2025 Spring Registration

Spring Registration

November 14 at 8:30 a.m. - January 7 at 2:30 p.m.

Primary schools register students for courses. Please contact your school counselor to enroll. New students must pass the mandatory orientation or enrollment will be canceled. Students may take a maximum of two classes per semester.

Early Registration for Remote, Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Schools on November 3 at 8:30 a.m. 

From SB692
Remote school'' means any public school, as defined in section 302A-101, excluding a charter school governed by chapter 302D, that is a high school:
(1) Located at least a one-hour drive away from the next nearest public high school; or
(2) Located on the island of Lanai, Molokai, or Niihau; provided that if a high school is combined with an elementary, middle, intermediate, or other lower level of schooling, that the entire school shall be deemed a high school for the purposes of this subsection. 

Spring Semester Dates

January 15 - May 30



Students must be enrolled full-time in a Hawaii DOE or charter school in order to take Hawaii Online Courses (HOC).

HOC is a supplementary program provided by the Hawaii DOE. Secondary courses are offered to students free of charge during the school year. A designated School Site Facilitator is responsible for registering students for semester and yearlong courses. HOC during the summer may be fee-based.



Students taking HOC for the first time must complete the mandatory Student Orientation by the date specified in the registration confirmation. Students will be dropped from courses if they do not pass the Student Orientation.


If you already passed the Student Orientation, you do not need to complete this requirement again.


Students will have up to 6 weeks after the start of the session to drop a course. For year courses, this 6-week grace period occurs in the first semester only. After six weeks, students may not drop the course. Students must remain in the course until the end of the session and receive the grade earned. Grades will be posted to your official DOE transcript.