Class Blog

Welcome to the Hartvigsen Music Class Blog

In an effort to create a way for me to increase communication with my students and their families, I have started a blog. It is my hope that it will contain helpful information about what our students are doing, provide supports for work at home, communicate our class values, and celebrate our students' achievements. Feel free to communicate with me by double clicking in a blog, or through my email listed above.

Thoughts on the New Year

December 28, 2020 blog

Over the last few weeks I've been the recipient of numerous acts of kindness and service. I am most grateful for all the help and love given. This prompted me to think about the resultant joy I felt. Knowing that we soon will have a music lesson revolving around New Year Resolutions, I have developed a few for myself.

  1. Look for the good in situations and in people

  2. Be Kind

  3. Give service

  4. Express Gratitude

  5. Learn new things

My goal is that these resolutions will carry over to our classroom culture. I hope my students will learn from me the value of these resolutions for our class, and for their lives.

Festivities Bring Families Together

December 22, 2020 blog

If you are like me, being with family is what the holidays are all about! Of course, I love the music that comes from all the holidays. I hope that you have spent some time watching our Diwali, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, and Boxing day videos on the Google Classroom site. If not, there is still time.

As I thought of what to blog about, I wanted to share some resources with you, that could be used by families over the holidays. I am providing links below to some of my family's favorites.

Which ever holiday you are celebrating, may you and yours be protected, healthy, and filled with love.

Our family loves to see who can guess the songs first. We play this game both from listening, and from pictures.