ECO Club

Environmental quizzes from sustrans -

Why not develop your problem solving and staying positive skills by having a go and these quizzes.


  • If you want to find out how much you damage the environment, you can complete the WWF quiz below.

  • The Eco Club also has a padlet where they discuss how to improve our school environment. Feel free to add any ideas you may have to make our schools more environmentally friendly.

  • The Eco Club has a pledge page where you can leave a pledge on how you will help the environment.

  • Eco Club poster competition: Create some posters to go up around school to encourage people to be more eco friendly! It could be about turning lights off, recycling, not dropping litter or something else all together! Email your posters to

Make your own bug hotel: Miss Hall and Miss Hyde who run the Eco Club across both our Secondary Phase Schools, have make a video showing you how to make a bug hotel. If you make your own bug hotel why not send us a picture or place it on the Eco Club padlet.

What subjects does this link to?





Eco Schools Website

The Eco School website has a range of activities and competitions for you to take part in. You will need to keep a close eye on the website however, as some of the deadlines can be short.

If you take part in any of the competitions let us know and we can celebrate that in eco council next year!

Brune Park have our bronze award and we are working towards out silver award. If you are interested in helping, email

Bay House are working to get our bronze award. The next step is to set up an eco board at school and create our eco council- we need people from all year groups so if you are interested in helping email

Environmental Art Club

  • Week 1 of Environmental art used lollipop sticks to make jewellery. You can find the instructions on how to make lollipop art below.

Keep Britain Tidy Website

The Keep Britain Tidy has lot of advice and pledges you can do at home to help support the fight against litter.

See what it is about below and if you make a pledge let us know!

Protect our Oceans

  • World Ocean day was back in June but the Eco Club would still love to see your posters, poems or stories about why we should protect our oceans. You can submit your entries to or upload them directly to the Ocean padlet below. If you need some help on why we need to protect our oceans watch the YouTube video opposite.

Random Acts of Wildlife

Random acts of wildness challenges - Below are four weeks worth of the Wildlife trusts #30 days of wild challenge. If you complete any of the wildlife tasks why not take a picture and send to OR tag us on Instagram at GFM_clubs.

Have you ever wondered what the name of a bird was that landed in your garden or local park? Well you can use this website to find out what its name is and facts about it.

You can learn more about wildlife in the UK by using the Wildlife Trust website. There is a huge range of information on here. For example do you know what a slow worm is?

Discover the Wild has lots of picture guides to help you identify different species of birds, insects and plants. Next time you go on a walk what can you spot?

The Royal horticulture (gardening) society has lots of how to guide on how to start your first garden up or maintain a garden and grow food!

Zooniverse has a series of projects that they need help with. There are a wide range of different projects you can get involved with.

The Woodland Trust have lots of great information on trees, including an A-Z guide to different species!

What careers could an interest in the environment lead to?

Rural Surveyor

Rural Surveyors value the assets of farms and estates, advise clients on legal and tax issues, and plan and develop land use.

Transport Manager

Transport Managers help make sure everything runs smoothly with public transport, from trains to buses to ferries.


Ecologists study the relationship between plants, animals and the environment.


Zookeepers look after animals in zoos, safari parks and aquariums.

what is an ecobrick?

An ecobrick is a plastic bottle stuffed tightly with used plastic to make a reusable building block. All plastic needs to be washed and dry before it is packed into the bottle.

Start saving used plastic- make sure you clean it if it is dirty- and a clean 500ml plastic bottle with the cap. You also need a stick to squash the plastic down.

Pack the plastic you save tightly into it. It could be in a pattern of colours, it can be lots of different types. Use the stick to push it down and make sure it is tightly packed.

Put the lid on your ecobrick and weigh it- a 500ml bottle needs to be at least 167g. Then, bring it into school and give it to Miss Hall or your geography teacher ready for our project!