Drama club

Watch Shakespeare from home

Drama club challenges

Challenge 1:

Pick a well known story of your choice.

Then re-write the ending so it is different from the original!

Challenge 2:

Write a short play centred around the idea of dreams.

Challenge 3:

Pick a famous character (e.g. Cinderella) and write a monologue that describes how they are feeling at a particular time.

Challenge 4:

Write a review of a play or show you have seen. How many stars would you give it and why?

How do these clubs link to Gosport futures?

What careers could an interest in drama club lead to?


Actors use speech, movement and expression to bring characters to life in theatre, film, television and radio.

Circus performer

Circus performers entertain audiences with displays of skills like acrobatics and clowning.

Prop maker

Prop makers create objects for use in films, TV programmes and the theatre.

TV or film production runner

Film and TV runners work behind the scenes, doing small jobs and basic tasks to help the production run smoothly.