English Language Arts



Students should choose English courses wisely and consider graduation requirements as well as their college and university preparation. Utah State Core Curriculum provides the guidelines for selecting materials and developing objectives for high school level language arts course work. The College Board provides the curricular guidelines for the college and university credit courses.  All classes will include instruction and course work in writing, reading, listening, speaking and viewing. 

4.0 Credits required for graduation

English 9 Core (567000)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th

Fee: $0.00

In this English 9 course, you will review concepts from your middle school years and be introduced to new ones. You will practice writing, critical reading, speaking, and listening, which will prepare you for all your following years of high school English. You will also be reading a variety of engaging literary and informational texts; these will provide you with the opportunity to practice your critical-thinking skills.  

English 9 Honors (568100)

Length: Year

Available For: 9th

Fee: $0.00

As a student in ninth grade Honors English you will improve your critical thinking and writing skills to gain insight into yourself, the world, and the power of language. Analysis, drafting, revision, and evaluation will prepare you for more intensive writing in future Honors English classes. You should know that this class will cover a considerable amount of material at a brisk pace, but it will also provide you with the opportunity to participate in activities and projects that you may not ordinarily encounter in an English class.

English 10 Core (568500)

Length: Year

Available For: 10th

Fee: $0.00

In today’s world, it is critical that high school students learn and reason in ways that will make them competent and contributing members of society.  In English 10 Core, students will actively engage in activities that will strengthen essential communication skills such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, and collaborating with others by using various strategies that can transfer to other areas of life as well. We focus on linking literature to your experience and the world. 

English 10 Honors (568600)

Length: Year

Available For: 10th

Fee: $0.00

Express and stretch yourself! English 10 Honors is for those students who are ready and willing to experience diverse literature, write extensively, and develop critical-thinking skills. You will have the opportunity to work with other students who are also ready to push themselves academically, as this class is preparation for future AP courses. You should know that this class will cover a considerable amount of material at a brisk pace, but it will also provide you with the opportunity to participate in activities and projects that you may not ordinarily encounter in an English class.

English 11 Core (568900)

Length: Year

Available For: 11th

Fee: $0.00

Learning to read intelligently, listen compassionately, and express yourself will benefit you no matter what you decide to do after high school. In English 11 we will read widely, both whole-class and choice texts. We will also write informatively, argumentatively, and expressively on topics that are important to you. We will hold discussions and debates on a variety of relevant topics. Through all of these activities, we will further our collective understanding of language, the world around us, literature, and ourselves.

AP English Language (569150)

Length: Year

Available For: 11th, 12th

AP English Language/Composition Test Fee: $96.00

The tagline of this course could be “Everything is an argument.” AP English Language and Composition is a college-level course concerned with the persuasive, argumentative dimension of language. In other words, students learn how to argue their way out of a speeding ticket, how to recognize the manipulative tactics of advertisers, and how to persuade an audience of just about anything under the sun. The course offers an opportunity to earn college credit by taking the AP test in May, but that is nothing compared to the fun we have reading, writing, discussing, and debating all year.

English 12 Core (569010)

Length: Year

Available For: 12th

Fee: $0.00

Learning to read intelligently, listen compassionately, and express yourself will benefit you no matter what you decide to do after high school. In English 11 we will read widely, both whole-class and choice texts. We will also write informatively, argumentatively, and expressively on topics that are important to you. We will hold discussions and debates on a variety of relevant topics. Through all of these activities, we will further our collective understanding of language, the world around us, literature, and ourselves.

English 1010 CE (708101)

Length: Semester

Available For: 12th

Fee: $5.00 per credit hour

Successful completion (C grade or better) of English 1010 - Intro to Writing- will allow you to earn three (3) college credits while still in high school. You will develop critical literacies (reading, writing, and thinking) by studying your own writing and the writing of others. This course will also promote your awareness of rhetorical strategies as they apply to a variety of socio-cultural contexts.

Expository Writing II CE ENGL 2010 (708141)

Length: Semester

Available For: 12th

Fee: $5.00 per credit hour

Successful completion (C grade or better) of English 2010 - Expository Writing- will allow you to earn three (3) college credits while still in high school. English 2010--Intermediate Writing extends principles of rhetorical awareness and knowledge making introduced in English 1010, and interrogates socioeconomic and political issues.  Must have passed English 1010 CE with a grade of C or higher and/or passed the AP English Language exam with a 3 or higher to enroll.

AP English Literature (569100)

Length: Year

Available For: 12th

AP English Literature/Composition Test Fee: $96.00

The study of literature is really the study of human beings. Students in AP Lit learn to read closely and think analytically about text--not merely to understand poetry or fiction better, but to understand people better. We don’t “just” read and write (although there is plenty of that!): we study language, motive, conflict, theme, and symbols...and we have fun doing it! This class prepares you for the rigor of college-level reading and writing AND if you pass the AP test at the end of the year, you already have college credit before graduating from high school--which makes all the homework you’ll be doing worth it!   


Creative Writing (569351)

Length: Semester

Available For: 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

Attention, future authors! Want the skills to write the next big best-seller? Come join us as we analyze literary models of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, horror, romantic comedies, and humor. We work together to polish our writing through peer review and discussion. Our goals for this class are in-depth explorations of genre with publishing and performing your own writing.

Creative Writing II (569352)

Length: Semester

Available For: 11th, 12th

Fee: $0.00

In this advanced, workshop-based course, students will design personalized, extended writing projects like novels, short story collections, screenplays, and...anything else they can dream up! The class will also collaborate to design and publish a literary magazine, highlighting the brilliance of Cottonwood writers of all ages. Come get creative! (Creative Writing II is only available to students who have completed and passed Creative Writing I.) ONLY COUNTS AS ELECTIVE CREDIT.