV. C.R.-C.L. L. REV. 113-184 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin, An Alternative Public Health Vision for a National Drug Strategy: “Treatment Works.” 28(1) HOUS. L. REV. 285-308 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The HIV-infected Health Care Professional: Public Policy, Discrimination and Patient Safety, 151 ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE 663-665 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin & Robert Weir, Life and Death Choices after Cruzan: Case Law and Standards of Professional Conduct, 69(1) MILBANK QUARTERLY 143-173 (1991).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 42• Lawrence O. Gostin, Genetic Discrimination: The Use of Genetically Based Diagnostic and Prognostic Tests by Employers and Insurers, XVII (1 &2) AM. J.L. &MED. 109-144 (1991).• Robert Weir & Lawrence O. Gostin, Decisions to Abate Life-sustaining Treatment for Non-Autonomous Patients: Ethical Standards and Legal Liability after Cruzan, 26(14) J.A.M.A. 1846-1853 (1991).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Principles for the Conduct of Human Subject Research: Population-Based Research and Ethics, 19 LAW,MED. & HEALTH CARE 191-201 (1991).• Ronald Bayer & Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal and Ethical Aspects of AIDS, 108 BULL OF THE PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION 473-488 (1990).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Paul Cleary, Kenneth Mayer, Allan M. Brandt & Eva Chittenden, Screening and Exclusion of International Travelers and Immigrants for Public Health Purposes: An Evaluation of United States Policy, 322(24) NEW ENG. J.MED. 1743-1746 (1990).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The AIDS Litigation Project: a National Review of Court and Human Rights Commission Decisions. Part I: The Social Impact of AIDS, 263(14) J.A.M.A. 1961-1970 (1990).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The AIDS Litigation Project: A National Review of Court and Human Rights Commission Decisions. Part II: Discrimination in Education, Employment, Housing, Insurance and Health Care, 263(15) J.A.M.A. 2086-2093 (1990).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Preface to the Harvard Model AIDS Legislation Project: A Decade of a Maturing Epidemic: An Assessment and Directions for Future Public Policy, XVI (1, 2) AM. J. OF LAW &MED. 1-32 (1990) (Reprinted in 5(1) NOTRE DAME J. OF LAW, ETHICS & PUBLIC POLICY 7-34 (1990)).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Public Health Strategies for Confronting AIDS: Legislative and Regulatory Policy in the United States, 261(11) J.A.M.A. 1621-1630 (1989) (Reprinted in the journal of the World Health Organization: in English in the 40 INTERNATIONAL DIGEST OF HEALTH LEGISLATION 731-754; In French in 40(3) RECUEIL INTERNATIONAL DE LEGISLATION SANITAIRE 791-818 (1989)).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Hospitals, Health Care Professionals and AIDS: The “Right to Know” the Health Status of Professionals and Patients, 48(1) MD. L. REV. 12-54 (1989).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Politics of AIDS: Compulsory State Powers, Public Health and Civil Liberties, 49(4) OHIO ST. L.J. 1017-1058 (1989).• Lawrence O. Gostin, HIV-infected Physicians and the Practice of Seriously Invasive Procedures, Jan./Feb. HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 32-39 (1989).• Lawrence O. Gostin, AIDS as an Occupational Disease: Whose Right to Know?, 60 DEL.MED. J. 479-483 (1988).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Civil Liberties Analysis of Surrogacy Arrangements, 16(1-2) LAW,MEDICINE & HEALTH CARE 7-17 (1988).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Future of Public Health Law, 12(3-4) AMER. J. L. &MED. 461-490 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword: Public Health & the Law—A Symposium Dedicated to Professor William J. Curran, 12(3-4) AMER. J. L. &MED. 341-344 (1987).• Paul Cleary, Michael Barry, Kenneth Mayer, Allan M. Brandt, Lawrence O. Gostin & Harvey V. Fineberg, Compulsory Premarital Screening for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Technical and Public Health Considerations, 258 J.A.M.A. 1757-1762 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights in Mental Health: A Proposal for Five International Standards Based upon the Japanese Experience, 10 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 353-368 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Vaccination for AIDS: Legal and Ethical Challenges from the Test Tube, to the Human Subject, Through to the Marketplace, 2(2) AIDS& PUBLIC POLICY 9-16 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin & William J. Curran, AIDS Screening, Confidentiality and the Duty to Warn, 77(3) AM. J. OF PUBLIC HEALTH 361-65 (1987).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 43• Lawrence O. Gostin & William J. Curran, Legal Control Measures for AIDS: Reporting Requirements, Surveillance, Quarantine, and Regulation of Public Meeting Places, 77(2)AMER. J. OF PUBLIC HEALTH 214-18 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Nucleus of a Public Health Strategy to Combat AIDS, 14(5,6) LAW, MEDICINE & HEALTH CARE 226-230 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Review of AIDS-related Legislative and Regulatory Policy in the United States, 15(1,2) LAW,MEDICINE & HEALTH CARE 5-16 (1987).• William J. Curran, Mary Clark & Lawrence O. Gostin, AIDS: Legal and Policy Implications of the Application of Traditional Disease Control Measures, 15(1,2) LAW,MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE 27-35 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin & William J. Curran, The Case Against Compulsory Casefinding in Controlling AIDS: Testing, Screening and Reporting, 12(1). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE 1-47 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Future of Communicable Disease Control: Toward a New Concept in Public Health Law, 64 Supp. 1 MILBANK QUARTERLY: HEALTH AND SOCIETY 79-96 (1987), reprinted in (2005) (Selected by the Milbank Memorial Fund as one of the top 34 articles published in the MILBANK QUARTERLY since its inception in 1923).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Ideology of Entitlement and New Mental Health Legislation, 34 KINGS COUNSEL 9-14 (1984).• Harold M. Ginzburg & Lawrence O. Gostin, Legal and Ethical Issues Associated with HTLV-III Diseases, 16(3) PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS 180-185 (1987).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome: A Review of Science, Health Policy, and Law, IV(2) HEALTH MATRIX: J. OF LAW-MED. 3-13 (1986).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Limits of Compulsion in Controlling AIDS, Dec. HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 24-29 (1986).• Lawrence O. Gostin, AIDS Policies Raise Civil Liberties Concerns, 10 J. OF THE NATIONAL PRISON PROJECT 10-11 (1986).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Moment in Human Development: Legal Protection, Ethical Standards and Social Policy on the Selective Non-treatment of Handicapped Neonates, 11(1) AM. J.L. &MED. 31-78 (1985).• Andrew Ashworth & Lawrence O. Gostin, Mentally Disordered Offenders and the Sentencing Process, CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW 195 (1984).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Contemporary Social Historical Perspectives on Mental Health Reform, 10(1) J. OF LAW & SOCIETY 47 (1983).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Review of the Mental Health (Amendment Act), Parts I-III, 131 NEW L.J. 127, 1151, 1199 (1982).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Human Rights, Judicial Review and the Mentally Disordered Offender, 7 CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW 79 (1982).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Psychosurgery: A Hazardous and Unestablished Treatment? A Case for the Importation of American Legal Safeguards to Great Britain, 8 J. OF SOCIAL WELFARE LAW 3 (1982).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Compulsory Treatment in Psychiatry: Some Reflections on Self-determination, Patient Competency and Professional Expertise, 7 POLY LAW REVIEW 86 (1982).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mental Handicap Policy in Great Britain: The Advent and Demise of the Institution, 10 MENTAL HANDICAP 39 (1982).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Observations on Consent to Treatment and Review of Clinical Judgment in Psychiatry: A Discussion Paper, 74 J. OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE 742 (1981).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Justifications for the Insanity Defence in Great Britain and the United States: The Conflicting Rationales of Morality and Compassion, 9 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW 100 (1981).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 44• Lawrence O. Gostin, International Year of Disabled Persons: The Institution in England and Wales, 5 AMICUS 24 (1980).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Ethical Considerations of Psychosurgery: The Unhappy Legacy of the Pre-frontal Lobotomy, 6 J. OF MEDICAL ETHICS 149 (1980).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Foreword to Symposium on the British White Paper, a Review of the Mental Health Act 1959, 2(2) INTERNATIONAL J. OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 127 (1979).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Merger of Incompetency and Certification: The Illustration of Unauthorized Medical Contact in the Psychiatric Context, 2(2) INTERNATIONAL J. OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 130 (1979).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Unimpeded Access to the Courts, 129 NEW L. J. 213 (1979).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Mental Health Series: Five Articles on Law and Psychiatry, J. OF THE LEGAL ACTION GROUP AUGUST 1970 – OCTOBER 1980 (1979).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Consent to Involuntary and Non-medically Indicated Sterilisation of Mentally Retarded Adults and Children, 29(3) THE CANADIAN J. ON MENTAL RETARDATION 10 (1979).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Draft Mental Health Act of Poland and the Mental Health Act of England and Wales Compared and Analysed, 1(2) INTERNATIONAL J. OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY 231 (1978).• Martin Lindauer & Lawrence O. Gostin, Autokinesis for Meaningful Stimuli and the Effect of Set, 369 JOURNAL OF PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS 79-86 (1973).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Right of a Mentally Handicapped Person to a Home, to Education and to Socialization: A Case for Exclusion from the Mental Health Act 1959, 6(2) APEX: THE J. OF THE INSTITUTE FOR MENTAL SUBNORMALITY 28 (1978).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Right of a Mentally Handicapped Child to Receive Education, 2 J. OF THE LONDON ASSOCIATION FOR THE DISABLED 7 (1977).• Lawrence O. Gostin, A Mental Patient’s Right to Vote, 2 POLY LAW REVIEW 17 (1976).• Stanley S. Herr & Lawrence O. Gostin, Volunteering Handicapped Children for Institutions -- A Case for Review, 27 OXFORD MED. J. 86 (1975).• Lawrence O. Gostin, The Freedom of Expression and its Application to the Mentally Disordered: Constitutional and Philosophical Perspectives, 50(3) NOTRE DAME LAWYER 419 (1975).• Lawrence O. Gostin, Constitutional Right to Free Communication of the Institutionalized Resident, 4 N.C. CENT. L.J. 1 (1974).SELECTED ACADEMIC TEACHING• China Health Law Professors Workshop, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2017• Director, Global Health LL.M, Georgetown Law• Director, Global Health and International Relations Joint LL.M, Georgetown University/ Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva)• Co-Director (with Prof. Jonathan Mann) Human Rights and International Health, U.S. Agency for International Development.• Director, In-House Reflection on Human Rights, World Health Organization, Geneva.• Director, The Dual Epidemics of AIDS and Tuberculosis: National Workshop for Federal and State Judges. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.• Course Director Commercializing Biomedical Technologies: Effective Collaboration Between Research Institutions and Industry: Harvard School of Public Health, co-sponsored by the Association of Biotechnology Companies, Association of Independent Research Institutions, the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, and the Bio Industry Association (U.K.).• Course Director Infectious Diseases in the Work place; and Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Work place, Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard AIDS Institute.• Course Director AIDS: The Legislative Agenda, National Center for Health Services Research, Courses for State Legislators. Health Law and Ethics in the Courts, National Judicial CollegeCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 45and the State Justice Institute (Courses for federal and state judges).SELECTED PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEES AND STRATEGIC PLANNING INITIATIVES• Steering Committee, The Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health (JALI), Southern African Regional Dialogue on Strategies for Accelerating and Unifying Campaigns for the Right to Health, Section 27 (Catalysts for Social Justice, incorporating the AIDS Law Project), Johannesburg, South Africa, 25-26 March 2011.• Ethics Alive, The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 21-24 March 2011.• Chair, WHO/IDLO, Public Health Law Expert Meeting, Rome, Italy, 26-28 April 2009, and Cairo, Egypt, 26-28 April 2010.• World Bank, A Framework Convention on Human Services for the CARICOM Region, 2009 – present.• WHO, Internet Ethics, Law and Policy: Consultation on the Use of Electronic Health Information for Public Health Purposes, Geneva, 17-18 December 2009.• CDC, National Action Plan for Obesity Prevention and Control (2008).• UNAIDS, Legal and Regulatory Self-Assessment Tool for Male Circumcision in Sub-Saharan Africa (2008) (Lead Drafter).• CDC, Recommendations for HIV/STD Partner Services (2008).• Chair, World Health Organization Committee on the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Public Health Interventions for Pandemic Influenza (2006-2007).• World Health Organization, Department of Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response (CSR), Project on the International Health Regulations (IHR): Recommendations on Potential Conflicts and Synergies between the draft revised IHR and applicable international law, Geneva, Switzerland (Summer 2004).• World Health Organization, WHO Resource Book on Mental Health, Human Rights, and Legislation, Editorial Committee (2005).• World Health Organization, Priority Public Health Interventions Before and During an Influenza Pandemic, Geneva, Switzerland (March 16-18, 2004).• World Health Organization, Mental Health and Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland (2003).• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Committee to Draft Guidelines on Health Care Workers Infected with HBV, HCV, or HIV, Atlanta, Georgia, (1998).• The President, Prime Minister and Chief Justice of India, Global Forum on HIV, Human Rights and the Law, and drafting of the “Delhi Declaration” (1997).• United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), International Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights (To draft international guidelines on human rights for persons living with HIV/AIDS), Geneva, Switzerland (September 23-25, 1996, Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights published by the United Nations Economic and Social Council: E/CN.4/1997/37).• United Hospital Fund, New York Academy of Medicine (Strategic planning for the tuberculosis epidemic, 1992).• World Health Organization, Guiding Principles for the Conduct of International Collaborative Research, Geneva, Switzerland (February 1-2, 1991).• U.S. Public Health Service, Consultation on International Research Ethics (to draft U.S. Public Health Service Policy on the Ethics of International Collaborative Research), Annapolis Maryland, (September 24-26, 1990).• U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Committee on the Revision of Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of HIV Infection in Women and their Infants, Atlanta, Georgia (August 1-2, 1990).• U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Committee to Evaluate the Strategic Plan for Research and Education to Reduce the Risk of HIV Transmission in Surgical and Obstetrical Settings, Atlanta, Georgia (April 18-19, 1990).• U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Committee to Review Draft PHS Guidelines for Counseling and Testing for HIV Infection in Acute Care Hospitals, Atlanta, Georgia (April 5-6, 1990).• Pan American Health Organization, Steering Committee for the Consultation on AIDS, Human Rights, Ethics and Law, Washington, D.C. (November 1-3, 1989, 1992 – 1994).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 46• World Health Organization, Criteria for HIV Screening Programmes, Geneva, Switzerland May 20-21, 1987).• National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA), U.S. Public Health Service, Assessment and Strategies for Mandatory Treatment of Drug Abusers, NIDA, Rockville, Maryland (1987).• World Health Organization Advisory Committee on Guidelines and Model Legislation on the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Dependent Persons, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts (December, 1985).LEGISLATIVE/PARLIAMENTARY ACTIVITIES• World Health Organization. Advancing the Right to Health: Law as a Tool for the Public’s Health, 2017.• World Health Organization, Western Pacific Region (WHO/WPRO), Expert Consultation on Global Health Law Reform, Manila, Philippines, 6-8 February, 2018.• World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), Expert Consultation on Law Reform to Combat Non-Communicable Diseases, 2015.• Testimony to the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce, “Examining the U.S. Public Health Response to the Zika Virus.” March 2, 2016.• U.S. Senate, “Curbing the Ebola Outbreak: Are We on the Right Track?” November 18, 2014.• The Public Health Law Manual. A Model Law for the Developing World in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the International Development Law Organization, 2011/12.• Briefing of the German Bundestag’s Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development on the Joint Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health, The Bundestag, Berlin, September 17, 2010.• Model State Emergency Health Powers Act to combat bioterrorism and other emerging health threats. Model Law drafted for the CDC in collaboration with the National Governors Association, National Association of Attorneys General, National Conference of State Legislatures, Association of State and TerritorialHealth Officials, and the National Association of City and County Health Officers, 2001/2002.• Model Public Health Act: The Public Health Statute Modernization Project. Drafted for a consortium of states and national organizations. Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson “Turning Point” Initiative, 2000-04.• Testimony on Pandemic Influenza (H5N1 Avian Influenza), U.S. House Committee on Armed Services, October 27th 2005.• Testimony on “SARS: The Impact on State and Local Jurisdictions,” U.S Senate Committee on Government Affairs, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, May 21st, 2003.• Briefing of the United States Senate on AIDS at the invitation of the Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, Robert Dole, and the Chairman of the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, Edward Kennedy, July 15, 1987.• Model State Health Information Privacy Act. Chaired national committee and principal drafter. Supported by the Department of Health and Human Services, 1999.• Secretary, All Party Parliamentary Mental Health Group, House of Commons/House of Lords, 1976-82.• Founder/Secretary, All Party Parliamentary Civil Liberties Group, House of Commons, 1985.• Addressed House of Commons Select Committee on the Mental Health Act, Hansard 29 April 1982, cols. 142-165.• Addressed House of Commons Home Affairs Committee, Evidence on the Special Branch, Hansard 12 December 1984.SELECTED LITIGATION• In the Supreme Court of the United States, Moore v Texas, Amicus Curiae, 2017 (holding that Texas cannot use outdated definition ofintellectual disability to determine whether death penalty can be imposed).CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 47• In the Supreme Court of the United States, Zubik v. Burwell, Amicus Curiae, 2016.• Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Expert Briefing on International Human Rights Standards Regarding Mental Health in Detention Facilities, August 2012.• Washington v. Glucksberg, 117 S. Ct. 2258 (1997) and Vacco v. Quill, 117 S. Ct. 2293 (1997). Amicus Curiae on Behalf of U.S. Law Professors.• Daubert v. Merrell Dow, U.S. Supreme Court 1993 Term. On the admissibility of scientific evidence in civil and criminal cases. Amicus Curiae for the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics.• New York Society of Surgeons v. Axelrod, Court of Appeals, State of New York’s highest court, 1991. Personal Amicus Brief with the Public Health Association of NYC and others on the side of the NYS Commissioner of Public Health.• International Union, United Auto Workers v. Johnson Controls, U.S. Supreme Court, 1991. American Society of Law & Medicine Amicus brief with the American Public Health Association and others arguing that a company “fetal protection” policy violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act as discriminatory to women.• X v. United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights, Judgment given November 5, 1981. The lead in a series of four landmark cases brought before the European Court. The Court found that the United Kingdom government had violated Article 5 of the European Convention of Human Rights requiring a periodic judicial review of detention. The United Kingdom government complied with the Court’s judgment by enactingthe Mental Health (Amendment) Act 1982. See publications of the European Court of Human• Rights, Series B: Pleadings, Oral Arguments and Documents, Vol. 41, 1980-82, Case of X v. the United Kingdom, Council of Europe, 1985.• Winterwerp v. The Netherlands, European Court of Human Rights, Judgment given October 24, 1979. The European Court found a violation under• 5 and 6 of the Convention which requires a determination by a court prior to the deprivation of a civil right. The European Court required a judicial competency hearing to be introduced by each member-state in the Council of Europe.• Clarke v. The United Kingdom, European Commission of Human Rights, Decision given May 1981. The case concerned seclusion and restraint. The European Commission held the case admissible under Article 3 of the Convention, which prohibits inhuman and degrading treatment. The omission adjudicated a settlement adopting detailed minimal standards for restraint and seclusion in the United Kingdom.• Ashingdane v. The United Kingdom, European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Judgment given 1985. Claim involving denial of access to the courts under the Mental Health Act. The European Court found no violation of Article 6 which proscribes denial of civil and political rights.• In re Calderstones Hospital, High Court (U.K.), July, 1984. Obtained the right to vote for institutionalized persons with mental illness and mental handicap in the United Kingdom.SELECTED NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTE ADDRESSES• Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Human Rights in Global Health, Chicago, March 8, 2019.• The 2017 Wyng-Hatton Distinguished Lecture, The Power of Law as a Tool for Health and Justice, Hong Kong, 8 November 2017.• “Movers and Shakers in Global Health: A Dialogue with Professor Lawrence O. Gostin & Dame Sally Davies,” University of Hong Kong, 7 November 2017.• Global Health Law Symposium, Guilin, China, July 2, 2017.• CDC Director, Distinguished Lecture, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, February 1, 2017.• Randolph W. Thrower Distinguished Lecture Celebrating the Centennial of Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA, February 2, 2017.• Marsilus Kolleg Keynote Address, Health for All by 2030, Heidelberg, Germany, 17 February 2017.• Georgetown University, Think Big: Answering the Defining Social Question: What is the Most Important Issue Facing Future Generations, October 8, 2016, available atCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 48• Children’s National Hospital Grand Rounds, Global Health Justice, Politics & Human Rights in the AIDS Pandemic, November 30, 2016, available at• Asia Launch of the Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future, Hong Kong, China, March 13, 2016.• Global Health Working Group, 2016 G7 Summit, Tokyo, Japan, December 16-17, 2015 (to prepare G7 Summit agenda hosted by Prime Minister Abe, Japan).• Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Priority Setting for Universal Health Coverage, January 30, 2016, Bangkok, Thailand. Welcome Dinner Keynote Debate: “This house believes that cost-effectiveness is more important than human rights for setting health priorities.” Debate winner advocating for human rights.• International Symposium on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Seoul National University, with WHO and CDC of Korea, December 14, 2015.• FDA Commissioner’s Global Health Leadership Lecture and Award, Food and Drug Administration, FDA, December 16, 2014.• Harvard School of Public Health, Dean’s Distinguished Lecture, “Global Health Law,” Harvard University, December 10, 2014.• United Nations and Global Colloquium of University Presidents, “The Sustainable Development Goals,” New York University, March 13-14, 2013, hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban ki Moon.• United Nations High Level Summit on NCDs, “Legal Capacity Building for the Prevention of NCDs,” Sponsored by Australia, Bulgaria, Italy, UNDP, and IDLO, United Nations, New York, September 20, 2011.• A Unified Post-MDG Global health Framework Through the Joint Action and Learning Initiative, Rockefeller Foundation Estate, Bellagio, Italy, February 20-24, 2012.• Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health, Delhi Consultation on Fair and Effective Global Governance for Health, Delhi, India, 2-4 May 2011.• Global health, Global Goods, and International Community, University of Manchester, 1-3 2011. World Cancer Congress, Plenary Address: Legislation, Litigation, and Regulation – The Untapped Potential of Public Health Law inCancer Control, Shenzhen, China, August 20th, 2010.• World Cancer Leaders’ Summit (WHO, World Economic Forum, Union of International Cancer Control), 19 August 2010, Shenzhen, China.• Sino-American Health Reform Forum: Role & Function of Law, Co-Chair, Tsinghua University Law School, August 15-16, 2010, Beijing, China.• Medico International, Health Justice—Worldwide, Berlin, September 17, 2010.• Central Commission of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Realising the Rights to Health and Development for All, Keynote Address: A Human Rights and Social Justice Strategy for Tackling Global Health, Climate Change, and Food Security – A Proposal for a Global Plan for Justice, Hanoi, 28 October 2009, available at and• “Examining the Global Health Arena: Strengths and Weaknesses of Convention Approach to Global Health” (International Consultation on Gostin proposal for a Framework Convention on Global Health), The Norwegian Directorate of Health, Oslo, Norway, 17th March 2010.• Distinguished Public Lecture, Global Health Beyond the Millennium Development Goals, University of Sydney, 6 August 2009; Australian National University, 21 August 2009; and University of Melbourne (Miegunyah Distinguished Lecture), 16 September 2009.• Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina (Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nacion), Keynote Address: The Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Persons with Mental Disabilities (Sponsored by the Argentine Supreme Court, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, and the World Health Organization), March 2008.• UNAIDS Mission on Male Circumcision in Sub-Saharan Africa, Mission to South Africa and Swaziland, July 2008.• University of Sydney and the Oxford Health Alliance, Keynote Address: A Systemic Assessment of Regulation for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, Sydney, Australia, February 2008.• Harvard Law School, Human Rights and Global Health, Cambridge, Mass. March 2008.• University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Keynote Address: Public Health Genomics: Law, Ethics, and Justice, Hong Kong, November 19, 2007.• Inaugural Lecture for the Investiture of the Linda D. and Timothy J. O’Neill Professor of GlobalCURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 49Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., April 19, 2007, available at:• World Bank, UNAIDS, and World Health Organization, “Global Health in the Age of AIDS: Challenges of Global Governance,” World Bank, Washington, D.C., November 28, 2006, In Commemoration of World AIDS Day.• Amnesty International Human Rights Lecture, “Old” and “New” Institutions for Persons with Mental Illness: Treatment, Punishment, or Preventive Confinement?, The Sheldonian Theater, Oxford University, January 18, 2007.• The Public Health Agency of Canada, Keynote Address: “The Role of Law in Advancing the Public’s Health.” Canadian Conference on the Public’s Health and the Law, Toronto, November 5, 2006.• University of Wales, Welsh Department of Health, and Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians, The Archie Cochrane Memorial Lecture “Law and the Population’s Health: Finding the ‘Common Good’ in Public Health Policy,” National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, November 2nd 2005.• European Union Presidency: Tackling Health Inequalities: Governing for Health Summit, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, 17-18 October 2005.• The World Congress on Public Health Law and International Congress on Medical Law, Keynote Address, Seoul, Korea, August 17-21, 2005.• Lecture Series in Public Health Law and Ethics, New Zealand: – University of Auckland and Ministry of Health, “Contemporary Issues in Public Health Law,” Keynote Address, April 21, 2005. – New Zealand Centre for Public Law, Victoria University of Wellington, “Biosecurity: From SARS and Influenza to Bioterrorism,” Public Lecture, April 26, 2005. University of Otago, “Genomics in Public Health,” Dunedin, April 28, 2005.• London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, “Legal Foundations of Public Health Law and its Role in Meeting Future Challenges,” London, February 16, 2005.• World Health Organization, International Human Rights Law & Mental Disability: Liberty, Dignity, Equality, Entitlement, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 July 2004.• National Health Law Conference: A Tribute to Prof. Bernard Dickens, University of Toronto, Canada, January 22nd, 2004, Keynote Address: “Ethical and Legal Challenges Posed by SARS:Implications for the Control of Severe Infectious Disease Threats.”• Australian National Centre for Law and Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, July 22nd, 2003 (Commemorating the Inauguration of the Australian National Centre of Public Health Law), Keynote Address: “Law and Ethics in Population Health.”• Nuffield Trust, Queen Elizabeth II Center, London, England, January 8th, 2004 (Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Public Health Act 1848), Keynote Address: “Health of the People: The Highest Law.”• World Health Organization, When Terrorism Threatens Health: How Far are Limitations on Human rights Justified?, Geneva, Switzerland, March 25, 2002. (This address was also delivered to the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford University, June, 2002).• Keynote Address for the International Conference on Electronic Patient Records in Medical Practice, 7-10 October 1998, World Trade Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.• Nancy Weaver Emerson Medical Ethics Lecture, Duke University, November 4, 1998, Durham, North Carolina.• First Distinguished Robert H. Levi Lecture in Bioethics and Public Policy, the Johns Hopkins University, April 24, 1998, Baltimore, Maryland.• Keynote Address for the Global Forum on HIV, Human Rights and the Law, October 1997, Delhi, India.• Workshop of Ministers of Health and Ministers of Justice from the Asian Region, AIDS Legislation, November 1996, Beijing, China.• Special Olympics, Should Difference Make a Difference? Yale University School of Law. Hartford, Conn., April 1995.• Commencement Address. State University of New York. Brockport, New York, May 1994.• Keynote Address for the Inauguration of the Health Law Institute. The University of Wales, Cardiff, March 1993.• US-USSR AIDS Symposium. Face-to-face meeting of scientists. US, Russia, Institute of Medicine, Soviet Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC, September 1990.• Psychiatry Without Asylums. 2000th Anniversary Celebration of the University of Bologna. Italy, October 20-22, 1988.• Japanese Psychiatric Assn/International Academy of Mental Health and Law. Human Rights in the Japanese Mental health System. Kyoto, Japan, January 30, 1987.CURRICULUM VITAE, LAWRENCE O. GOSTIN, P. 50• Human Rights, Children and AIDS. General Assembly of the United Nations. New York, April 15, 1988.• World Federation for Mental Health. Human Rights in Mental Health. London, England, June 1986.• International Federation of Human Rights, UNESCO. Racial Determinants in Immigration Policy. Paris, France, March 1984.• Royal Society of Medicine, Section of Neurology. Legal and Ethical Issues. London, England, May 6, 1982.• Law and Psychiatry III. Special edition of the Fourth International Congress on Law and Psychiatry. Pembroke College, Oxford University, England, July 19-22, 1979. Selected papers published in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 1980; 3(1):1.• The social and political use of psychiatry in an international perspective. Delivered to the Polish Psychiatric Association Congress on Psychiatric Legislation. Warsaw, Poland, June 3, 1978.• Social impediments to the phasing out of institutions in Europe. Delivered to the Italian Mental Health Services Conference. Psichiatri E Buon Governo. Arezzo, Italy, October 28 – November 4, 1979.• A critique of the proposed Mental Health Act of Poland. Delivered to the Second International Congress of Law and Psychiatry. Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 24, 1978.• Mental handicap hospitals and their alternatives. Delivered to the Royal Society of Health. London, England, Oct. 1977.SELECTED MAJOR GRANTS• Greenwall Foundation, Tobacco Control: FDA Powers and Duties, 2017-present.• European Union, GO-for-Health, advising Europe and the United Nations on the post-MDG world health agenda, 2012 – 2016.• United States Department of State, Democracy Building, Health System Reform in China, 2010 – 2014.• Rockefeller Foundation, A Global Campaign for a Framework Convention on Global Health, 2012 – 2015.• Federal Food and Drug Administration, Collaborating Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation (CERSI), 2011 – present, available at• The Bloomberg Foundation and Tobacco Free Kids, Global Tobacco Litigation, 2009 – present.• National Institutes of Health, Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of the Human Genome Project: Genetics: Legislation, Ethics, and Policy (competed).• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC Collaborating Center on Law & the Public’s Health, 2000 – 2010.• World Health Organization, The International Health Regulations: Trade, Arms, Human Rights, and the Environment, 2005.• Robert Wood Johnson, “Turning Point Public Health Statute Modernization” (subcontract with University of Washington, 2000-04).• Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Bioterrorism – Law and Policy (completed).• Bloomberg Foundation, Global Tobacco Litigation (with Tobacco Free Kids), 2008 – 09• Milbank Memorial Fund, The Migration and Recruitment of Health Care Workers: National and Global Perspectives, 2008 – 10.