Lesson 24- WWII

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With the great cost of World War I still fresh in everyone’s mind, most people were not eager to return to conflict. As a result, Hitler’s and others’ dangerous dictatorships were allowed to develop virtually unchecked through much of the 1930s. Despite much of the world’s desire to avoid war, once the Berlin Summer Olympics had ended, Hitler and his allies continued their aggression, eventually leading to World War II.

One day this week students will examine Holocaust survivor testimonies as both personal memories and as deliberately-created historical records, and will evaluate how the Holocaust affected the lives of individuals, as well as the role of memory in our understanding of history.  This is part of Act 30 of Requiring the Holocaust and Other Genocides be taught in grades 5-12

During this lesson students will focus on causes and consequences of WWII.  Students will also be assigned an America is Great Project and start working on this. This will be due the next time I see them.  .  There will be a test on Friday.  Projects will be due the next time I see you in two weeks.  That will be the last week I see them, so projects must be completed on time.  

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