Step 1- Puzzle Piece

Events, big or small, can have an important impact on that time period and the future.  As you really start your research over the next couple of weeks, you need to focus in on what special event took place involving your topic. Although your eventual project will be much more than this, we must make sure your topic works.  This is the point in which you center your research to one event in time.  Questions: 

In the next 20 years, what is the most important change that you would like to see in America or Over the past 20 years, what has been the most important change in America?

Your assignment is to write several sentences on the main event of your project and prove the event took place.  This answer must do these five mandatory things...

1) Describe  ONE Change in America. 

2) Give a clear explanation that shows how this ONE Changed or Will Change America

3) Prove your event truly changed America or will change America. - Try to show both sides or point of views if possible.  All change has resistance.  

4) Back up your information and give credit where credit is due

5) Make it ready to place in your documentary,  Use proper grammer and correct writing.  

Remember to keep it that short. It should be no more than two paragraphs.  But after reading the couple of sentences I should understand the main idea and the relationship to the theme. So, choose your words and sentences carefully so that you don't ramble on and give too much information, or make your paragraph too long.

Be sure to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.  Make sure this paragraph is written in your own words as well.

USE the document I shared with you on google classroom called Puzzle Piece 1.  

Puzzle Piece Rubric Updated