Helpful websites

The RGS website has lots of information on why we should study geography, what GIS is, what careers geography can lead to and more!

Stay in and explore the world from the comfort of your own home. There are quizzes, videos and information on a wide range of topics.

BBC bitesize is a great place to go to get help with revision on many of your school subjects as well as extend your geographical knowledge.

The National geographic has an interactive map for you to make your own maps and well as information and videos on a range of topics from across the globe.

The Fair trade website has lots of different activities, videos and games.

Earth school by Ted ED has 30 quests for students around the world to celebrate, explore and connect with nature. Why not give them a try?

The Earth museum has lots of free virtual journeys across the globe, including a page made by the current Year 7 at Bay House and Brune Park.

The Oak Academy website for geography has lots of units that you do in school and units to help you extend your knowledge beyond your school curriculum.

Geography games

Have you ever wondered why some places get affected badly by natural disasters and others do not? Play this game to find out why and how they can protect!

The World geographic website has a range of games you can play for free on countries to oceans.

The National geographic website has a range of activities you can do from home.

This website has lots of great geography map games for you to play at home.

This website allows you to explore ecosystems around our globe.

This website is all about collecting data and has comics, quizzes and games.

Many zoos around the world have set up webcams in the animal enclosures so you can now watch your favourite animals if you are lucky enough to log on when they are awake!

How do these clubs link to Gosport futures?

What careers can an interest in geography lead you to?

Landscape architect

Landscape architects plan, design, create and manage the landscapes we live and work in.

Town planner

Town planners help shape the way towns and cities develop, and balance the demands on land with the needs of the community.

Civil drafter

Prepare drawings and topographical and relief maps used in civil engineering projects, such as highways, bridges, pipelines, flood control projects, and water and sewerage control systems.

Rural surveyor

Rural surveyors value the assets of farms and estates, advise clients on legal and tax issues, and plan and develop land use.