Lesson 27- Cold War and Rosenberg Trial

After  WWII the rivalry between Western democracies and the Soviet Union led to the Cold War, an intense competition for global power and influence that lasted more than 40 years. The conflict was called a “cold” war because the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in intense military competition without ever fighting each other directly. 

In this lesson we will focus on the Rosenberg Trials and the Red Scare that took place during the Cold War.  During this lesson students will participate in a Mock Trial .  The trial will take place on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Students will also need to finish the themes by the end of this week if they have not done so yet.  Themes this week will be based on the Great Depression Time period.  

Copy of Copy of Copy of Copy of RTI TIME - outline
Copy of Copy of Copy of 8th Grade Daily Objectives
Individual grading
Prepare for Case