Quizzing club

Bingo Club

You can now play our bingo club from your own home!

Watch the videos below to see the rules, characters and clues.

You can submit your bingo grids to clubsandsocietiesadmin@gfmat.org

Animal and Top 40 songs bingo

Bingo club Sept

Roald Dahl and Harry Potter Bingo

Year 6 Bingo club

Disney and Marvel Bingo

Disney and Marvel


  • Activities, animations, and quizzes with a focus on learning through fun for all subject areas.

  • You will need a login for this website which you can find on google classroom.

Gosport futures quiz

Below is a quiz based on each of the Gosport futures and an answer sheet!

Sporcle Quizzes

The website sprocle has a huge range of different quizzes, puzzles and problem solving exercises for you to have a go at.

How do quizzes link to Gosport futures?

What careers could an interest in quizzes lead to?

Management consultant

Management consultants help organisations solve problems and improve efficiency


Mathematicians use their skills to understand and further develop mathematical theories, analyse data, and solve problems.


Solicitors advise clients about the law and act on their behalf in legal matters.

TV presenter

TV presenters work in television, introducing and hosting programmes, interviewing people and reporting on issues and events.