Program Policies
Program Policies
To participate in Hawaii Online Courses, the following requirements must be met:
1. Student Orientation
All newly registered students must complete a mandatory Student Orientation course in the Canvas learning management system. This online training will guide students through the necessary skills to navigate the course. Once students are registered for a Hawaii Online Course (HOC), they will have access to the Student Orientation. Students must complete this requirement by the deadline specified in the registration email.
2. Hardware and Other Computer Requirements
The following are required:
Headset (Headphones and microphone).
High bandwidth connectivity (cable modem).
A computer that is no more than 3 years old.
A speedy computer that can also input and output sound.
See Technical Requirements for a complete detailed list.
3. Student Agreement Policy
By enrolling in an HOC course, you are agreeing to adhere to the HOC requirements stated in our Student Agreement,
Additionally, HOC expects students to follow the Acceptable Use Policy of their school.
4. Working Email Address
If a student does not have an email address, free email accounts are available from Google (Gmail) or Hotmail / Outlook.
Please do NOT create or use a Yahoo account for HOC courses. Mail from the Hawaii DOE gets filtered into Yahoo's Bulk Mail and you may miss part of the registration process.
5. Code of Conduct
HOC supports the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 8, Chapter 19 – Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews and Arrests, and Restitution for Vandalism and we uphold the Chapter 19, Subchapter 2, Student Misconduct during the Regular School Year, §8-19-6 Prohibited Student Conduct; Class Offenses. The prohibited conduct applies to all students in the public school system, on campus, or other department of education premises, on department of education transportation, or during a department of education sponsored activity or event on or off school property. However, the particular offenses of misconduct that should be emphasized for students who are enrolled in online courses are the following. Click here for a definition of the listed offenses and to view the Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 8, Chapter 19.
Class A offenses:
Terroristic threatening
Class B offenses:
Cyber bullying
Inappropriate or questionable uses, or both, of Internet materials or equipment
Class C offenses
Abusive language
All work submitted must be the student’s own work. If other resources are used, the student is required to cite sources. Cheating, plagiarism and other academic dishonesty are clearly a violation of this program’s policy. For more information, please reference Academic Integrity Violations in the Academic Integrity section of the HOC Student Parent Handbook. These types of behaviors are monitored in HOC and consequences are determined by the individual instructor which may include a failing grade for the course.
Cheating: Cheating is a false representation of a piece of work that you claim as ownership which includes (1) direct copying of another person’s work and taking credit for it or allowing others to copy information from your work to take credit as their own, and/or (2) having someone else do your assignments and assessments and claiming it as your own.
Plagiarism: Direct copying from any media including books, texts, graphics, music, website content, etc. without the proper citation is a copyright infringement.
6. Attendance
Even though there is no physical classroom to go to, you are expected to "attend" your HOC class regularly throughout the session by logging into and working on your course daily for at least 1 - 2 hours at a time. When you log into your class, you should check your course announcements, messages, and actively engage in course work. This may include activities such as reading articles, viewing videos, and participating on discussion boards. Your instructor is able to track the dates and amount of time you have spent in the course working on activities. Accelerated year courses and Advanced Placement courses may require you to spend more time in your course to complete activities.
7. Drop Policy
Effective school year 2016-2017, students will have up to 6 weeks after the start of the session to drop a course. For Year courses, this 6-week grace period occurs in the first semester only. Students of Year courses will not be allowed to drop classes during the second semester.
After 6 weeks, students may not drop the course. The student must remain in the course until the end of the session and receive the grade earned.
To drop a course during the 6-week grace period, please contact your School Site Facilitator or counselor as only your School Site Facilitator can perform the removal.