World Languages


AP Spanish The Quest for Glory.mp4


Many colleges and universities require students to take 2 years of a World Language as an entrance requirement. 

American Sign Language (562800)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th

Fee: $0.00

This class teaches American Sign Language and gives instruction about deafness and the Deaf Community. Expressive and receptive skills are emphasized, as well as grammar and vocabulary. Students should be aware that they are frequently asked to sign in front of the class with skits and stories.

American Sign Language 2 (562840)

Length: Year

Available For: 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This is a second year of American Sign Language which continues to emphasize what is learned in ASL 1 and also emphasizes interpretation of English into ASL and more fluent use of the language. Students should be aware that they are frequently asked to sign in front of the class with skits and stories. Prerequisite: Passing grades of B or higher in American Sign Language 1. 

American Sign Language 3 (562870)

Length: Year

Available For: 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This class will continue in ASL language, emphasizing fluency, both in signing and reading signs. This class is meant for the serious ASL. Students should be aware that they are frequently asked to sign in front of the class with skits and stories. Prerequisite: Academic grades of B or higher, and citizenship grades of 3 or higher in ASL 1 & 2. 

Chinese 1 (561300)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th

Fee: $0.00

Chinese 1 is designed for beginning Chinese learners. Students will discuss topics closely related to their immediate life as well as the basic concepts including the Chinese phonetic system and Chinese character stroke order. Students will engage in speaking activities along with very limited amount of writing practices. Students will be introduced to Chinese cultural activities on national festivals.

Chinese 2 (561350)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

Chinese 2 is a continuation of Chinese 1. During this year, students will review Chinese 1 content before exploring new themes. In grammar, students will be able about to talk about events in the past and in the future. Students will still focus on developing speaking skills along with some writing practices. Students will be introduced Chinese school and family cultural activities. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Chinese 1 with a passing grade of C or higher. Approval: Bao 

Chinese 3 (561400)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

Chinese 3 is a continuation of Chinese 2 where students re-visit most of the themes saw in Chinese 1 and Chinese 2 with a wider range of vocabulary. Students will spend equal efforts on speaking and writing practices. Students will compare and contrast Chinese and American cultures on several aspects on life. Prerequisite: Chinese 2 with a passing grade of C or higher.  Approval: Bao 

Chinese 4 (561450)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

Chinese 4 is a continuation of Chinese 3. Students will advance their Chinese with extensive vocabulary and complex sentence structures based on dynamic scenarios. Students will compare and contrast Chinese and American cultures on more aspects of life. Prerequisite: Chinese 3 with a passing grade of C or higher. Approval: Bao 

Chinese 5 DLI (561470)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th

Fee: $0.00

Chinese 5 Honors is only for Chinese DLI students who have passed Chinese 4 Honors.  In this class, both the teacher and the students are required to use Chinese only in both speaking and writing. Students will learn Chinese and expand their cultural understanding through discussing several different aspects of Chinese life.  Prerequisite: Chinese 4 Honors with a passing grade of C or higher. For Dual Language Immersion (DLI) students only. Prerequisite: Chinese 4 DLI Honors (561810) Approval: Bao 

Chinese Pop Culture (CHIN 3118) (709020)

Length: Year

Available For: 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This course expolored the impact of traditional Chinese Legacy on the formation and transformation of modern Chinese cultural identity.  Students will have opportunities to use the knowledge learned in the course to interpret and negotiate various challenges and issues that they confront in their interaction with the Chinese language and culture.  By the end of the course, students will be able to listen to, read, and discuss familiar topics as well as some concrete social, academic, and professional topics.  Students will be able to utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) to converse freely, in detail and organized manner, about themselves and their experiences, and share their points of view in discussing complext cultural and contemporary issues.  They will be able to convey in writing their personal understanding and have partial ability to write a narrative description and summary of the matters in questions. Approval: Bao 

AP Chinese (561490)

Length: Year

Available For: 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

AP Chinese Test Fee: $95.00

This course is intended for qualified students in the final stages of their secondary school training who are interested in completing studies comparable in content and difficulty to a full-year course on Advanced Composition and Conversation at the college level. It also serves as an introduction to literature at the college level. Students who enroll should already have an effective command of grammar and considerable competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Many colleges grant up to 12 hours of credit to those who complete the course and pass the national AP examination satisfactorily.

Spanish 1 (561600)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th

Fee: $0.00

This course emphasizes the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will learn to express basic needs, greetings, likes and dislikes, to ask and answer questions, respond to directions and requests, and to exchange personal information and ideas. Students will compare their culture with various Spanish speaking cultures. This course is taught primarily in Spanish. This class is not for Spanish speakers. (El curso no es para hispanoblantes.) Approval required.

Spanish 2 (561650)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This course continues the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Spanish. Students will learn to respond to target language information encountered in daily life, narrate events, explain a process, produce formal and informal written communication, analyze cultural differences, and explore Spanish visual arts, literature, music, drama, history, and geography. This course is primarily taught in Spanish. This class is not for Spanish speakers. (El curso no es para hispanoblantes.)  Prerequisite: Spanish 1 with a passing grade of C or higher. Approval Required. 

Spanish 3 (561700)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This course is a thorough review and extension of all material learned in the first two levels, with emphasis on proficiency of complex oral and written communication. Students will be able to use complex structures to analyze cultural diversity, discuss geographic, economic, political, and historical factors affecting target cultures, and explore visual arts to understand cultural perspectives. This course is taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 2 with a passing grade of C or higher. Approval Required.  

Spanish 4 (561800)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

This course is a thorough review and extension of all material learned in the first three levels with emphasis on proficiency of complex oral and written communication. This course prepares students for AP Spanish. Students will continue to use complex structures to analyze cultural diversity, discuss geographic, economic, political, and historical factors affecting target cultures, and  explore visual arts to understand cultural perspectives. This course is taught in Spanish. Prerequisite: Spanish 3 with a passing grade of B or higher. Hispanohablantes bienvenidos. Approval Required.  

AP Spanish Language and Culture (561860)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

AP Spanish Language and Culture Test Fee: $95.00

The AP Course in Spanish is designed to parallel the skill development of a third-year college Spanish course in advanced composition and conversation. Students who enroll should already have a reasonable proficiency in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will use the language to analyze complex themes and discuss real world issues. At the completion of the course the student is expected to be able to take and pass the AP Spanish Language exam/or challenge the college departmental placement exam for credit. This course is taught in Spanish. Hispanohablantes bienvendios.