Food and nutrition clubs

Mr Bloxsom you tube channel

Mr Bloxham has his very own you tube channel where you can find tutorials on how to bake and cook lots of different recipes. Why not give it a watch and share any recipes you use on our google classroom pages.

Create and cook website

This website is aimed at young adults and has loads of recipes you can access for free to try from home. They also every year a run competition that you can take part in.

recipes to use at home

This website also runs annual competitions you can enter and has a whole host of different recipes you can access for free.

Food and nutrition at the gfm in the news

What careers could an interest in food and nutrition lead to?

Dietetic technician

Plan and produce meals based on established guidelines, teach principles of food and nutrition, or counsel individuals.

Kitchen assistant

Kitchen assistants prepare food, make sure chefs have everything they need, and keep the kitchen clean.

Restaurant manager

Restaurant managers oversee their venues and make sure customers are satisfied with the food and service.

Catering manager

Catering managers are responsible for running the food service of organisations or outside suppliers.