To register for any of the classes offered through the Granite Technical Institute, fill out this application - GTI APPLICATION.

The Career Center Coordinator will then help students determine whether additional information is required and will help facilitate the scheduling process. Please note that the student will NOT be enrolled in the classes they have chosen unless they turn in the application.

Take a virtual tour of the GTI program


The Department of Career and Technical Education in Granite School District has a well-earned reputation for providing high-quality programs that are targeted at high-demand industries. To further this focus, the Granite Technical Institute offers courses in Health Science. Technology & Engineering, Information Technology, Biotechnology, Culinary arts, Aviation, Agriculture and Home Building/Construction. The GTI offers classes in 2 period blocks only due to traveling time. Semester classes reward 1.00 credit and Year classes reward 2.00 credits.

The mission of the Granite Technical Institute is to support students in finding personal purpose, potential and a pathway to their future. This is accomplished by helping students achieve in their program and move seamlessly into further training and employment. Effort is made to directly align critical academic subjects with career and technical education courses, thus promoting real-world application of academic theory in such areas as Mathematics, Science, and English. In addition, articulation and collaboration with Salt Lake Community College and other post- secondary institutions makes the transition to post high school education easier for students. Clear pathways of training have been designed to support student growth from the 9th through the 12th grades. Courses being offered during the 2018-2019 school year are included in the pages that follow.

CE ** Concurrent Enrollment College Course - Many of the courses offered here at the GTI are concurrent college courses; 11th and 12th grade students can receive high school and college credit for successfully completing the course. It is the student’s responsibility to apply to Salt Lake Community College ($40), Weber State ($35), Utah Valley University ($30), Utah State University ($50) (fees are non-refundable) by August 20th. Students must also pay (to the college) a $5.00 fee per credit hour (non- refundable).

Busing will be provided for students twice daily from the student’s home high school to the GTI. All courses listed in this catalog will be taught at the Granite Technical Institute (2500 South State Street) unless otherwise specified. This schedule is designed to accommodate two-period block enrollments. Students interested in registering for these courses should see the Career Center Coordinator at their high school. 

GTI 2024.pdf
GTI Course Catalog 2023.pdf
GTI Classes Prerequisites (003)