Hawaii Online Courses (HOC) FAQs
How does an online course work? Do I work at my own pace?
Hawaii Online Courses (HOC) students are guided through their courses by state-certified teachers. At any hour of the day, active students go to the https://canvas.k12.hi.us website, log into the class, work on assignments/projects, and then submit work to be graded. Teachers evaluate student work and send back grades and comments. Teachers and students also communicate with the course messaging tool to check on progress or answer questions. Students interact and collaborate with each other through blogs, discussion forums, virtual classrooms, and other communication tools offered in the course management system.
While students are welcome to work ahead, they must maintain a minimum pace to successfully complete the course.
How do I register to take a course through HOC during the school year?
To register to take a HOC online course during the school year (Fall, Year, or Spring), you must see your School Site Facilitator. Your School Site Facilitator will collect the necessary information from you and will input it into the registration system. When this is done, you will receive an email providing next-step instructions that include your username and password, how to log in to Canvas, how to do a browser check, and how to begin the required HOC student orientation training course. For first-time HOC students, successful completion is required for course access, see HOC Student Orientation Training section.
Enrollment into HOC online courses is based upon first come – first served. Sections of courses are limited to around 26 students for regular courses and 15 students for AP courses. The availability of courses and sections of courses is based on the availability of instructors to teach the courses.
How do I register for a HOC summer school course?
Online registration for summer school is done by parents and students through the HOC website: http://eschool.hidoe.us -> Registration -> Summer Registration.
Will HOC issue me an email account?
HOC will not provide you with an email account. You will need to secure your own email account for communicating with your instructor and fellow classmates. Remember, no YAHOO email accounts, please!
Why can't I use a Yahoo email account?
The "Bulk Mail" filter on Yahoo Mail appears to filter out mail from the Hawaii DOE as "Junk/Bulk Mail." This may cause an interruption in the HOC registration process. Also, you may not receive important information from HOC such as your login credentials and general HOC reminders / updates. We recommend using a Gmail or hotmail account.
How do I get my user name and password?
HOC will email you your username and password upon enrollment. For first-time HOC students, you will need to successfully complete the HOC Student Orientation Training course before the start of the session. Failure to do so will result in being dropped from the course. Remember, NO Yahoo email accounts, please.
How long will I have to complete a course?
All semester, year, and summer courses follow the same completion schedule as the regular public school courses.
What courses are offered?
Click here to see the current course offerings: http://eschool.hidoe.us -> Courses.
What textbooks and materials will I need to take my course and where do I get them?
Required course materials are provided in the Course Info section of your online course. In the beginning of the session, your teacher will instruct you on how to access the digital resources. Hardcopy resources will be distributed to you through your School Site Facilitator during the first two weeks after the start of the session.
Where can I find information about each course?
Before the session begins, go to the HOC website, http://eschool.hidoe.us -> Courses. Click on the course title in the Course listing. Each course title is linked. In the link you will find a description of the course, prerequisites, textbook(s) and materials needed, and any special software requirements. You will need to return the textbook, materials, and software to your School Site Facilitator at the end of the semester.
Where do I return my textbook(s) and materials at the end of the semester?
At the end of the semester, return the textbook, materials and/or software to the School Site Facilitator at your school.
Can I do HOC coursework at my local school?
Yes, depending on the school and scheduling situation, a school may provide a computer with Internet access during lunch, recess, before and after school. Speak to your School Site Facilitator for more information regarding availability and accessibility.
Who can I contact if I have technical issues with my course?
If you run into technical issues with your course, be sure to first contact your instructor so that your instructor knows why you may not be logging in or submitting assignments. Your instructor may be able to help you troubleshoot your problem. HVLN Support Center services are also available to assist you with technical Canvas-related issues: https://hvln.freshdesk.com/. Click here to submit a ticket. For some support cases, online conferencing may need to be scheduled with the user. The HVLN Support Team will make this determination and coordinate scheduling.