Sam's Good-bye Lesson

Lesson for the week of May 18th

I enjoyed my time at Hartvigsen with you all so much! This lesson talks about emotions that may come with saying goodbye and different socially appropriate ways to say goodbye. Most importantly, it will help provide closure for myself and all you wonderful Hartvigsen students.



¡Disfruté mucho de mi tiempo en Hartvigsen con todos ustedes! Esta lección habla sobre las emociones que pueden venir al decir adiós y las diferentes formas socialmente apropiadas de decir adiós. Lo más importante, ayudará a proporcionar un cierre para mí y para todos ustedes, maravillosos estudiantes de Hartvigsen.



There are a lot of different ways saying goodbye can make us feel.

Hay muchas maneras diferentes de decir adiós puede hacernos sentir.

We can say goodbye in different ways using our voices or actions.

Podemos despedirnos de diferentes maneras usando nuestras voces o acciones.

I wrote a song for you to help me say goodbye. Thank you so much, Hartvigsen!

Escribí una canción para que me ayudes a decir adiós. Muchas gracias, Hartvigsen!

Content Learning Objective: ELA 2Ib. Respond appropriately to a presentation or to media: answer questions, EXPRESS EMOTIONS, share an idea, or summarize key idea.

Listening: Students will listen to songs and instructions.

Reading: Students will touch, underline, visually orient to, or use AC or their voice to read repeated word “bye.”

Speaking: Students will sign or use voice to say goodbye” or “bye”